


Even though my blood was boiling and pounding in my ears like a drum, my skin was as cold as the tiles behind me. There was a sharp pain in the center of my chest where my pounding heart had banged into my ribs.

My assailant's leering mouth twisted the nasty scar on his face, and his hot breath scorched my numb cheeks. His bony frame crushed against mine, the edgy joints of his body forcing me down. My side was slammed by the rifle he'd used to intimidate me into quiet.

As the realization of my impending death hit me like a bolt of lightning, my whole body stiffened. If I made a false move, a bullet would rip through my guts.

He got very close, and his scratchy stubble scratched my cheek.

Very attractive, I must say. His greasy words dripped down my neck and left a nasty trail. I can see why you and Nicola get along so well. Believe me, if anything were to happen to you, he would be devastated.