
Falling in Love with an Alpha Ghost

Love is like a stormy sea where the fittest survive. Only an act of true love can heal a wounded heart. Love is stronger than hatred, betrayal and guilt.

Emmanuel_Enigwe · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The prime minister

Prince was going to use his private jet which would take them back to Ontario. Charles on the other hand was working on getting a new fifteen story office building to open a bank in London. The prime minister who was supposed to sign and endorse the permission to open a bank had his own plans.

One day the Prime minister invited Charles over to his house for dinner. He made sure to wear his best suit and smell his best spraying his custom made perfume. It was almost as if Charles was going to meet a special person apart from the Prime minister. He called his driver to get prepared. Kathryn's mom who was going to the theater happened to pass by him and was surprised and asked him what the special occasions was. He relied telling her to see the Prime minister as usual he just doesn't know why he feels so happy making him to put on his best attire. His driver gave him a call and told him he was ready to leave so Charles jumped out hopping into the back seat of the car and they took off to the Prime minister's house.

Charles car window was tinted black to prevent people from seeing that he was the one in the car since he was so famous in London. He didn't want anyone to trace him home. As he reached the Prime minister's house his driver came to open the door for him treating him like a royalty. He confidently went out of the car greeted by the minister's security he opened the front door and entered into the house. Surprisingly he met someone that gave him a shock and surprise of his life. It was Suzy his childhood crush. Charles had a crush on Suzy when he was thirteen, he told her about it and got rejected then they moved out of the community but later on when Charles was fifteen he got transfered to a different school where he met Suzy again this time she was in the same class with him. He started to write her love letters which she ignored, he would also buy her gifts even tho she received them all right she still treated Charles like an outcast. In fact she later on went on to date Charles best friend ( Charles was the kind of guy that girls treaded him wrongly till he met Kathryn).

Charles continued to pursue Suzy when he was in high school till he graduated even tho at that time he had met Kathryn and had began a friendship with her. When they graduated both Suzy and Kathryn had admission to the university that year while Charles stayed at home. Suzy traveled outside the country to college and live the rest of her life that was the last Charles knew about Suzy till the day they met.

When Charles started the hedge fund company and became one of the youngest and richest in London, Suzy heard about it and had been looking for him and always wanting to meet him and now he was standing right in front of her. " You are still as beautiful as the last time I first saw you" Charles said. Suzy thanked him for the compliment as she blushed. She asked him what he had come to do in the Prime minister's house. Charles told her about his new bank project and told her he needed the Prime minister to endorse it with his signature. Suzy smiled saying " wow its funny how you needed for years and I wasn't there because I came here and when you came I heard about you also needed you couldn't get you but today we are starring at each other" " its a small world even tho its literally humongous" Charles replied. At this time the table had turned around Suzy was the one who was acting a bit shy while Charles looked straight into her eyes.

As they silently starred at each other the Prime minister walk in "I see you have met my daughter in-law" the minister said. What the Prime minister said was a shock to Charles ear. The Prime minister told him it wasn't too law when he I married her aunty which was about two years ago. Suzy's aunty is the minister's third wife. The minister told Charles he was going to someday introduce him to Suzy but his job has become more easy since they already met and from the look of things he realized they already know each other. "Suzy is a lawyer who completed her law school in Buckingham university" the minister explained "impressive Charles replied" . Charles became smart enough to notice the minister was trying to connect him with Suzy because he didn't want to ruin his chance of getting the papers signed he pretended to like Suzy at that moment asking her out on a dinner date the next day. The minister was bursting out with happiness as he asked Charles about the papers and signed it immediately endorsing the bank to begin its project.