
Chapter 15: Memory of the past

As John was thinking about what he should do next and also how to do it. He decided to watch the sun fall down behind the Capital building eclipses everything it touches back into the night as if the sun was trying to hide from the darkness of wasteland.

John took a seat and watched super mutants yell and fight amongst themselves in the trenches below, as he was looking he noticed lights coming from the west thinking it was megaton just sparkling as one the great bastions of the wasteland just like how Rivet city is. He started to fall asleep in the chair he was resting in as he laid his upper body on the table he quickly fell into a deep sleep, after some time his radio woke him up to three dog voice blasting about the weather and making fun of president Eden and his enclave "robot" army.

After being woken up by the radio he heard reports of some Vault dweller saved a couple of siblings near the GNR building and how he encountered the mercenary group called Talion company and defeating them while protecting the young siblings. John smiled as he heard three dog supposedly heard a rumor about some old dude from a Vault asking around for a person named Madison Lee in Rivet city like he's giving John what he wanted to know but, in his three dog way.

'Getting the feeling that three dog drinks way too much coffee when he goes on the air' John smiling while shaking his head as he's going down the elevator.

As he was heading down in the elevator he started to look into the skill [Guardian Angel] by referring to the system for information about it. The system responded by telling him, *The Guardian Angel skill allows John to have somewhat of a bullet time when in immediate danger and also rises johns perception up to utilize the skill, its cooldown period is 10 minutes*

He was thinking it would be a lot of help to use the skill when danger appears at any time. He exited the elevator he noticed that the sun hasn't come up yet and also the second rotation of brotherhood soldiers to take up guarding the monument, the second batch of troops wasn't so bad like the first these guys were a lot nicer to wastelanders but also showed caution. While he was talking to the group they told him that super mutant activity was high in the southwest region of the city and that they are moving further into the city.

As he prepared to leave the group he went into the systems store and bought some more equipment for any type of mission he needed, he was thinking of taking a request back at the request board that he saw back in megaton.

He walked back towards the collapsed building where he could set the road warrior on the other side while going through the other side he passed through corridors he could see the bodies of the dead ghouls he killed but their bodies were all chewed up now and laid around the hallway exit that led out. When he got to the exit and he reached into his pocket and took out the road warrior out and proceeded to throw towards the asphalt making it grow to full size. He hops into the car and drives towards the South to reach megaton before he heads to rivet city.

As he was driving he passed up the raider SUV that he saw a day or so ago he stopped and looked at it with an intriguing thought that popped up, he looked in the back seat to find his toolbox that came with the car and proceeded to take apart the SUV's armor plating and the .50 Cal that was attached to the roofs gunning port. As he finished stripping the SUV, he placed all of the platings and ammo he took and put into his storage for when he gets back to megaton. When he was turning onto a dirt road that led to megaton he found there was an intact farmhouse that had a pretty big barn almost attaching to the house.

"Looks pretty good hopefully it's not infested with anything, " as John said that out while looking at the structure from outside.

As he moved towards the door he stopped right beside it to make sure nothing came out have noticed anything, he knocked on the door, as he knocked the door fell its hinges possibly alerting whatever might be in there. But after some time of waiting for anything to happen then nothing happened, 'that wasn't what I thought would happen here' as he thought that he went into the house he found a family of skeletons sitting in the living room. Judging on how long the family has been it must have been here as the bombs were falling on top of them, they chose the easy way for themselves. He searched every room in the house but never found anything useful so he came back to the family in the living room and chose to bury them outside.

As he finished burying them in the backyard he pulled the road warrior into the bran locked it in there. When he walked into the house he saw something in the corner on his eye at first he thought he was seeing things but when he looked into the living room he saw a family happy and playing around than he heard a siren which he then turned towards the window as a blinding flash.

John shielded his eyes when he saw this he turned to a new scene and found the father of the family crying as he held a pistol in his hand and started yelling that it wasn't his choice he pulled up a pistol in his hand and pointed it under his chin and fired. He saw the fire from the nuke coming towards then he was hit, suddenly he awoke with sweat and stiff as he noticed he was laying against the wall. He checked the time noticed he was out for hours the asked the system what that was all about it responded back with *compiling data, please provide more information*

"That wasn't really an answer system, " As he said back with scorn he got up and head to his car then proceeded to megaton.