
Turning the Game Around

Haruki looked at the crowd cheering them. He waved and smiled at them. The cameras then turned to those present and went back to their tour to film the six men side by side. 

The singer turned his back to show the logo of the NGO he was representing. After a few seconds, he turned to face the audience again and bowed in thanks to everyone present and those watching. 

His friends understood his maneuver and followed his example to highlight the cause that had brought them together. After all, they were there to get as much sponsorship as possible to lessen the suffering of people and animals. In addition to exposing all the cruelty of men without ethics or character. 

Haruki felt his blood boil as he remembered Daisuke's explanation that there was a movement on the Internet in favor of the Neona project. This is also why they needed to tell everything bad that they lived there.