
New Bodyguard


'Paparazzi?!' Haruki looked to the side where the clicking sound came from.

 In a conditioned act, the singer trained for stardom opened his chest, straightened the spine and raised his chin, and all his posture became sociable and pretty to the cameras!

Haruki spotted three girls. Two with cell phones in hand, and another with a camera, taking pictures from the doorway of the restaurant.

And the cameras were aimed at someone else, not at him. The singer looked on and saw Jun coming back into the bathroom. 

Haruki's friendly pose attracted the girls, and they surrounded him in a moment.

"Hi! Hi!" They said in English to him, waving their hands.

Jun came out of the bathroom again and came over to Haruki. which caused a commotion among the young tourists.

 "Lovebread! Lovebread!" They greeted each other enthusiastically. They were bouncing like overexcited fangirls. And gesturing to Jun, they continued to photograph him.