
I've Paid for that Pink Lamborghini Gallardo!

"Ohh Daisuke-san has bought a Lamborghini Gallardo? What good taste!" Miyu-chan exclaimed. She had also seen the millennial pink car pass by, even while she was admiring Takashi sightseeing the falling snow.

'Women are always so attentive!' Haruki admired this feminine ability. Even though Jun was behind the wheel, Miyu knew Daisuke was the owner because of the pinkish painting. And in order not to think about the annoying couple riding in a convertible, he turned to the girl in search of some information about the game.

Haruki heard the screech of tires scraping the asphalt. And turned to look.

"Watch out!" Miyu-chan let out a shriek.

Jun had boldly drifted the car. The convertible spun on the runway, leaving the tire braking mark on the floor of the ship's deck, and causing its occupants to stick to the seats. The convertible stopped across the main avenue of the mini-city.

Jun stared at Haruki. He sped up the car by making the engine growl several times, like an angry animal intimidating its prey before the attack.

Haruki glared back at Jun with closed fists and puffed chest, huffing in outrage.

Jun accelerated the Lamborghini towards the singer.

Haruki was static, waiting. He could have run because he had good reflexes for it. But he capriciously decided to stay and discover how far this madness would go, but he very much doubted it.

Jun kept his cold hazel eyes on Haruki as the car grew in the singer's field of vision.

Less than five meters from the singer, Jun turned the steering wheel, passing by Haruki a few inches away. The singer felt the hot air moving, ruffling his hair and clothes, and even the heat of the engine passing by his side, his fists and teeth clenched in anger.

'Cocky bastard! Jun, you'll see who drives the best when you eat my sand, you stupid grudge! ' Haruki felt his face burning with rage, his heart racing with adrenaline and the muscular relief of not being run over.

Takashi came to grab him into the cafe with an ungentle thug. His hands were cold and his face was pale.

Miyu-chan was already at the door with her arms around herself. The girl was shaking from head to toe as she stared at him with wide eyes.

"Calm down Miyu-chan. It was just a stupid stunt, baby," Haruki minimized.

"What's wrong with you, Haruki?! What did you want to prove there, in this frigging 'mine is bigger than yours' contest? Are you guys Neanderthal males that have escaped extinction?" Takashi couldn't help but vent his thoughts in front of the girl. Miyu looked at everything in horror.

"If you are going to behave like that in the rally, you better go back to Haruki-san Island," she felt entitled to also scold him.

"What's up with you guys?! I was the victim over there!" the singer protested.

"No, Haruki, you weren't and you aren't. You are the master of your life. Don't put yourself in that comfortable position." Miyu didn't soften for him. "Takashi-san, please, I need a hot drink."

The girl turned to her 'hidden crush', with trembling lips and big teary eyes after what she witnessed.

Takashi motioned for Haruki to enter as well, seeing the singer turn his feet to the street. The singer obeyed thinking about how to get away from them. And go forth and pierce the whole body of the car with an ice pick. This car was bought with the sweat of his brows. And the rest of the body, to be honest. It was absurd that someone else was driving it, having fun, and trying to run over him with the car that was bought with his diamonds!


"Miyu-chan, can we have a key to being creators too? If not, could you borrow yours?" Haruki hinted after drinking four beers while keeping the couple company in the cafeteria.

"Haruki-san! What a greedy man you are!" she responded by stomping her foot and placing her hands closed on her hips.

The girl's terrible reaction to a silly question confused the singer who explained himself,

"It's not greediness Miyu-chan, it's pragmatism. See: a) The mansion is a big void with nothing to do. b) The island is a huge waste of land with nothing. c) And last and most importantly: how are you going to get a gift from us if we can't create anything special like what you have here?" he made a broad gesture showing the whole place.

The singer stared at her with a raised brow, waiting for Miyu to fall for his trick.

Although it was partially true what Haruki said, what he wanted was the key to creating things more useful to them. Like a sports court, for example.

But most of all, he wanted the key to continuing his plan for revenge against his archenemy. 'Daisuke, you're going to cry,' he was savoring his future vendetta when Miyu replied with a sweet voice,

"Oh, I'm sorry Haruki-san! I'll find out and I'll tell you later."

As she spoke the singer felt his application vibrate with a message. But he didn't look politely at the girl.

"C'mon!" Takashi exclaimed. He was looking at his app, which piqued Haruki's curiosity. What had made Takashi stir? Takashi however didn't comment on it, and turning to them at the table, asked,

"Miyu-chan, I was fascinated to see the beauty of your creation. First, I want to thank you for creating the snow. It was very sensitive and beautiful. Thank you very much. And if it is not a secret, could you share with me how was your experience in search of the Key of Creation?"

Seeing Miyu entertained by the artist again, Haruki looked at his own smartwatch, sensing that the message was related to the next test.

New System Messages:


Takeda Haruki lost 3 points of happiness!

Total: 1 point

Happiness Status: (1) OUTRAGED

-30% winnings


Haruki didn't understand what that meant. The system was hard to understand for him since he had never played an Otome Game. He would have to ask. And the most reliable person to open up to was his new brother.

"Nii-san, can you tell me what '30% fewer earnings' means?"

"Oh My Goodness! Haruki-san, this is really bad," Miyu interjected, answering before the artist.

"Am I this screwed? What is 30% less?" the singer insisted on the question.

"It's how much you are losing out of all your earnings on current missions, while you are in that frame of mind. You need to regain happiness to stay balanced," Takashi explained. And turning to the girl, asked. "Miyu-chan, aren't you going to take us to the shrine? Perhaps Haruki can find some balance visiting a nice place."

"Excuse me. I'd love to, but I need to go to sleep for a while. I think my grim mood is lack of sleep," Haruki was exhausted and his eyes were sandy. The bad night's sleep plus the alcohol won over his strength.

But the biggest reason is that he was really feeling disgusted, and tired of pretending everything was fine while he wasn't.

He left them at the cafe and returned to his room.


Upon entering the suite Haruki didn't see Mimi's things.

"Mimi, Mimi," the singer left looking for the cat and his belongings. What would have happened? Looking all over the place without finding it, he went to see the only place he hadn't looked at, the garbage trap.

The litterbox was lying across the pit, trapped. And from inside he heard Mimi's weak meowing.