
Cherry Blossoms

Haruki left the room to explore where he was.

 It was the TMD's lower decks. He discovered that he was next to the City Hall complex, where the maintenance center was located for the functioning of the thematic areas. The developers worked to give structure and support to Miyu-chan's creations. This was the machinery area. He didn't understand why it had to be that way, but he liked that realistic detail.

Haruki's plan was to meet Jun and convince him that he had followed them out of jealousy because Jun was stuck with the influencer. 

And seduce Jun.

But he would do that when they were both without their apps. That's how he'd discover if Jun was also manipulating him.

Haruki remembered well how his body and mind had reacted in the real world when he saw a simple drawing of Jun. And everything he felt when he was introduced to him by Hinata.