
Falling in Love with an Alpha Ghost

Love is like a stormy sea where the fittest survive. Only an act of true love can heal a wounded heart. Love is stronger than hatred, betrayal and guilt.

Emmanuel_Enigwe · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The dead leaves among us

He told Kathryn's mom he would be upstairs in his room in case she needed anything and left them to be. After Charles left Kathryn and Prince took permission from Kathryn's mom to leave as Prince called their driver to pick them up. In couple of minutes their driver arrived at the entrance of the front door. Kathryn kissed her mom good bye and assured her they would pass by the next day before they leave for the airport. They hoped in the car and left for the hotel on their way to the hotel their car was stopped by an old woman who stood in front of the road with a sign board. The driver blew his horn but she wasn't leaving. She lifted board which was written on it "the dead are living among us be ware" after Kathryn read the message the woman disappeared. Out of panic the driver left the car and fled for his life. Kathryn was also about to run when Prince grabbed her till she was calmed down. They transferred to the front seat of the car and Prince drove them both to the hotel.

When they arrived Prince took care of the whole process because Kathryn was not in the right position to take decisions. He took Kathryn to their room where they stayed for the night Prince stayed close to her making her feel secure. Kathryn kept on raving that the about how the ghost was going to come for them when they sleep. But Prince cuddled her and sang for romantic songs to take her mind off the incident earlier on. After some hours went by Kathryn and Prince started chatting with each other talking about their favorite songs till Kathryn started dosing off and finally fell into deep sleep. Prince position Kathryn on the bed to be comfortable and got up from the bed.

He then went into the bathroom naked locked the bathroom door and started resiting magic. As Charles was sleeping he had a dream he was being chased by a masked man with an axe and a gun. In the dream Charles was running as fast as he as his legs could carry. He would run till he gets tired and feels he has lost the masked man the man on the other hand would just walk up to him and try to kill with the axe when he doge it the man takes out the gun and start shooting at him again he continued running till the man finally caught up with him gave him a blow to the ground. He removed his mask and to Charles surprise the masked man was Prince. He was about to dissect his head with the axe when Charles woke breathing hard out of panic. Charles went into his bathroom and washed off his sleepy face. Charles did not take things like that dream lightly because he remembers when his mom would always have terrible dreams about his father's death and warn him till the last dream she had that he had a car accident which manifested in real life the next day.

Charles started having suspicion that Prince wanted to kill him but he wasn't afraid at all he was prepared to face Prince head on in fact that dream made him really angry at Prince which he took a decision to fight Prince back. The next day Kathryn woke up from bed and this time Prince was sitting beside her. He gave her a kiss on her head greeting her good morning. He suggested Kathryn go and take a shower and change into the dress they were going to go to her moms place with adding that he has already taking his bath earlier on and and is in his outing dress. Kathryn did as he said and went to the bathroom and took a shower. When she was done getting prepared Charles brought out the break fast the hotel had served them while Kathryn was asleep. They both ate and started the journey to Prince house to see Kathryn's mom before they leave for the airport as she promised.

At their arrival unfortunately Charles was outside in front of the front door. He starred at their car as it arrived waiting patiently for them to come out of the car and then bounced on Prince abusing and assaulting him. Breaking his lips and fore head as Kathryn stood outside to scream for help some of Charles security rushed and held Charles separating him from Prince. Before Kathryn's mother came down the incident had already occurred Kathryn didn't bother going into the house she just told her mother good bye and entered back into the car pulling Prince along. At this point Prince was so furious and very bitter he watched Charles in the face and told him " you don't know what you are dealing with, you want ugly? Things would get so ugly" . Charles replied him shouting "ow I know ugly and I know the kind of person you are , I'm don't fear you". Actually Charles did not know who Prince really was he only had suspicion that Prince wanted to kill him. Kathryn dragged Prince into the car and drove out with him. They returned the car to the dealership that rented it to them and headed for the airport in an uber.