
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 131: Gradual Conclusion

Just as members of the Third department hurriedly came out of the house and drove to confirm the stolen money.

In the black Porsche 356A, Gin watched the movements of the police officers in the apartment and frowned, muttering coldly, "Let's go, Vodka."

"Boss, what about the money? Didn't you say that with Akemi Miyano's personality, even if she escapes, she would most likely hand over the money to the police?" Vodka asked, somewhat puzzled by Gin's command.

"Didn't you see those police officers rushing out in a panic? I'm afraid they have already found out where the money is."

Gin watched the police car disappear from sight and said calmly, "It seems there are smart people in the police department too. We won't be able to get the money."

"So what do we do next?"

Vodka also knew that since the police had the money, there was no longer an opportunity. He looked at Gin and asked.

"We have more important things to do. Since we can't get it, there's no point in wasting any more time," Gin said coldly. "It's just one billion yen. Even if we don't get it, it's fine."

Since Akemi Miyano disappeared yesterday, the organization immediately went into action.

The short and thin men responsible for tracking obediently confessed the entire tracking process, and ultimately Gin concluded that there was probably a mysterious organization that had contacted her in advance.

Furthermore, Gin deduced that they had probably given Akemi Miyano a disguise, which allowed her to confidently bypass the surveillance of the two men at the door.

Regarding this situation, it is just as the short man had thought, although the two men were punished, they managed to save their lives.

After all, the sudden appearance of the mysterious organization rescuing Akemi Miyano was unexpected and proved that the organization was being targeted and they had planned in advance.

Upon receiving this information, the organization immediately began to act, with a terrifying undercurrent surging in an attempt to find the missing Akemi Miyano.

But unfortunately, as expected, they were well-prepared and had concealed Akemi Miyano's tracks without any loopholes. It was likely that she had even left the country by now.

There was no way to track the whereabouts of a skilled master of disguise. With Vermouth as an example, the organization pursued and searched but ultimately chose to give up.

Although Akemi Miyano had escaped,

Gin was somewhat confident that she would return the stolen one billion yen to the police. He understood that woman and her boring sense of kindness would lead her to make that choice.

But unfortunately, not all the police were useless. Judging from the recent situation, they probably found the location where the money was left.

Giving up on one billion yen was not a big deal for Gin. After all, that money was originally just a part of Akemi Miyano's "disposal."

Currently, police were already in action upon hearing the news. They were desperate to find clues, so there's no need to snatch it from the tiger's mouth.

Moreover, even if a peripheral member like Akemi Miyano had escaped, she was just a minor figure and didn't know much about their organization . Even if she had fallen into the hands of that organization, it wouldn't be a big loss since they more or less knew about the organization's existence.

What mattered now was Shiho Miyano. Akemi Miyano's disappearance must absolutely not be known to her. Even if she was told that Akemi Miyano had died, she must not find out that she had disappeared.

They needed to use her, continue her research on the drug, and at the same time, she was the best bait to uncover Akemi Miyano and the organization behind her.

She was able to cooperate and escape like this. I'm afraid the organization behind her must have agreed to some conditions. It's not difficult to imagine.

When the time comes, we'll lure them out and catch them all, letting them know that their organization is not to be messed with.

Thinking of this, Gin revealed a cruel smile.

"Ah, Akemi..."


In a rush, they reached the rented safe deposit box of the key they found, and the group nervously opened the door of the safe deposit box.

Inside were two suitcases containing bundles of cash, and as they opened them, the sight of the money made everyone's eyes widen.

"We really found it!"

"That's fantastic!"

"Headquarters, headquarters!! The one billion yen stolen by the criminals has been found. We are currently counting and confirming the amount!"

Upon hearing this good news, the top brass of the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but feel uplifted.

Even if they didn't catch the criminals, as long as they found the money, the police achieved half of their success and wouldn't lose face.

As for the remaining criminals, they could be slowly pursued and apprehended~

On the other hand, Takagi, as the person who found the key, naturally received a reward, and the same went for the Third department. As for Senichi, who had come up with the reasoning early on, his credit couldn't be denied.

That's just how reality is.

If you succeed, it's called deduction; if you can't, it's called speculation. It's a word game that everyone knows how to play.

After recovering the one billion yen, the police also officially announced Senichi's deduction to the media, stating that Masami Hirota had been silenced.

As for the trace of the mastermind behind the scenes, although it was extremely difficult to track, the Metropolitan Police Department would do its best to pursue it. Recovering the stolen money was already a significant victory in itself.

Considering the situation at the Metropolitan Police Department, it was impossible to continue the investigation. The criminals had vanished without a trace, leaving no clues. Whether there was a mastermind behind them was still unknown.

Fortunately, now that the money had been recovered, there was some closure. The rest could only be handled coldly.

After the case concluded, life returned to calm once again.

With the passage of time, Saburo Sakurada had already received inquiries and his marriage proceeded smoothly.

Afterward, Akemi's residency was merged with Saburo Sakurada's residency and entered into the electronic registry system.

After completing this matter, two more days passed, and Saburo Sakurada's expedited passport application came through. With the help of Kudo Yukiko, who had already arranged his work visa, Senichi personally sent Saburo Sakurada off on the plane.

On the other hand, Seiji Asoh also made a change by cutting his long hair into a short style.

Now, no matter who looked at him, they would only see an attractive young boy and no longer mistake him for a girl.

This was still due to Senichi requesting him to keep his long hair for a while after the Moon Shadow Island incident. Otherwise, he would have bid farewell to his past and cut his hair long ago.

And on, all Senichi needed to do was provide a disguise mask for Akemi Miyano and make some slight changes, so that the two of them would appear significantly different in appearance.

Although there would still be similarities between them, it wouldn't be so easy for people to suspect, because the first thing people judge upon seeing someone is their gender.

The difference in gender would distinguish them as separate individuals, at most being said to resemble each other. And this also had a prerequisite that someone had seen both of them.


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