
Falling in love with you today and forever

“Young Master, madam is climbing the wall to go out. What should we do? “Butler asked on phone anxiously. Fu Junchang, who was working on office smiled “Get her a ladder and put trampoline on the surface. Careful don’t let her get hurt.” — — “Young master madam is breaking everything on the house and throwing a tantrum saying that she wants to see you... immediately.” The butler gulped as he said nervously.He knows that that their young master doesn’t like these. “Fu Junchang you bastard..how dare you?Come in front of me immediately if you are a man.” A angry female voice roared. The butler was terrified and could only pray for their young mistress that she won’t overdo it. “Hmm..I understand tell her to wait for me.I will be coming after finishing my work.” Fu Junchang’s cool yet patient voice said from the other side of phone. The butler was dazed as he couldn’t believe himself. Did there young master wasn’t even angry but also smiled. — — “Young master you must come home hurry madam is running away with an foreign man in a car...” Before butler could say anything the phone was hung up. “Block all the roads don’t let a single car to go out of the city. I’m giving you to find her safe in front of me immediately.” Fu Junchang coldly said to the other side of the call as his handsome face became pitch black. —— —— . The cover is not mine. Credit to the admirable original artist.

HopeTree · Urban
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37 Chs

Money eating demon

"Any guesses, young master Fu.Fine,no problem.First of all you complain about me to my dad and this moron brother of mine poured hot water in my hand."

"Why was you washing your face in the kitchen first place?"Ouyang Evan declined to take all the blame.

"My house, my wish.I can wash my face anywhere."Ouyang Elina domineeringly spoke.

"Since when,we both get equally half-half."He spoke smilingly showing her mistake.

"Is that so, then from tomorrow you do your job and I'll will go to vacation…young master half-half."

"No..impossible..how can you just go like that huh.No,not happening."

"Then what's the use of you.To let you devour all of my hard work."

"How I devour them all.Am I money eating demon.I also do work, well sometimes I just don't feel like doing it."He felt gutted by her words. "And exactly how am I useless.At least when you grow old and wrinkly, whose going to take care of you…me."

"Ohh, you think you'll not get older and wrinkly…huh.Which book said? Give me evidence."

He didn't say anything but showed her his white teeth's which the latter rolled her eyes.

The twin siblings were so engrossed in their bickering that they ignored the couples.

"Pfft…pffft…hahaha.I'm sorry.It's just you two are pfft.."Bai Qinglin started to laugh endlessly until her stomach started to ache.

She was even more ashamed of her her own dirty mind.

She have to admit the women wearing office clothes looked very sexy and matured.She was wearing a spaghetti straps caramel colored silk blouse and blue denim.While the men wearing checked shirt appearing cool and handsome.

"I'm sorry."She apologized again seeing them staring at her.

"It's ok sister-in-law.It's your fault for making us look stupid. Don't you know the saying 'You only get one chance to make first impression'."Evan assured her whispering the latter word to his sister.

"Then don't you know, that you never win against me and never will."Elina mocked him raising her eyebrow.

"So, back to my question."She spoke seriously smiling mildly.

"It wasn't me, probably somebody else.?"Fu Junchang answered.

The both twins looked at each other for a while as if they were communicating with each other through eyes.

"I see, but who can be then."Elina started to think tapping her nose tip with slender finger.

"Fu€k, it's definitely that bastard Long."

"No, I don't think so.Anyways, forgot it for now.Why are you two newlyweds here exactly in weekend?Shouldn't you be going in a honeymoon or rolling in bed together.Aiya, you two haven't done the formal wedding yet.Could it be you two are here to order dresses."

Fu Junchang nodded his head handing the bags in his hands.

"What's this? Gifts."But she let out a big sigh after opening them and laughing holding her chin. "Say, are you and your women here to assassinate us two or something."

"What happened?How did gifts lead to death?" Ouyang Evan looked at his sister puzzled.

"Here, peanut candy, peanut chocolate, peach preserves candy's and nuts containing stuffs.Eat the whole bags and I will give you my flat in Changning."Elina passed the bag to Evan giving an smirk on her lips.

"You liar, even if you give me whole district I won't take a single bite.Bro, did you and your wife shamed against us.Sister-in-law may not know but you know clearly we both have allergies in peanut."He complained looking disappointed like a kid who's candy had been stolen before he could even taste it.

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