
Falling in Love While Earnestly Trying to Get Disowned

Hi all! Returning on August 10th. I will release five new chapters on August 10th and then move to a three chapter a week release schedule for the next arc. Thank you all for your patience! Romantic comedy set in an extremely patriarchal fantasy world where women are viewed as commodities. A non-conforming female defies societal expectations in an attempt to get disowned. Kylara Adamare the only surviving daughter of Lord Adamare, is sent to the High Mating Season to secure a mate who can help her win back her father's estate, but Kylara is not the type to do what she is told. Shortly after arriving, she receives a "fighting" system, that tries to aid her in finding a mate. Throughout the mating season, Kylara uses her wits, magic, and fighting prowess in an attempt to get disowned by her family so she can take revenge in her own way. However, when her old flame shows up too, will all her plans be ruined? **Excerpt** "Kylara Adamare, checking in." I said. "Are you alone?" The male asked. I remember from my childhood how strict Viceria was towards females. Showing up without a male guardian like this was highly improper, not that I cared. I felt my cousin run up beside me. "Why didn't you wait for me?" She demanded hotly. I ignored her and said, "Yes, I am alone." The male didn't bother to hide his contempt. "What the Other?" My cousin screeched at me. She turned to the male and gave him her best smile. "I am Miss Delphi Goldleaf. I am Kylara's friend." I snorted, "No, you're not." Looking back at the male, I extended my left hand. "I would like the key to my rooms, now." I said. The male grimaced but nonetheless complied. He placed a small steel key in my palm. "You are in the blue rooms on the first floor of wing 2." He said. And giving no other directions, he walked off. I walked back to the carriage as Miss Goldleaf chased after the male. I informed the guards where my singular trunk was going and watched as two of them unloaded it. "Kylara?" I heard a familiar male voice say. My eyes narrowed as I spun in its direction. Two males whom I'd never forget in the whole course of my existence had just dismounted from their horses. The black-haired male raced over to me. I recognized him as Kane and his red-headed cousin, who was watching with a smirk, as Rhana. As Kane reached me, I slid one of the small throwing knives hidden in my sleeve into my right hand. His warm hands grabbed my shoulders and my heartbeat accelerated. As he looked down at me with a tangled mess of emotions clear on his face, I smiled at him. Then I stabbed the knife straight into his gut.

SandiBell · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Different Perspectives 3

Glade walked into his father's study. His sister was right behind him to act as mediator.

When he'd received the note from his father at 9 ordering him to come to his study, Glade had felt something was amiss. He'd quickly found his sister and asked her to come with him.

Now they stood before their father. His face was clouded as looked over a sheaf of paper on his desk.

Glade waited patiently for his father's attention. After having spent considerable time in the company of Lady Adamare, and having been forced to admit it was not horrid, Glade expected his father to order him to accept her guardian's offer.

Glade's sister, being the perfect female that she was, had decided to sacrifice herself for his sake. She had decided to agree to a mating with Lord Salathian.

Brook, at the order of their father, had spent several days recently as his partner. He'd been pleasant, if a little cool, and entirely respectful towards her. And even Brook couldn't deny his attractiveness.

She'd just informed Glade now of her decision. Glade had try to talk her out of it, but she was resolute.

Glade was torn. He was relieved he wouldn't have to claim Lady Adamare, but he was worried and sorry for his sister.

Eventually, their father looked up at them.

"Glade," High Lord Volanti said slowly. Glade closed his eyes anticipating what was coming. "I have received a rather unpleasant offer for you."

Glade's eyes popped open, "An offer for me?" He repeated in confusion. His father nodded and offered the paper from the desk to him. Glade took it and gazed at it with a frown.

The paper appeared to be a list of properties. It was divided into half length wise. On the left half were three Earldoms from various countries and the right was a list of investments.

"What is this?" Glade asked in confusion.

High Lord Volanti looked at him over his folded hands, "Lady Adamare has offered to buy you one of those estates and two investments from the list on the right-"

"If I claim her." Glade finished with a frown. Lady Adamare hadn't seemed particularly fond of him, but she could have been holding back. Females did that sometimes.

"No, if you do not claim her." Glade heard his father say. Glade let out a sharp breath as Lady Brook gasped.

"She'll pay me not to claim her?" Glade said with a grimace. His face flushed.

"Yes, she thinks this offer will appease me and she is somewhat right. However, it is still my preference that you claim her, but it is your decision." High Lord Volanti said coolly.

Brook grabbed Glade's arm. "Brother," She said, "you do not need to suffer this indignity. I will agree to Lord Solathian."

"Is that your decision, Brook?" Their father asked. Glade watched his sister nod. Their father smiled, "I think that is a wise decision, Brook. I will notify him immediately. Glade, it appears that you may now claim whoever you wish. Please notify me of your preferences before you make your choice." Glade heard the dismissal in the High Lord's voice and felt his heart sink.

As soon as he and Brook were outside the office, Glade turned to her.

"I'm so sorry."He said softly, "This is my fault because of my weakness." Glade clenched his fist. "Because I am too weak and selfish to do as he wants." Brook, though pale, wrapped her hands around his fist.

"It's okay, Brother-"

"No, it's not. I was too weak and selfish to protect, but that will never happen again. You will always be able to rely on me from now on." Brook smiled tearfully.

Glade turned and stormed back into his father's study. The High Lord looked up and his face became clouded once more.

"Father, there is no need for us to decide these things now. The Mating Season lasts for 2 more months. We will let you know what we want to do in 1." Glade demanded firmly.

His father sighed, "Very well." A ghost of a smile rose on his lips.

Glade opened his mouth to argue, but then realized his father had agreed. Glade nodded in thanks and walked out.


Rhana sat in Mr. Goldleaf's temporary office. Mr. Goldleaf had seemed very proud of his home when Rhana had arrived but Rhana didn't see why he should be proud. The house was small, just a manor house, and the furnishings were gaudy. However, Mr. And Mrs. Goldleaf had beamed as they showed him through all the principle rooms.

Now Rhana sat in Mr. Goldleaf's office. He was trying to figure out how to tactfully broach the subject that he wanted to discuss. Miss Goldleaf had given them the wrong opinion of his goals and if Rhana wasn't careful he'd offend Mr. Goldleaf.

"Mr. Goldleaf," Rhand began with an awkward smile, "I still haven't made up my mind with regard to your daughter."

Mr. Goldleaf frowned, "Then why are you here, my Lord?"

"I wished to discuss your ward, Kylara." Rhana said. Mr. Godleaf's frown became more pronounced. "I hear you plan to disown her at the end of the season and I would like to make an offer to buy her."

"Buy her, not claim her?" Mr. Goldleaf clarified.

Rhana nodded, "That's right."

Mr. Goldleaf sighed and rubbed his temples, "Your Lordship, it is too early to consider selling her. We still could get her offer accepted, if she changes her behavior." Rhana's hand tightened on his breeches. "If you wished to accept her offer to claim her, I would consider that, but as of now, I must refuse."

Rhana grimaced and stood angrily, "I am disappointed, Mr. Goldleaf."

"My Lord-" Mr. Goldleaf began but Rhana had already stormed out. Mr. Goldleaf sighed heavily.

Hi All!

So this is another quick one. I just wanted to quickly follow up with some characters. Hopefully, you don't mind too much. Anyway, the next chapter is another Mating Event, which should be fun!

Thanks so much for reading!

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