
Falling Crazy In Love

Luna_yEstrella · Teen
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23 Chs


"I need you," Tyron couldn't help but to blink 3 times as he heard what Stella said. She's referring to him, right there in front of him.

He was shocked. Does it mean Stella... likes him? "I know I sounded desperate... but.. I need you," she says with her face as red as a tomato. "You can think what you want.. We just met last week but... I'm desperate. I can't take it any longer." His mouth formed an "O" shape in disbelief. His heart is beating so fast. He's happy... knowing that Stella likes him too. But he's wondering how did that happen because she was cold towards him before.

"B-But how? How did that happen?" he asked.

"Happened what?" She frowns in confusion.

"You said you need me. So... it means, you like me?" He said straight to the point. He's just too happy and he can't wait to hear more, but he tried not to sound too obvious.

"Umm yeah... I like... I mean..." she thinks of a way on how to deliver it correctly. "I'm desperate. I want you to be my Oppa. If that's the right term" She chuckles.

Tyron blinks twice... "O-Oppa?"

She nods. "Hmm.. of course, you're close to my future girlfriend," she smiles widely as soon as she said it. She can't wait for it to happen, but she needs him to make it work.

"Girlfriend?" He's confused. "I-I thought you want me to be your Oppa?" He forces a smile so that it won't look awkward. (In case you don't understand, Korean girls call their boyfriends Oppa as well... not just someone older).

"Yes... I mean..... wait, I think you misunderstood me," she laughs loudly as soon as she realizes what is he talking about. Tyron is just standing still, frozen, while his face is red right now. "Listen, what I told you is... I need you to help me. My god, I feel so stupid," she scratches her not so itchy neck. She's embarrassed by the fact that she did not deliver it properly.

Tyron felt embarrassed as well. He just expected too much. He expected something impossible to happen.

Pathetic, isn't it?

"I get straight to the point... I like Shelby, not you" she laughs awkwardly. "I was upset by the fact that she sees me as just her friend, so I think I must make a move." She moves a little closer to him and looked at his eyes. He gulped by how close they are, making him step backward "So... I need you to make it work."

He avoided her gaze. "Why are you telling this to me?" What she confessed brokes his heart. It's not the kind of confession that he wanted to hear. It has been just a week since he found her, but he's aware that he's head over heels to her.

"Because I need your help," He thought that it hurts when she's with guys... but it hurts more since he found out that she has the eye for his cousin, Shelby. He shakes his head, making her frown.

"I'll do whatever you want, I promise. Just.. just help me," he doesn't know what to respond. "I'll pay you back," he looked at her as if he's asking for the reason "I'm desperate. I'm afraid that someone might take her away." She was saddened when she sees how sweet Shelby and Jaeson are earlier, until now.

She's a lesbian, and it sucks. It's too impossible to make her fall for him.. especially when she sees him as an opportunity to get closer to Shelby.



I thought that I was the happiest earlier. I've got a chance to get close to her... to laugh with her. I got a chance to make her smile. But it frustrates me to the fact that I became the saddest person tonight. The sky is the witness of my sadness as it pours its tears, letting me know that I'm not alone.

I can not sleep just by thinking about what happened earlier. She's a lesbian, she admitted it. She likes girls... Okay, I can accept that but.. why? Out of all girls, why it has to be Shelby? Why it has to be my cousin? I rolled at my bed; frustrated. How can I help her if I'll be that one who'll get hurt?


I woke up by the sudden noise coming from my phone, sign that I received a message. I reached out for my phone on the tableside, eyes are half-open. I unlocked my phone and saw a message of an unregistered number. Who could it be?


Hey! Are you free today?

Who would send a message at this hour?

I typed with my eyes half close

to 09×××××××××:

Who's this?

I typed my reply with a frown.


Stell here

Yeah, right. She asked for my number yesterday before we part ways. This is it. This is the beginning of my suffering.


Do you have something to do later?

to 09×××××××××:

Nothing. Why?

I set her name on my phone as 'Moon Star' as soon as I saved her number. Moon, because it's her surname, and Star is the origin of her name.



Just wanted to talk to you. You know... about the plan.

Or maybe, we can hang out as an advance thank you

Let's meet later at ××××××× Cafe.

My treat ;)

Tsk. Aren't you even aware that you're hurting me?

Okay, I'm indeed stupid. How can she know if I haven't told her? And how can I tell her when I obviously don't have any chance?


That's great then. What time?

I tried not to appear disappointed even though I am. I'm disappointed with myself. How come did I even like her in the first place? I look like an easy man who falls immediately.. though it's my first time being attracted to someone whom I just met. I knew it, that she's different from the other girls.


Before lunch.. See ya ;)

Why put a smirk on her message? Is she trying to attract me? Well, she already did.

I jumped out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It's already 7 in the morning. I did not even notice how bright it is since I'm spacing out.


I open the door to the cafe where she asked me to meet her. I look around to find where she is and found her at the back where there is only one table for two people. What comes to her mind to sit there? That's far from the other seats. Is she going to tell me a big secret that no one, even strangers should not hear?

Well, I can't hide the fact that she looks stunning on her denim outfit today. She's indeed a human doll. She's beautiful without even trying; no fancy outfit, not too many accessories, no make up... it's just her being herself.

She hasn't noticed my presence, since I'm a bit far from her. She's smiling while looking at her phone that makes me smile too. My heart races. She's too adorable and that's the reason why I'm crazy for her. Not really crazy. It's just my heart who acts crazy. It just saddens me that she's not into boys.