
Falling in Love While Earnestly Trying to Get Disowned

Hi all! Returning on August 10th. I will release five new chapters on August 10th and then move to a three chapter a week release schedule for the next arc. Thank you all for your patience! Romantic comedy set in an extremely patriarchal fantasy world where women are viewed as commodities. A non-conforming female defies societal expectations in an attempt to get disowned. Kylara Adamare the only surviving daughter of Lord Adamare, is sent to the High Mating Season to secure a mate who can help her win back her father's estate, but Kylara is not the type to do what she is told. Shortly after arriving, she receives a "fighting" system, that tries to aid her in finding a mate. Throughout the mating season, Kylara uses her wits, magic, and fighting prowess in an attempt to get disowned by her family so she can take revenge in her own way. However, when her old flame shows up too, will all her plans be ruined? **Excerpt** "Kylara Adamare, checking in." I said. "Are you alone?" The male asked. I remember from my childhood how strict Viceria was towards females. Showing up without a male guardian like this was highly improper, not that I cared. I felt my cousin run up beside me. "Why didn't you wait for me?" She demanded hotly. I ignored her and said, "Yes, I am alone." The male didn't bother to hide his contempt. "What the Other?" My cousin screeched at me. She turned to the male and gave him her best smile. "I am Miss Delphi Goldleaf. I am Kylara's friend." I snorted, "No, you're not." Looking back at the male, I extended my left hand. "I would like the key to my rooms, now." I said. The male grimaced but nonetheless complied. He placed a small steel key in my palm. "You are in the blue rooms on the first floor of wing 2." He said. And giving no other directions, he walked off. I walked back to the carriage as Miss Goldleaf chased after the male. I informed the guards where my singular trunk was going and watched as two of them unloaded it. "Kylara?" I heard a familiar male voice say. My eyes narrowed as I spun in its direction. Two males whom I'd never forget in the whole course of my existence had just dismounted from their horses. The black-haired male raced over to me. I recognized him as Kane and his red-headed cousin, who was watching with a smirk, as Rhana. As Kane reached me, I slid one of the small throwing knives hidden in my sleeve into my right hand. His warm hands grabbed my shoulders and my heartbeat accelerated. As he looked down at me with a tangled mess of emotions clear on his face, I smiled at him. Then I stabbed the knife straight into his gut.

SandiBell · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Monday June 15 - Archery Mating Event 1

Pharon was walking by his mother's sitting room when he heard her shriek. Rushing into the room, he met his father's cold gaze and saw his mother's crumpled posture. Pharon's face paled as he wondered if his father had finally gotten tired of her and her numerous affairs.

"Mother," Pharon began. He'd offer what comfort he could, regardless of his father's displeasure.

"Your mother needs a few minutes to collect herself." His father answered calmly. "She has just learned her schemes have led to the death of her cousin."

Pharon blinked as his mother straightened with a bloodthirsty scowl.

"It was her! That damned Cow!" She cried.

The King lifted an eyebrow and shrugged.

Coldly, he said, "So what if it was?"

The Queen screeched, "I want her dead! She murdered my cousin."

"No," The King said sharply. "I told you to leave her be. What part of that was unclear?"

"She is a murder-"

The King pointed at Pharon, "She will be his mate! You provoked her; you deserved this." He roared.

Pharon paled and stepped back in the face of his father's fury as his mother subsided into sobs on the couch.

The king nodded and began to walk out. He paused by Pharon's side.

"Come with me. I'd like to hear of your plans." He said coolly.

Pharon swallowed and, casting a long look back at his distraught mother, followed his father from the room.


When I approached the stables for the Mating Event that afternoon, my eyes roved the crowd for Kane.

Despite my attempts to contact him, he hadn't responded. I had begun to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I finally saw him, mounted on his horse, next to a female that I'd seen him with before. She said something and he looked around with a worried frown. I smiled when his eyes met mine. Immediately, his gaze dropped to his horse's mane. My smile fell.

I heard a quick step beside me and turned to see Prince Pharon approaching with a warm smile.

"So you are here at last, Miss Adamare." He said, "I'm very excited to see how you fare in today's archery contest."

"I doubt I will be impressive, your Highness." I replied coolly. "I haven't touched a bow since the Essenvir's raided my father's estate 10 years ago. Speaking of which, 10 years is a long time for such a treachery to go unanswered and unpunished by the King, but I suppose he had other things on his mind." Prince Pharon's smile became a little strained. I smiled politely and excused myself to get my horse.

After we reached the clearing in the wood where the archery contest was to take place, I walked to the farthest target and waited.

A few minutes later, I heard a screech and Miss Goldleaf came racing over to me.

"What are you doing?" She hissed.

I frowned at her, "I am participating in the Mating Event per the High Lord's command. What are you doing here?"

"The High Lord's command? Yeah, right. Don't you know he's going to replace you as a participant with me?" Miss Goldleaf jeered. As a servant came around with the bows, I reached for one but Miss Goldleaf snatched it from me. "Go away now." She ordered.

"Well, I'd like to oblige you, but I will get into to trouble with the High Lord, if I do so. When was he going to name you a participant again?" I asked coolly.

Miss Goldleaf's face flushed, "Just wait until I tell Mama and Papa about this!" She screeched, "Go away!"

I thought about not leaving just to annoy her but then I realized that I actually didn't want to be here. I shrugged and began walking back towards the horses.

Prince Pharon hastily stepped into my path, "Miss Adamare, you are the participant. You can't just leave." He said with a smile. I gave him a flat look and crossed my arms.

"Miss Goldleaf," Prince Pharon said as he looked around me at my cousin. She gave him her best smile. "Thank you for filling in for your cousin while she was away. But she is back now and you are not a participant. Give you cousin the bow."

Miss Goldleaf's mouth popped open and she clutched the bow tight to her chest. "But you said, 'I'm so much better than her' and you'd rather have me as a participant." She pouted.

Prince Pharon's expression became annoyed.

"That was before." He snapped. "You are not a participant. Give your cousin the bow before I have the guards take you away." Miss Goldleaf gasped.

I walked over to her with a smile and outstretched my hand for the bow.

Miss Goldleaf looked at me, then at the bow. Her expression became anguished.

"Now!" Prince Pharon snapped. Miss Goldleaf's lips quivered as she shakily began to hand me the bow.

However, this appeared too much for her. With a shriek, she threw the bow at my face.

I caught it easily as she ran off in sobbing.

I went to stand by the target and wait for my partner. I did a couple of quick test draws on the lady's bow. The bow was very flexible. If I forgot my strength even once, I would break it.

"Well, we're partners." Prince Pharon said with a warm smile. "I had to get permission from my father to switch with Blaize for the day. I hope you are as excited for this as I am."

I didn't respond.

Prince Pharon took the quiver of arrows from the servant who was passing them out.

I looked back down at the bow in my hands, "Can I have a real bow?" I asked disdainfully.

"This is a real bow. It's got a string and everything." Prince Pharon said with another smile.

"I don't know if I can hit my target with this." I frowned.

Prince Pharon's smile turned amused, "It is a difficult shot for a female but do your best. The prize for best female shooter is the partner of her choice next Monday." He said.

I sneered at him, showing what I thought of this and he frowned in confusion.

"Begin!" Called Blaize.

Prince Pharon offered me an arrow from the quiver. I took it and put it to the string. I shot and my arrow stuck in the tree on the far side of the meadow.

"I missed," I said in disappointment. I glanced down at the bow in my hands, "I have gotten bad." I sighed heavily.

"I'm surprised you got that kind of distance." Prince Pharon said. "Would you like some advice?"

I rolled my eyes, "No thank you, your Highness. I know how to shoot. I'm just out of practice."

Prince Pharon smiled in amusement at me and offered me another arrow.

I smoothly shot it. This one too stuck in the tree. I held out my hand for another arrow. He passed it to me.

"Are you sure you don't want some help?" Prince Pharon asked.

I ignored him and shot again. This one landed right next to my second arrow. I held out my hand again, then immediately pulled it back.

"This is silly." I shoved the bow at him. He took it with a frown. Then I pulled the quiver from him and slung it across my chest and back. Taking back the bow, I faced the tree again and pulled an arrow from the quiver. I then proceeded to smoothly shoot the tree until all the arrows were gone.

Once all the other females had shot, I walked forward heading for the tree to retrieve my arrows and Prince Pharon followed me in silence.

I looked in surprise at all the other female's arrows. Many had fallen short of the targets and were laying on the grass in front of them. Only one female had hit the target on every shot, and she was within the outer circle as well, but all my arrows had stuck in mostly the same spot on the tree on the other side of the meadow.

I smirked. I had thought I'd be the bad one.

Now that all the arrows had been shot Prince Blaize walked down the row of targets, smiling in amusement at the female's shooting. He reached my target at the same time Prince Pharon did.

"The Cow didn't hit it a single time, Brother?" He asked with disdain.

"I wasn't aiming for that, your Highness." I said with a smile. "I only missed once. I think that's pretty good considering I had to use that bow."

Prince Blaize looked at Prince Pharon in confusion. He pointed to the tree. Prince Blaize's eyes narrowed on it as he saw the arrows sticking in it.

"Too bad. I would have thought that a Cow such as yourself would want any opportunity to get her choice of partner since that's the only time it'll happen." He sneered. I looked at him with a smile of derision.

"Why would I want to be partners with you?" I asked with a tone of superiority, "Most of you are stupid, blind, and entitled. No female of worth would want you, your Highness."

I turned my back and proceeded down the field. I could feel Prince Blaize glowering at me while Prince Pharon stared in shock.

"Her uncle should have beaten her out the habit of giving her opinion long ago." I heard Prince Blaize snarl.

He turned around and stomped to the next target, the one with all the arrows in the circle. He loudly declared that female the winner.

Prince Pharon quickly caught up to me as I began pulling the arrows from the tree.

"You think you're the only female of worth here?" He asked.

"Yes." I pulled out the arrow that had missed the knot on the tree for which I'd been aiming.

"I think most everyone here would disagree with you." Prince Pharon said conversationally. I shrugged as I worked another arrow out.

"It would depend on how they defined a female of worth." I said. "I doubt my definition is the same as anyone else's here."

"And how would you define her?" He asked with interest. I yanked another arrow out.

"Strong, intelligent, able to take care of herself with hobbies and interests of her own." I said. "All of those girls are stupid, vapid, narcissists just hoping to be claimed. They don't fit my definition."

I grabbed another arrow and glanced at Prince Pharon. He was frowning as he looked at me.

"How would you define a female of worth, your Highness?" I asked. His frown deepened.

"I've never really thought about it." He said honestly. I snorted.

"Well, with your father planning for you to claim someone soon, I think you might want to figure it out or you could get stuck with someone like my cousin." I said. Prince Pharon was silent as I freed two more arrows.

We walked back to the other end of the meadow in silence. Prince Pharon frowned deeply at the ground.

After I handed the bow and quiver back the servant who was collecting them, I laid down and pulling my book from my bag, began reading.

Hi All!

I hope I didn't lose you yesterday. I was not doing well. I appear to be better today though. I do like this scene a lot and I am glad I got to include it, although I did have to break it down into at least two parts. I hope you like it too!

As always thanks for reading!

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