
Fallen Prince: I Shall Become The One True King

Author here, sorry for the long pause on this novel, but i would like to know if you guys feel I should rewrite it or just continue the current story path. I'd really appreciate the feedback. _________________________________________________________________ SYNOPSIS.... A tragic tale of a Prince who lost everything.., his family, home, friends, his once luxurious life...now forced to live at the bottom of it all. Whilst trying to keep to his now deceased family's dying wish.., with dangers and wickedness all around him, he now struggles to survive on a daily basis, while also trying to acquire what he'd lost watch as a forgotten but resourceful prince slowly makes his way back to the top..., changing more and more to adapt to this new world he never noticed until now Will he survive or not?, keep reading to find out.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 33: Betrayal?

"Rarraarr(Ok ok I'll stop hehehe)" The cute little cub said cheekily before getting off the golden lioness.

The golden lioness cub who was now free from his ' torturous tongue ' gave a sigh of relief before standing up as well

"Rawwwwrrr~(What's gotten into you all of a sudden?, your acting far more different than usual...)" She asked half flustered and stunned, if she remembered correctly he wasn't this cheerful and full of energy prior right?.

"Rawwwwrrr( Hey...come on, I was just playing~)"

"Rarrrrrrrr(yeah yeah I know I know, I was just curious that's all)"

"Rawwwrrr( Oh, so your not mad?..)"

"Rarrrr?, Rawwwwrrr ( huh?, Why would I be mad?, to be honest am kinda happy you're not so glum as always..., you know...s-since everyone...) She roared lightly, her radiant face turning gloomier at the end.

"Rawwwwrrr( S-Sorry, I didn't mean to!..)" She quickly said after realizing what she just did.

The black lion cub on the other hand stood their quietly all of a sudden..., it seemed like her words got him thinking of the past again but thankfully not for to long, he soon snapped out of it, no matter what, he'd already put the past behind him, with his shackles broken and the negative emotions that held him back prior now gone, the little prince didn't want to be ensnared once more he thought inwardly.

Now all that really mattered was focusing on the present before him.

"Rarrrr(No no no it's ok..., really..)" he reassured her, before quickly glancing towards the barns entrance.

"Rawwwwrr( Don't worry about it, I really think we should be worrying about the visitors outside instead....)" The young prince said all of a sudden, maybe to change the subject but one thing was certain.


The cold look in his eyes when he gazed at the door showed just how unwelcoming he was.

As a beast he was naturally equipped with a superb sense of smell.

while playing around earlier he'd already noticed the differing sent's outside, the reason he didn't act sooner was simply because he didn't want to end his play with his friend.

the golden lioness cub wanted to say something else but before she could.


The huge wooden doors creaked as they were slowly opened.

'Keugh!!!( I-It can't be?!)' He exclaimed in disbelief, against his will, the dark and tragic memories he tried burying deep down were slowly resurfacing.

The black lion cub instantly went silent, his body felt completely stiff all of a sudden as if shocked by electricity.

With his now severely slitted fierce looking eyes similar to a ferocious predator, he watched the few silhouettes before him walk into the barn silently.


Under the shocked eyes of the intruders, the young princes firm hind legs pushed off the earth, his little figure instantaneously bolting towards them like a hound ordered to kill on site!.


To the prince's bewilderment, just as he was bolting towards the lot of them, The golden lioness cub who seemed just as swift quickly made her way past him, before quickly standing Infront of him, her back now facing the intruders as she roared hastily.

"Rarrrrrrrr(N-No Don't!, it's not what you think)"