
Fanfic Stories

I can’t write I try all the time but I can create the back story so I want some on to take the stuff from my mind and turn them into a fanfic please tag me

Hentai_God56 · TV
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29 Chs

Cobra Kai:Bonus

The screen is dark as a voiceover begins to speak]

"In a world where karate reigns supreme, one man has been given a second chance to live his dream."

[The screen fades in to show a man lying in a hospital bed, with machines beeping in the background]

"When John died, he thought it was all over. But fate had other plans."

[Suddenly, the man's eyes snap open and he sits up, gasping for air]

John has been reincarnated in the world of Cobra Kai, as a karate teacher with a powerful system."

[The screen shows John standing in the dojo, surrounded by eager students]

"Using his knowledge of martial arts and the lessons he learned in his past life, John is determined to help his students become the best they can be."

[The scene shifts to John sparring with a student, his movements lightning-fast and precise

But with rival schools and dangerous enemies lurking around every corner, John must use all of his skills and the power of his system to protect his students and keep them on the path to success."

[The screen fades to black as John's voiceover echoes in the background]

"This is not just about karate. It's about life. And I intend to teach my students how to win at both."