


/"Let's meet and I can tell you what I need you to do for me?/" I told Jay.

/"No./" He quickly replied. /"I'm kinda in hospital so I can't meet you right now./"

/"Are you with that child that is pregnant./" I asked.

/"No. I'm in hospital because her sister put me in hospital and guess who was with her?/" Jay asked but I knew I didn't have to answer after all he has a big mouth and never keeps quiet. /"Tucker was there Benjamin./"

/"Our Tucker? Tucker Smith?/" I asked shocked.

/"That asshole didn't even tell me he has a beautiful girlfriend and the girl I got pregnant is his sister in law. What a small world./" Jay said laughing. /"Now why did you call?/"

/"You telling me you and Tucker are in love with two sisters?/" I asked.

/"I like the girl I got pregnant, I don't love her now why did you call?/" I feel sorry for Jay, because Masha will definitely kill that little girl and him.