
Saito-san, I Don't Need a Hero!

Haruki went downstairs to the kitchen after food. He was hungry, actually. And thoughtful about how much Saito-san was nosy getting involved in his life. When they were in the room, he would talk to the adventurer about it.

The singer wasn't the only hungry man who went to fumble in the fridge. He also found the anxious Hinata in the kitchen, being served by Ita-san.

As soon as the senior student saw him, he stopped chewing to say,

"Please Haruki-senpai, I'm sorry. I was wrong when I yelled at you. I'm sorry for being rude to you."

Seeing that Haruki was confused Hinata explained,

"I'm talking about the beach issue when senpai first met Miyu-chan. Now that I met her, I understand why you thought she was a game tester," Hinata bowed to Haruki, looking very sorry.

Haruki blushed at the unexpected apology.

"Hey Hinata-kun, we'll be fine. As soon as Honda-san finds out how to get us out of here."

Ita-san had answered Hinata's request for street food and served them grilled squid, thick pancakes filled with red bean paste, cream, meat, and curry, as well as sweet potatoes roasted on wood.

The smell was great and attracted the rest of the group, since everyone had played baseball all afternoon.

After they ate to their heart's content, the conversation that emerged was the thought that hasn't left their minds since they first met Miyu-chan.

"Miyu-chan is very rude and I am not going to take part in this madness. I'm not a character and I think she's smart enough to see that this place is not a normal otome game," Daisuke brought the matter up.

Some of them, like Hinata, moved in the chair with their heads down, others like Jun looked disgusted,

"Spoiled, rude girl."

"She is totally inadequate," Saito commented in a low voice.

It was funny to see that Saito agreed with Jun's every word, but because Jun was the one to speak he turned his face as if he disagreed. Jun went on to say,

"She's not as fragile as you think. That girl is smart."

"Jun-san had a great idea," Haruki said, exchanging a look with the baker.

"And are you going to share with us?" asked Takashi.

"He pretended to be gay, and he pretended we had a romance! You needed to see Miyu-chan's face. It was hilarious, "Haruki laughed. He wished to make sure everyone understood what happened before rumors started to spread. He wished to believe Saito-san was a discreet guy and wouldn't start rumors just because he didn't like Jun… But perhaps his own guilty conscience was trying to let Jun know he'd rather wish to think of what happened this way.

"I don't know," said Hinata, "Honda-san said he needed Abe-san's money. What if the project is shelved, if Miyu-chan gives up playing?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Saito said,

"They won't shelve it. This place is Plan B for Abe-san's daughter. They can get us out of here anytime they want. They're messing us up. This project is much more than a romantic dating game. It's the future. It is the 'new land' for those who can afford it. And those want to live forever."

Haruki recalled that Kenta had spoken of a biomedic. And he was surprised that Saito reached that conclusion with no extra information.

"Hmmm," Daisuke's reaction showed he wasn't so convinced of Saito's theories. Hinata was agape, and Takashi just played with the fork as if absent-minded.

The silence returned when Ita-san came in bringing more squids, because everyone believed he was a spy for the chief-engineer. But no one refused the delicious food.

After eating so much, and after all the vigorous activities of the day, Haruki to the surprise of the others, was the first to say them goodnight and go up to the room he shared with Saito.

Besides resting, what he wanted was time alone to think about Jun. Now in a calm, rational way. He needed to understand his feelings for the baker.

He lay down on the bed, putting his arm behind his head. Haruki realized that he didn't even need to close his eyes to remember Jun's usually grumpy face.

Which made his smiles so expensive and precious.

The singer analyzed how many times this had happened to him in his life. And this was definitely the first time. All other experiences were too pale near those memories.

"Ooh!" Haruki was startled when Saito took him by the hand, calling his name and demanding his attention. Only then did the singer realize that Saito was lying next to him in his pajamas.

"Um, you didn't hear anything I said," the adventurer looked at him. Haruki had to focus on reality to understand what Saito wanted,

"Excuse me Saito, I was thinking far from here. Can you repeat, please?" It was an exercise to force himself to call him just Saito, and Haruki was sure it didn't sound natural. It would demand some practice.

Saito's look at Haruki was evaluative. The adventurer took so long to speak that the singer thought he had annoyed his roommate, and Saito would not repeat his question.

"Did you believe Jun-san's lame excuses?" the adventurer was going to insist on denigrating the baker, Haruki sighed when he heard the biased question.

"Saito, please stop! We need to come together to survive, or it will harm us."

"Sasaki Jun is a criminal. He paid no penalty because he knew how to collude. He's a gang leader. You cannot see this because you are young and innocent. He's 'feeding' you. He chose you to be 'his toy boy'!"

"Like they did to you, back then?!" Haruki exploded.