
Falling in love with you today and forever

“Young Master, madam is climbing the wall to go out. What should we do? “Butler asked on phone anxiously. Fu Junchang, who was working on office smiled “Get her a ladder and put trampoline on the surface. Careful don’t let her get hurt.” — — “Young master madam is breaking everything on the house and throwing a tantrum saying that she wants to see you... immediately.” The butler gulped as he said nervously.He knows that that their young master doesn’t like these. “Fu Junchang you bastard..how dare you?Come in front of me immediately if you are a man.” A angry female voice roared. The butler was terrified and could only pray for their young mistress that she won’t overdo it. “Hmm..I understand tell her to wait for me.I will be coming after finishing my work.” Fu Junchang’s cool yet patient voice said from the other side of phone. The butler was dazed as he couldn’t believe himself. Did there young master wasn’t even angry but also smiled. — — “Young master you must come home hurry madam is running away with an foreign man in a car...” Before butler could say anything the phone was hung up. “Block all the roads don’t let a single car to go out of the city. I’m giving you to find her safe in front of me immediately.” Fu Junchang coldly said to the other side of the call as his handsome face became pitch black. —— —— . The cover is not mine. Credit to the admirable original artist.

HopeTree · Urban
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37 Chs

Just like the fact I'm your only big sister

"Qinglin picked up each one by herself for you two specially."Fu Junchang seriously spoke.

"Or rather specially to kill us both."He thought it may be something good since he was getting bored to babysit his grown up sister.

"It can't be that you two brought this schemingly for us to get revenge.It can't be right sister-in-law."He asked looking at Bai Qinglin's direction.

She declined shaking her head feeling an immense of guilty.Her throat went dry as she could not utter a word not knowing how to hide her shameful actions."I didn't know you two had allergies in peanut."

To be truth she also had no idea that they have allergies.She just brought some worst candy and others expensive that contained peanuts.It's probably their bad luck with her too.She was also too wild with her mind.From now on she should watch less drama's and read less novel's.

"You couldn't have asked him.He knows every likes and dislikes about us."

"Next time I'll make sure to bring your favorites, okay."She spoke and saw Fu Junchang raising his eyebrow at her.

Satisfied Evan nodded and grinned giving her a thumbs up.She can't help but find him cute while for the latter it was obvious she was indifferent as Fu Junchang.But she vaguely felt her familiar as if she have seen her before but cannot remember exactly.

Looking from closer they appear to

"Bro, you totally forgot to introduce us.It's clearly too awkward to speak like that."Evan voiced out excitingly a very important thing which they all forgot to do.

Fu Junchang came to agreement with him as they really didn't get introduced because of the twins chattering.

"Let me introduce to both of you. Meet my wife, Bai Qinglin."

The twins again looked at each other giving a mischievous grin teasing the man.

"Okay, We both can do the later part. Cough.. cough" Evan spoke confidently before Fu Junchang say anymore.

"Sister-in-law, I'm Ouyang Evan and this is my twin sister Ouyang Elina."

"Big sister." Elina reminded.

"Just three minutes." He rebutted.

"Even seconds count and here we're talking about minutes. It won't change. Just like the fact I'm your only big sister." Elina put a smile on the corner of her lip seeing her adorable brother trying to act cooler.

Evan just grumped in displeasure.

"I remember now. You used to be a singer. I've listened to all of your song." Bai Qinglin exclaimed in excitement and somehow the room's mood changed.

"Wow, looks like you married my fan, huh. Or rather should I say your wife is one my fan."

Elina tried to joke with her brother but didn't went as she expected.

"That's unexpected." Fu Junchang reply was brief.

The room then went back to silent as nobody spoke anything. Few seconds later, Elina's phone ringing broke the silence.It was a reminder for her lunch time.

"It's already past two o'clock.You guys hungry cause I'm starving. Reverse Nana, bring out the car I'm coming." She checked the outside in the glass window later tossing the car key to her brother.

"Got it, you guys should also hurry up or else we will just have to eat gases released by the cars.And I will really hate it, why it's so traffic today." Evan urged them leaving, then started to mumbling to himself.

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