
Piggy back ride

Adrian ran away from the hiding spot towards the direction of his house with anger. He just can't bear to see them. He don't know what he is feeling right now, he feels sad a second and angry at a second. He was mad at Lilith for no reason, actually he cannot find the reason himself for being mad at her.

" Lilith don't cry it's going to be alright okay " said Kyle hugging Lilith tightly. It pained his heart seeing Lilith cry if he could reverse time he would never let go of Lilith.

Lilith is of course a child she might look strong and a little mature but she will cry when she is hurt.

" Let's go home Lilith " Kyle bow down his back facing Lilith trying to carry her. He gave her a piggy back ride. She put her arms over his neck her face was close to his ear, he can feel the beating of her heart, he can feel her breath under his neck inhaling normally.

Her hands are soft and her face was cold from the tears. Kyle haled his breath his heart was beating fast he liked getting close to her it was a new feeling to him.

Even if it pained his heart he had to admit that Lilith's crying face is the most beautiful picture that he had seen in the world no one can compare to her.

They reached Lilith's house , Kyle put her down on the sofa. Mike came rushing out "what happened to sis Kyle " said Mike with a worried look. " She bumped into a tree when she was cycling there are bruises on her knees and legs I applied band aid, look after your sister " said Kyle while leaving it was getting late . Lilith thanked Kyle for treating her wound and said goodbye.

The next day at school Adrian ignored Lilith the whole day. She was thinking why he was ignoring her because she didn't do anything to him.

" Why are you ignoring me " said Lilith confronting Adrian. " I wasn't ignoring you I was just tired of speaking today " said Adrian with an annoyed face. Lilith was trying hard not punch him but she said nothing and left.

" If you want to ignore me then I will ignore you " thought Lilith and walked away from him.

Adrian was puzzled , she was not supposed to be ignoring him thinking that he chased after her.

Sorry for the short chapter if you want a mass release then please vote comment and review

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