
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs


I just stared at her ever since I entered the cafe. She still hasn't noticed me because she's busy with her business on her phone. I want to back out. I can't approach her right now. I want to lea-

"Hey there!" she noticed me as soon as I was planning to back out. Geez! that smile is killing me.

"H-hey!" I tried to sound friendly and confident. I feel like my heart skipped a beat for a moment.

"Come here" she used her hand; gestured me to come close and sit. I followed and sat on the only chair in front of her. I forced out a smile. "How long have you been there?" She asked with her friendly tone.

"I just arrived," I lied, where in fact I've been here for almost 5 minutes.

She just nodded as a response.

A girl approached us to ask what are we going to order. Stella smiled before looking at the menu.

"What do you like?" She asked me as she leans towards me to show the menu. Fck. Is she going to kill me anytime?

"U-Ummm Caramel Macchiato?" I read what I saw first. I don't care what its taste like though.

"How 'bout the cake?" She asked with her eyes on the menu.

"Let's order the same flavor," I actually don't care about the flavor as well.

"Ok.... 1 caramel macchiato, and French Vanilla..." her eyes are still on the menu, thinking of what flavor she'll order. ".. 2 slices of chocolate chip," she returns the menu to the girl with a smile on her face. She must have had a good sleep last night. She's been smiling for who knows how long. Well, I actually love the way she smiles.

"Anyway, about yesterday..." she broke the long silence between us. "About the Oppa thingy." She giggles. My face turn red as soon as I remember what happened. I assumed too much yesterday and makes me embarrassed. I looked down while drumming my fingers silently on my knees, hoping that she won't notice how red is my face right now. "I'm not planning to call you Oppa," she chuckled, then I looked at her, seeing how she scratches her neck. "Maybe Hyung will do," she laughs at her own statement while her wrinkled nose while I'm just frozen with an "o" shape formed in my mouth.


That's gross.

She stops laughing as soon as our order arrived. "Thank you, Zia," she told the young lady who gave our order and they smile with each other. She must be a regular customer here since they seem so close. "Enjoy the food. we'll talk about the plan later." She says as she took a sip on her coffee.

We're just eating peacefully,... no one dared to talk. I can't help but steal glances at her. She's so cute while eating. She looks like a hamster. You won't even think that she's a lesbian. She reminds me of someone I know. Someone who looks like her, and it's my sister who's living in Canada. She's stayed with my mom ever since my parents divorced.

After that quiet moment, we just stayed a little bit longer before she invited me to get out of the cafe.

"Do you have your car?" She asked me as soon as we went out.

"I don't have a car," I just took a cab earlier.

She sighs. "Good thing my buddy is here," she says as she handed me a... helmet? I looked at her with confusion but she just rides her motorcycle. She looked at me raising one of her eyebrows as if she's asking me to ride on the backside of her motorcycle.

Is she serious?

"What are you looking at? Come on, then we'll be off" she says pointing at the backside where I should sit. O-okay? It's just weird that a girl will drive while I'll be the one who'll be the passenger.

I followed what she said as she wears her helmet, so I wore mine too. She's prepared, huh? She did not say a thing and just started the engine.

She's just quiet, her eyes are focused on the road. I don't know if I should hold onto her arms or hug her from the back.

"Why don't you hold? It's dangerous, you dumbass," wow. Did she just curse at me?

Okay then.. nevermind. I put my hands onto her shoulders, causing her to yell again. "What the hell are you doing? Not there!" frustration is visible on her voice. "Put your hands around my waist," she says. I gulped as I did what she told me. "Hold tight, dumbass," there she goes again. Who's that bastard who thought her how to curse? Oh wait-- I just cursed too.

I hugged her from behind. I mean.. it's not really a hug. It's just.... hmm... I'm protecting myself and she told me to hold tight, and so I did. I just don't know how to explain it.

We stopped in front of a not-so-big building, with a "World Of Smiles" written on the banner. Ok, what's with that?

As we enter the so-called World of Smiles, I saw tons of games here and there. Stella is now exchanging her money into tokens in this machine which is I don't know what it's called.

"Let's have fun for the meantime," she says as she handed me her tokens. There's a lot of it. "Let's go there," she dragged me towards the machines. It's funny how a tiny girl controls me.

We played many games... like the one where we shoot the balls on the basket. She's really good at playing it. We also played Just Dance wherein I'm really bad at playing. Dancing is not my thing. She kept on making fun of me, calling me stiff which is actually true. We played various games too which is I don't know what they are called. We also got many of these small papers that came from those machines. Maybe these are tickets? And now, she's playing Claw Machine while I'm just watching her serious face and how she frown whenever she fails on getting the stuffed toy inside. Her target is Hello Kitty stuff toy which confuses me. I thought she doesn't like feminine kinds of stuff. I tried playing it too on the other machine.


Stell gave her best to get the stuffed toy inside the box but she's just too bad in it.

"Hey, look what I've got," Tyron says with a wide smile while showing her the Hello Kitty stuff toy he got from the other machines.

"You like hello kitty?" She asked with a frown. She never thought that he's gay. Or is he?

"Hey! I'm not gay, okay," he exclaimed as if he read what's on her mind.

Stell chuckled. "Really? That's why did you get that, huh?" She scoffed while pointing at the toy.

"Umm. I helped you get a toy, that's it." He honestly answered making her smile widely. That's actually his real reason why he played the claw machine. He wanted to appeal to her. "Don't be touched okay?" He says, forcing not to smile as he handed her the toy, which she accepts whole-heartedly.

"I won't. Besides, I'm doing it for Shelby," she says, making him froze on his place. He sighs in disbelief. He thought that she wants it for herself. "Let's get some more," she's now focused on getting another cute toy. She knows that Shelby will love those pieces of stuff.

Tyron does not have any choice but to help her. But something bothers him so he decided to ask her. "Stella?" He called and she hums as a response without even looking at his direction. "I was just wondering why you're doing that. I mean, you can just buy bigger and cuter stuff." He asked but she did not stop playing.

"I have money and it would be effortless if I'll just buy what I want to give to her. Isn't it better if I'll work for it?" She looked at him as if she's asking him to agree. He nods and she continues her business with the Claw Machine.

Such a sweetheart; he thought. How come she has that mindset? It's rare for wealthy people to give effort to their loved ones. A girl like her should be kept; that's what he thinks.

"Gotcha!" He smiled when he saw how her face glows up. It's the first toy that she got by herself while Tyron already got 4. It's something that he's good at even though it's only his second time playing it.

He misses his sister, and Stella kept on reminding him about her.