
Old Mindset or New Mindset?

"Cupcake, your breakfast. You need to wake up, sweetie."

Haruki opened one eye, he was still very sleepy. But the sweet voice of his lover was a delight to hear. He saw Jun shaved, dressed up, and with stylish hair, and he was bringing him a tray with breakfast! The singer smiled and sat on the bed.

Gradually the conversation from the night before reached his mind clouded by sleep, and Haruki opened his eyes wide.

 Jun was visibly excited, because today he was going to watch the recording of his love.

 Tense, the singer curled up on the bed. It was the drop of water that Saito needed to overflow his cup of hatred.

Haruki couldn't keep a cheerful face on the present, and Jun asked,

"Cupcake, what are you worrying about?"

'Shit, Jun will figure out what is happening on the set!' The singer was alarmed. And trying to lose track, he changed the subject,