
Falling in love by pen

What would happen when the most handsome prince charming falls in love with a girl whose life has been sought after since before her birth. Would he succeeded in making her fall in love with him? Although powerful, would he be able to use his powers to save his love when her life was almost taken? Would he have to sacrifice for her life?

Temiloluwa_3238 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 11: Will you be my girlfriend

'Ok?' She said wondering why he looked nervous

'Before then, you have to promise not to say no. You have to think about it first' Jordy said getting more nervous

'Ok. I promise' Aj said

'Uhm... will you be my girlfriend?' He said and watched as she stared at him for a while with wide eyes and an opened mouth

'I know you don't want to be in a relationship, so how about we do a trial relationship for a month and if after then you still don't want to be in a relationship with me, I'll leave you alone' he said

Aj was still in a daze as to what he had just said. She didn't know what to do. Her secret crush actually just asked her to be his girlfriend and he was considerate enough to make a trial relationship so she would consider the relationship. She wanted to agree but her subconscious warned her. 'What are you thinking? Have you forgotten what happened? All guys are the same. They won't change' it warned and her stubborn part retorted 'then what about the girls? They found their love too' it said in his defence

'Shut up you two. Stop arguing' Aj warned them before summoning the courage as she looked up to Jordy

'Do I have to answer now? Can I think about it first?' She asked him

'Of course you can' he said and that was when the elevator stopped and Aj got of it

'Ok then, I'll see you later then' she said and Jordy simply nodded before waving at her as the elevator door closed

As soon as the elevator door closed, he released the breath that he realised he was holding.

Aj arrived at the address dd sent to her. She sighed before ringing the door bell. She was already pissed because her friends called her and informed her that they were not at the mall so she had to go to the address to meet them.

By now, she had removed her disguise

The door was opened by a guy who looked friendly but Aj didn't know him.

'You must be Aj. I'm Ricardo, the coach' the guy greeted cheerfully as he stepped aside to let her in

'Thanks' Aj said simply

'She got into the building when she saw 6 guys approaching them. She was only able to recognise Jordy. She looked at Ricardo in confusion

'Guys meet Aj, our newest player' the man introduced making Aj more confused

'Your who?!!! I think you've got this all wrong. I'm not a player, I don't even play the game' she said

She took her phone out and called dd

'Where on earth are you guys? I came to the address you sent and a guy is telling me I'm their new player. What on earth did you guys do?' Aj shouted as soon as the call connected

'Ok calm down. The people you just met are team QGDZ. They are participating in the finals. One of the guys was meant to participate but then we got a call from hq and we can't come so we arranged for you to be their fifth player and we knew you wouldn't come if we told you so we came up with that story to convince you' Dd explained

'You did what?!!! I'm not playing any damn game. I don't even play' Aj lashed out

'Just calm down. You and I both know that you know how to play. Anyways I've got to go. Bye' Dd said before cutting the call without waiting for her to respond

'Don't you dare. Dd? Hello' Aj said and realised dd had ended the call

'Ok see. You guys have to get another player.' Aj said after taking deep breaths to calm herself

'We can't it's too late for that. And besides, the contract has already been signed by. Unless you can give us some good reasons' Ricardo said

'Ok uh. Firstly, I have stage fright. Secondly, I don't play' Aj said

'Don't worry, we can teach you' Ricardo suggested

'She said she doesn't play not she doesn't know how to play' Jordy said making Aj turn to glare at him

'Good. Then that settles it. Aj, welcome to the team. This is Xavier also known as Xavy, Damien also known as Dami, Skyler also knownas Kai and I'm sure you already know him but for formalities, this is Jordan also known as Jordy. They are our four players. This is Alexander also known as Alex, he is, well just here. Then this is Zachary also known as Zac, he is our manager' Ricardo introduced them

'Well then, I'll show you to your room' he said