
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 130: Self-Directed Performance

About Seiji Asoh's experiences, it can be said that he has seen many ups and downs in life.

His entire family died in a fire when he was young, leaving him alone. After completing his studies, he learned the truth and began to plan his revenge quietly.

However, he is fundamentally a kind-hearted person.

Not the kind of person who says, "I commit murder and arson, but deep down I know I'm a good kid."

He even felt immense pain during his revenge and sent a letter to Kogoro Mouri, hoping that he would stop him.

If it weren't for Senichi's appearance, which changed his destiny, he would have chosen suicide after completing his revenge.

That's why Senichi chose to seek his help. It was not only because he owed him, but more importantly, because Seiji Asoh was trustworthy.

In this matter, a great deal of trust was required between both parties.

Seiji Asoh had to trust that Senichi wasn't using this identity to do anything malicious but rather to help people in need, just like himself.

And Senichi had to trust that Seiji Asoh wouldn't be curious and dig deeper, which could add unnecessary risks.

Based on this foundation, combined with the ready-made identity of "Asai Narumi," this plan was formulated.

If it weren't for this, even with the favor owed and the convenient condition of taking the identity of Asai Narumi, Senichi wouldn't have chosen Seiji Asoh's help and would have devised an alternative plan.

Naturally, even though Seiji Asoh had been a great help, Senichi didn't want to involve him any further. The less he knew, the safer it would be. Seiji Asoh had already done a lot, and it was important not to expose him to any unnecessary dangerous information.

After having a meal together, the two bid farewell once again, and Seiji Asoh returned to his daily life.

All he needed to do was assume the identity of the woman he previously impersonated and submit an application.

As for everything else, he knew nothing and had no intention of investigating.

Meanwhile, Senichi continued his daily work, tracking the "One Billion Yen Robbery'' and keeping an eye on the progress of Sakura Saboro's case. In addition, he helped him with obtaining a passport, preparing for Saboro to leave once everything was done.

The script was basically written.

Now it was a matter of following it through.


On the other side.

Knowing that the "Winery" wouldn't give up easily, Senichi was constantly vigilant about whether anyone was monitoring the movements of the police.

Under this premise, Senichi keenly noticed that Masami Hirota's residence was being closely watched since the day she disappeared.

As for why Senichi could be so certain, it was because the vehicle "black Porsche 356A" was seen around the house!!

Could Senichi not recognize that the Winery's model employee was personally involved?!

That black trench coat, the flowing long hair, the cigarette dangling from the mouth, and the square-faced henchmen in suits and sunglasses behind him, all confirmed the person's identity.

He pretended to be a resident of the apartment and passed by, but Senichi still recognized them based on their distinctive characteristics.

This made him a little uneasy, not because of encountering this dangerous person, but because of the key.

Although Conan had previously found the bank key, in order to implement the plan and return the stolen money, Conan had put it back behind the socket.

At the same time, he moved the desk to the side, directly covering the switch that concealed the key on the wall.

On the day the plan to save Akemi Miyano was launched and Akemi Miyano disappeared, it caused a stir not only in the Black Organization but also in the police department.

Faced with the mysterious disappearance of "Masami Hirota," the police generally believed that she had double-crossed and killed two accomplices and fled with the money.

However, at this time, Senichi stood up at the emergency meeting that day and proposed an alternative hypothesis, that there was actually someone behind Masami Hirota, and her disappearance was also a result of a double-cross within the organization.

Afterward, Senichi brought out the clues left at the crime scene and believed that these pieces of evidence were too obvious as a setup.

He also speculated that Masami Hirota might have known this, which led to her mysterious disappearance, or she might have been silenced.

Even though the police department was reluctant to believe this judgment, a shadow was cast in their hearts.

If that was indeed the case, then it was highly likely that this large sum of money could not be traced back.

However, Senichi also put forward his own judgment, speculating that there was a greater possibility that Masami Hirota was killed. Since the other two people were silenced, she would probably be cautious and hide the money, intending to use it for revenge or as a last resort for self-preservation.

In simple terms, it was like saying, "If you don't want me to live, I can't let you use me for nothing."

Based on this idea, Senichi proposed to search the other party's residence again. After returning empty-handed on the same day, he requested increased vigilance, just in case.

There was no way around it. He knew that the key was still hidden in the house. If Gin, that highly skilled detective, found an opportunity to sneak into the house, he might actually find the key.

If that happened, he would be exposing himself for no reason.

Originally, he had hoped that someone would find the key hidden behind the socket, but since no one did, he had to increase the manpower and personally "discover" the key later.

Although many people thought that Senichi's request was a futile speculation, opinions were mixed.

However, thanks to Senichi's recent rise in reputation and the support of a powerful figure behind him, they reluctantly gave him some face and dispatched additional personnel to block Masami Hirota's residence.

The next day, since Akemi Miyano disappeared, Senichi once again called Sato, Takagi, and the others of the third department to search. They thoroughly searched the house again, showing a stubborn refusal to give up.

The police department was not a dictatorship, and there were also those who were waiting to see a joke.

Although they had already searched the house on the day of the incident and found nothing, due to their trust in Senichi's abilities and the fact that they were all part of the third department, the enthusiastic group once again began searching the house.

This time, Senichi reminded everyone to pay attention to the ceiling or walls that might be obstructed, speculating that there might be hidden compartments or similar things in the room and asked everyone to be vigilant.

Following his hint, they dug deep, and Takagi became the lucky one who moved the desk and discovered the socket hidden behind it, finding the key hidden behind it.

This time, the core members of the third department truly achieved meritorious service once again. After reporting this good news to headquarters, they immediately went to the location of the safe deposit box where the money was hidden and confirmed the whereabouts of one billion yen!


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