


/"Shut up Jailson./" Benjamin shouted interrupting him. /"Sofia wasn't even your PA for an hour and you two are already fighting. Since when do you great a scene Jailson?/"

/"It/" I didn't even start talking when he interrupted me.

/"I'm I talking to Jailson or you?' Benjamin asked me and I pointed at Jailson. /"Are you children? If you going to keep arguing with her Jailson than why did you make her your PA?/"

/"I didn't hi-/"

/"I didn't tell you to speak Jailson so keep your mouth shut./" Benjamin interrupted him and Jailson looked at me with a smirk. /"Sofia you know most of my employees are men's and yet I let you come here but you didn't even enter my company and you already had two fights today. You were here for less than an hour and my PA and Jailson is already complaini/"

/"I'm not complaining about he/" Benjamin looked at him angry and Jailson zipped his mouth.

/"You know what Benjamin-/"