
Falling for Mr Darcy

You somehow go back in time to the time where Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet exists. It's your job to bring them together.. But there's a twist just waiting to happen. Are you ready for it?

Moon_Goddess_Cyndi · Movies
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4 Chs

Assisting Mr Darcy

In a very long carriage ride, I'm suffocating. Raelynn Hadel Consuela Maria Hernandez, talk. Great. I don't anything to say except ask a couple of hypothetical questions or just questions.

"What do you look for in a woman? Any trait you want her to particularly have?"

"I am not certain"

Ok. He's not in the mood to talk. I guess I'll just nod off. Who the hell is shaking me? "Manuel, let me have 5 more minutes, in bed, with you?" that's when I jerk myself awake and realize how much of an embarrassment I am. From head to toe. That brings tears to my eyes just when I think about him. Manuel Sanchez, I thought for one second he was the one. But guess not.

"How eager was Abuela when I told him I'm marrying one of the Sanchez. She told all the wealth is coming. la abuela Estaba muy Feliz y emocionada (grandma was very happy and excited). It would break her heart"

Mr Darcy gives the rarest expression ever. I almost don't wanna get on his bad side. Awkward and bad, really bad. "Did I say that out loud? I'm sorry, I got a little emotional... a little bit"

Raelynn Hadel Consuela Maria Hernandez, stop babbling about random stuff to random people. Smiling at Mr Darcy makes it awkward once more. I scream internally and hope that he forgets my rambling. Seriously, me and my scatterbrain. When they announce our arrival I thank whoever interrupted this moment.

After Darcy gets out, he offers me his hand. Dont take his hand, and also do not fall in love. All men are fools. I sit like a bird lost in a net and stare right at his hand before getting out myself. My mouth falls open, the place looks like a literal palace. Maybe it is a palace. Honestly, why am I fascinated with the place? Get yourself together Hernandez. "Impressed are we?"

"Nope, I'm just soaking it all in sir," I say to save myself from drowning in a pool of 'So impressive'. No sooner do we step inside the place I spot Rafael, my brother. Did he? I think he did.

"Raffie?!" I shout. He takes one look at me and tries to dash off but me being an athlete and all I catch him red-handed. Grabbing him by the ear I drag him back. "You are the worst brother ever"

"Can you let go? You're hurting my ego"

"Your pathetic ego can wait Raffie and plus I think someone waiting for us" I reply back. Him and his stupid ego.

"Sir, this here is my brother. Rafael Hernandez, and well... I think you owe an explanation"