
Beauty Inspires and Links People

They went downstairs carrying their loot in tow.

And in addition to carrying his 'little lunch', Haruki carried Jiji on his lap, out of the capsule backpack, letting him get a whiff of fresh air. Takashi had given a camouflage outfit for pets when they left the aircraft. 

Jiji was looking like a pet soldier with his new outfit, and it even had fluorescent spots to make the black cat visible in dark places. Haruki laughed when he realized the little vest created the illusion the little cat had shoulders!

When stepping on the pink sands, the singer released his feline friend on the sandy ground. Haruki was curious to see how Jiji would behave seeing so much sand.

 The kitten took some uncertain steps, because of the strange element under its little paws. But as soon as he got used to it, Jiji ran and threw sand upwards. He sprinted for short distances and drifted to spread sand. He even did the same stunts around Haruki, throwing sand at his tutor.