
Falling for Miss Director

"Nature doesn't force love, it presents it to you, like a delicate rose in bloom." ***** As Sydney's gaze met Jordan's, her heart skipped a beat, and her words tangled in her throat. His piercing silver eyes sparkled like diamonds in the light, and his black tuxedo accentuated his chiseled features, making him look like a debonair prince. The warmth of his gentle smile enveloped her, and she felt like she was surrendering to the whisper of fate. This was love at first sight, but... Sydney's hand instinctively went to her stomach, and she rushed to the side, overwhelmed by a sudden wave of emotion. But it wasn't just her heart that was racing - her deepest fear was also stirring. L-O-V-E! Sydney Mia, the well-known director in the country, had always lived by her motto: "Rule the world with my movies, collect trophies, and gain a legendary reputation." Love was never part of the script, just a distant hum in the background.  But Jordan's presence was like a gentle earthquake, shaking the foundations of her heart, and awakening a longing she never knew existed. Yet, there was something about Jordan that was different. He was the calm in every storm, the safe haven where she could be herself and face her fears. As she opened her eyes, her hand still trembling, their gazes met once more. His silver eyes shone with an otherworldly intensity, filled with concern and kindness. "Are you okay?"  he asked, his voice low and soothing, like a gentle stream meandering through a lush meadow. In that moment, Sydney felt her walls begin to crumble, her fears slowly unraveling. Could Jordan be the one to finally awaken her heart, to show her that love wasn't a weakness, but a strength that could move mountains and shatter the shackles of deepest fears? Could he be the one to make her rewrite her motto, to make love the leading role in her life's script?

Favour_9_Olajide · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After ascending the stairs, Jordan moved toward the middle of the platform where he was greeted with an embrace from a fellow speaker and given the trophy. 

He approached the standing microphone with excitement and a smile on his face. 

He spoke to the head, lowering his upper body. 

"To begin with, this honor caught me off guard. I simply wanted to express that I am really happy to announce that my effort has finally been validated. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who worked behind the scenes, from the staff to the cast, for making this possible. And, yes, before coming here, I met someone amazing. Well, that person brought me this good luck charm. I may also mention that your presence inspired this amazing present for me. You have contributed to my special day just as I have contributed to yours," he said before leaving. 

He was almost reaching Sydney's seat as he ascended the chair roll steps when he was greeted with congratulations from a few men in the business. 

Sydney watched him with a smile on her face while seated; she was on the verge of getting up, but her impulse stopped her. 

She applauded him after raising her hand in the air. 

Most people left the event and went to their respective modes of transportation. Sydney, for example, was led to a vehicle by officials who were helping her. 

The door was opened for her, and just as she was about to enter, she paused and turned her head in a direction. 

"Hey," Jordan cried out to her as he headed towards the van, but her security quickly intervened to prevent him from stepping a foot, prompting her to urge them to recede.

"Do not worry, I know him," she said calmly, and she was helped from behind as the hem of her dress was raised, allowing her to move towards him. 

"Hey," Sydney said with a smile. 

"Congrats." She added. 

"Thank you very much," she smiled as he raised his hand to scratch his head once again. 

"What would you like to say?" She stated when she sensed he was nervous. 

"Well, I thought it would be great to acquire your number now that we have become friends." 

"Friends? Who said that?" She spoke with a brusque tone and a scowl. 

"Oh, I thought—" 

"What did you think? I expected you would say I am your good luck charm," she said, and he broke into laughing. 

"Where is your phone?" Sydney inquired. 

He said, "Oh, this is it," and Sydney shot him a sly glance before securing her phone number. 

With a smile on his face, she handed him the gadget and said, "I cannot wait to get a text from you." 

"Yes, you will receive it from me," he laughed in response. 

The next instant became uneasy due to the silence that inhabited their premises. 

"So, I guess I ought to go home now," Sydney explained. 

"Yeah, bye," he waved timidly as Sydney entered the van. 

When she went home, Pene was all over her, asking questions about what had happened. 

Sydney moved toward the dining table with a cup of coffee in hand, Pene following behind her. 

She took a seat to the side, and Pene sat opposite her with interested glances, but Sydney nonchalantly uncovered the screen of her laptop, avoiding eye contact with Pene. 

"Common, Sydney, tell me. What has changed this year?" 

Sydney stayed casual as she glanced at the screen for a bit before wrapping her fingers around her cup and taking a drink of her coffee. 

"Oh honestly, Sydney, are you going to ghost me? Please tell me." 

"Okay, okay, there was this guy," she blurted out, unable to endure her questioning, but Pene adjusted herself in her seat, pushed forward her body, and her eyes shifted to Sydney as her gossiping mood was engaged. 

"A guy? What kind of guy is he?" 

"Hey, do not take it literally; all he was was one of my biggest fans." 

Her eyes teased, "Oh my, do not tell me you gave him your number." 

"Pene is just—" She was distracted by the vibration of her phone as she removed it off the table before Pene's fingers could touch it. 

"Hey," Sydney's eyes caught a text sent from an unknown number, and then another message appeared. 

"This is Jordan. I hope I am not bothering you. 

Sydney's face lit up with glee. 

"Oh my goodness, do not tell me that smile is for that guy. Common, I want to see the message," Pene joked as she reached for the phone, but Sydney grabbed it back and slapped her palm. 

"Ouch!" Pene exclaimed as she withdrawn her hand. 

"Who is it from? "That guy?" 

"So what, Pene? I have my privacy to maintain."

Pene raised her arms as if to surrender.

"Oh apologies, I never thought of it," Pene said with a laugh. 

Sydney did not say anything as she pouted her lips, but when she saw the message, she raised her thumbs to respond. 

Time passed, and before she knew it, she raised her head to see Pene had left. 

Her gaze roamed the dining area as Pene left her without saying anything. 

She checked the time on her phone and was surprised to see that she had spent hours texting with Jordan and it was already close to morning. 

She covered her mouth as a yawn left her lips, then looked at the laptop, which had gone into hibernation due to her absence. 

Sydney turned it off and went to her room, but she continued to contact him throughout the night, allowing her a few hours to sleep. 

Sydney got up early, dressed, and had breakfast served, but as she was about to leave the house, she overheard Pene's shocked tone. 

"Do not tell me that is Sydney!" She gasped as she got near. 

"Where are you going? You are not an early riser, so why would you wake up early?" She said, her gaze unable to resist examining Sydney's elegant attire. 

But Sydney was more casual, and she only dressed up for rare occasions. 

"Sydney, are you going out?" 

"Well—" As she was ready to speak, they were distracted by the sound of the telecom, which revealed the man standing in front of the house's gate. 

Pene poked her hand at the telecom in perplexity before tracing it to Sydney. 

"That is not my man," Pene pointed out. 

Sydney gave her a slight smile. 

"Actually, Pene. He is the guy I told you about." 

"Oh, what is he doing here? Do not tell me you are going out with a man you met last night."

"It's just a date—" 

Pene's eyes grew wide. 

"Do not stare at me with that expression; you know how the world changes, besides," Sydney raised her wrist to check the time.

Sydney kissed Pene on the cheek and said, "I am running late, bye," leaving Pene stunned before departing the house. 

Pene absentmindedly gazed at the closed door as she spoke out the query she was internally asking. 

"When did she begin going on dates?"