
Chapter 6

Kai drove off.

"I swear I was on my way to your house, I just didn't know when Erik came" Gwen said

"It is alright I was on my way to your house anyway" Kai revealed


"I was at a hotel and you didn't know the location so I thought I'd come pick you up myself"



In a few minutes, Kai and Gwen arrived at D&G.

The place was huge.

Gwen and Kai got in.

Kai was led to his styling room and Gwen followed behind him.

Gwen watched as the stylists styled his hair.

She watched his every move.

From when he changed to when he walked out and in.

Shooting deadly glares at whoever tries to put make-up on his face.

The rain was pouring and Gwen was enjoying the sound of the rain fall until a call came in.

She looked down at her phone only to see Erik calling.

She refused to pick up but he wouldn't stop calling.

She excused herself and picked it up.

"I swear babe. I don't know what came over me. I'll never hit you again. I'm sorry. I need you to live, if you're not with me I don't know how I'd survive, make me the happiest man and take me back, please Gwen" Erik said

There was an ear-splitting silence before Gwen spoke, "Do you know how many bruises you've given me?" Gwen asked

"Do you know how many times I had to cry because I thought I was not up to your perfect girlfriend image?" Gwen asked again but Erik didn't reply

"Now you can't answer me because you know you're wrong and you do not have any reason to be begging for my forgiveness but I'm over you Erik, I'm over you!" Gwen continued.

Kai was about to walk into his styling room when he heard her on the phone.

"When I spoke to you about my father, you'd always say he doesn't care about me and when I cry, you don't comfort me. All you do is blame me or tell me you can't deal with my constant sorrow and crying. All men are truly THE SAME. I guess to you, a girlfriend is a sex toy and your punching bag but I can't deal with it anymore. But just know you can't find a woman that'll take your shit and love you better than me and your net worth can never be up to the times you fucked up, came home drunk, and hit me"

Gwen said before hanging up.

Gwen already had teary eyes and was about to cry. She  needed someone to cry on. Kai built up courage and hugged her.

Gwen cried on Kai's hard chest.

She felt protected for once in her life as Kai held her and caressed her hair.

"Mr Leone, it's time ti switch outfits" A lady came out of the styling room and told him.

"Can we cancel for today? I have a lot caught up at he moment" Kai said leaving without allowing her to respond.

The rain had stopped already and Kai walked with Gwen to his car.

Kai dropped Gwen at home but Gwen had other plans.

She went to a bar and drank till she was high.

She forgot all her worries that way.

She hailed a taxi and got into it.

"Where are we going?" The taxi driver asked

"M-Macmillan street...n-number 4"



When they arrived, Gwen got down and went to his gate.

"Miss Gwen, why are you here so late? It's midnight for crying out loud" Allen, the security guy said

"The boss has a sh-shoot" Gwen replied


"Yes of course, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't called."

"Ummm ok?"

He opened the gate and Gwen went in.

Gwen entered Kai's house and went straight to his bedroom.

Kai comforted her, not so cold again.

Tsk tsk tsk Erik, when would you learn to leave Gwen alone?

Did you expect Gwen to enter Kai's bedroom?

The security guy opened the gate for her by 12

Bye Lillies.

Sashaxr16creators' thoughts