
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Six

Violet (POV)

After a while, we stopped at a beautiful house.

"Who's house is this?" I asked

"Well it's my family's beach house," he said

"Cool jou could've told me today I could have brought my swimsuit,"

"There are many swimsuits in the house you can pick no come on," he said and we got out

I followed him inside and he showed me around and then handed me a bikini.

"Here get dressed and I'll see you outside," he said and left

I quickly changed clothes and went out as I walk out I see Ralph.

"Hey," I said making him turn around

Once he saw me he looked me up and down as he smirked.

"See anything you like?" I said as I walked to him

"Yeah my beautiful girlfriend," he said grabbed me by the waist, and kissed me

"Girlfriend huh?" I asked and said, "I like the sound of that,"

"Well you better because your mine and always will be," he said and then kissed me again

"Come on," I said grabbed his hand and went to the water


After many hours in the water and having fun we went inside. We went to go sit on the sofa and Ralph pulled me to his lap.

With both my legs on either side of him we started kissing

We stopped to catch our breath and I said, "I love you," as our foreheads touched

"I love you even more," he said gave me a quick kiss

"What time is it?" I asked

He looked at his watch and said, "it's almost four why?"

"Can we go get ice cream?" I asked and he laughed and said sure.

We went to separate rooms and got changed when we were done we went to an ice cream shop. As we enter the barrister asked

"Hello, how may I help you today?"

"We'll like two peppermint cups," Ralph said

"Please and thanks," I added

We went to a table after she gave our ice cream to us.

"Thanks for today it was amazing," I said

"It was a perfect day wasn't it," he said and smiled at me

"It was," I said

We finished our ice cream while chatting. Afterward, we went back to the beach house and got into his car and he took me home

When we got there Ralph and I got out of the car and went into the house. Our families were all in the living room expect for Griffen

"What's wrong?" I asked when I saw their faces

"Vi we need to tell you something," Dame said

"Chad is in New York, he's here," Dad said

"O-okay what are we going to do?" I whispered asked

"We are going to find him and kill him," Uncle Aless said

"Okay but I want to do something before you guys kill him," I said and dad nodded his head

"Good now let's go watch some movies," Edward said and grabbed my hand

"Stop before you go Vi we are going to go tomorrow and buy you a dress got it," aunt Cam said

I nodded my head and then followed all my brothers to the movie room. We watched some movies and I cuddled up with Ralph while watching


I woke up with my twin brother shaking me. I wanted to hit him so badly for waking me up but instead, I went to get a shower and got dressed

I went downstairs and into the kitchen as I grabbed some coffee Lucas came to stand next to me holding his cup. I pour some coffee in mine and the rest in his.

I walked to the dining room and sat between Grey and Ralph. I said good morning and as I drink my coffee dad put a plate of pancakes in front of me but I wasn't hungry so is pushed it away.

"Vi, you okay?" Dante asked

"Yeah just tired," I said

My aunts and grandmother came into the room with Ralph's mother.

"Violet good your up let's go," grandma said

I let out a sigh and stood up.

"Don't forget to smile Vi," Oliver joked

"Whatever," I mumbled and left towards my bike

I drove my bike as the rest drove in a Ford Ranger truck

When we got to the mall we started searching for dresses. Store after store and still nothing interests me all these dresses aren't for me. My aunt's, grandma and Ralph's mother all got dresses and they are beautiful but with me no luck

"Guys, can't we just go, please?" I asked and sat down

"Not until we get you a gown," Ms. Natalia said

I looked at her and stood up.

"Let's go to the next shop," I said and they squealed

As we entered the shop one dress caught my eye.

"That one," I said as I look at the dress

"Why that one Violet?" Aunt Sara asked

"It's beautiful and it's more my style," I said

After paying we left for the car and bike.

"Hey, guys I'll see you guys at home I just want to go make a stop first," I said and they nodded their heads. After they left I stopped by the flower shop and got a few pink roses.

I got on my bike and start driving. As I drove I stopped at the graveyard.

I went to my mother's grave sat the flowers down and then I sat down on the grass.

"Hey mom," I started

"I miss you... The ball is coming up in 2 and I'm kinda nervous to be in a room full of Mafia men, my brothers have kinda been overprotective over me but at least they have started to accept that I'm dating Raphael.

It's been a whole month and 4days that I'm back with our family, I wished it could have been sooner so that I could've met you.

No one in the house talks about you a lot but what I know so far is that we both love music and our art.

Today we went and bought a dress for me but I just didn't want to. I ended up picking a black and golden dress funny right," I said and laid down and looked up to the sky

"I can't stop thinking about everything I tried so hard but just when I think it's in the past everything comes back in a flash

I didn't get much sleep last night since I had nightmares or more like flashbacks to the past. I didn't want to be a burden to the others so I just stayed in my room until I fell asleep again.

I hate my life, it feels like the world is always against me and I don't know what to do anymore. I try so fucking damn hard not to harm myself again or fall of the wagon by starting to drink or use again.

If our family didn't found me I would have joined you by now," I said as I cried

"Why did you leave. I need you mom," I said, and more tears fall

After hours of sitting by her grave, getting stuff off my chest, and crying it started getting dark. The stars appeared and as I look at them my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered not even looking at who's calling me

"Where are you?" I heard dad ask with concerned

"Oh shit I'm on my way home sorry lost track of time," I said, stood up, and went to my bike

"Okay, but where are you?" He asked again

"Dad please we can talk when I'm home, bye see you now, love yah," I said and hung up

I got on my bike and put my helmet on before speeding back home

Once I stopped I went to the door and just when I wanted to open the door it flew open.

"Where the hell were you?" Dame asked

"Mom's grave," I said shortly and went to the kitchen.

I got myself a bottle of water when I turned around my father stood in front of me. He hugged me and then said, "You scared me to death you know,"

"Sorry," I said

"Vi what's going on today you seem kinda distance and why didn't you tell us you wanted to visit mom's grave?" Dame asked

"I'm fine just tired okay and I wanted to visit her grave alone okay," I said and took a sip of water

"Vi talk to us please," He said

"Dame I just don't want to today okay I'm going to bed good night," I said and tried to walk out but he stopped me

"Vi please we're worried about you so please talk to us," he said again

"You want me to talk to you about what I feel or about how I'm trying to cope?" I asked and then said

"Well I feel like shit I keep thinking about using and drinking and cutting, I think about how Chad is still alive and is after me and it scares the crap out of me

And I miss mom because I never knew her I don't even know what she liked and what she didn't

I feel like hell keeps pulling me down like the world against me, every time I forget the past it comes back in a flash and I can't control it. I get nightmares at night so I don't get much sleep.

My life is a mess and I don't know how it's ever going to be fixed. I'm a messed up fucking kid with so many problems and I can't take it anymore I just can't. I give up Dame I can't do this anymore," I said as tears run down my face

He hugged me as tightly as he can and I just keep on crying.

"Shh you're going to be alright," he said and started whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

After a few minutes, I stopped crying, and darkness found me.

Damian (POV)

When she stopped crying and fell asleep I picked her up and turned to see my family was watching everything.

"I'm going to take her to her bed Edward follow me please," I said and we went up to her room

As I put her down on the bed I said to Edward

"Stay with her tonight okay"

"Sure is she going to be okay?" He asked

"I don't know I hope so," I said not wanting to lie to him

"Just stay by her side tonight okay," I said and left. When I got downstairs I went into the living room

"Edward is going to stay with her tonight," I said and poured myself a glass of scotch

"We should get rid of the alcohol in the house and we should put the medicine on the third floor in the medical room and lock the door just in case she relapses

I also want one of you guys to sleep with her at night so she doesn't get nightmares," I said pointing to my brothers before continuing,

"I call Scott tomorrow and book her a session every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday," I said and downed my drink

"What if it doesn't work what if she breaks down?" Elliot asked and I could see the fear in his face on all of my brother's faces

"Then we help her. We help her get better at controlling her life, we help her with her nightmares, and we help her get back on her feet because there is no way we're going to lose her okay," I said

"I think we should all get some rest," dad said

"I'm going to go to the headquarters for a little while don't wait up for me okay," I said grabbed my jacket and left

As I got in my car Leo and Matt also got in.

"So are we going to hunt down that bastard?" Matt asked

"Hell yes it's one way to help her and I'm going to do it," I said and stepped on the gas

When we got to out headquarters I went straight to the tech team.

"I want the location on Chad West now!" I yelled as I entered the place

"On it boss," our lead tech said and start tipping

After twenty-two minutes he said, "Boss I got him his at an abandoned warehouse, I just send you the location it seems like he's alone there,"

"Thank you," I said and my brothers and I went out again

As we got to the car we see our younger brothers leaning against their cars

"Go home now!" I yelled

"No she's our sister to and we have just as much right to find that dick who did that to her," Oliver said

"Look we are just going to go get him and bring him back here where she will be the first to harm him got it so go home we can all beat the fuck out of him after she did what she wanted to do okay," Matt said

My brothers didn't like it but they left.

(2198 words)