
Chapter 9- Well played, old man

"This Sneezy bastard. He pulls you back to him by revealing something that piques your interest. He's more cunning than I thought. At this rate I'll surely pay for those bullets as I'm really interested in the dagger so I'll have to return." Ace thought with a dumbfounded look on his face.The old man had beaten him in this round. " Well played old man" Ace muttered and with great pain he took out the rimes and paid for the Banshee's Screech. " Pleasure doing business with you. The old man smiled as he took the money. He stared at Ace with a smile. To Ace the smile was clear mockery. Ace just wanted to strangle the old man but it was against his morals to harm anyone who hadn't done anything against him.

He held the Banshee's Screech with expectation. "I paid good money for you. Better not let me down" he hid the dagger among his cloak and headed out of the Market. " Have a good life young man" the old man waved him away. To Ace he felt like was being hooted at by the old man.

As soon as he came out of the market, he saw a group of spawn hunters whom he had messed with a while back. These guys would want nothing but to kill him. Beating them won't be a problem but it'll surely cause more problems. Just as he tried to move away stealthily, a guy instinctively looked in his direction and saw Ace. " IT'S ACE" he roared angrily. " What the Gray Fox is here. Where??" another spawn hunter asked and looked in the direction the previous guy pointed at. " Goodness it's him. After him" he commanded and together they dashed towards Ace who also dashed away with insane speed leaving them in the dust. " Where did he go??" one spawn hunter asked with a shocked expression. " He escaped damn it. " another guy shouted angrily. "Call for reinforcement from the entire city to look out for him. We won't let him escape this time round. Call Senior Adleck as well. With him around he won't escape" one spawn hunter, a brown haired middle aged man in blue clothing (spawn hunters without gear wear a type of attire to make it easier for them to do battles. Ace is currently wearing one as well)who was apparently the leader of the group commanded.

" You must be dreaming if you think you can catch up to me" Ace spoke with a sneer as he appeared in a different part of the city. He made sure to avoid spawn hunters.

The Dark Fang had also become the law enforcement agency of Emphylla hence their patrolling around. He began to stroll casually around as he headed in a route which would take him to Winters hotel.

People instinctively avoided him as they recognized who he was. He was the most wanted man in the region after all. He didn't care though. As long as they don't offend him physically, he would never hurt civilians.

Multiple wanted posters of him had been posted in several areas. " Is that not the Gray Fox, the most wanted man in the region" one woman whispered to her female friends as they passed by him. " I think so too. Who wouldn't recognize that charming face of his." another lady chinned in. " I know right. Back when I used to work in the Divine Joy night club, he was a local customer and I was always told to give him special services. He's as dangerous as he is in the region as he is in bed.

I couldn't walk for the rest of the day afterwards. I had days off at times because of that. " a red haired pretty lady in a pink blouse with a 4 star body per Ace's category spoke with eyes full of lust and admiration.

" You really are a slut Jane" another gorgeous woman in the feminine group retorted with a smile. "I have experienced it first hand myself. He also used to visit the Enchanted place night club on a regular basis. " she added with a faint smile. " No way that guy just hops from club to club to enjoy himself like nobody's problem. Well you can obviously tell he was rich from how infamous he is" another lady added. " I just wish we can have those fun days again. No one rocks me like he did. He truly deserves to be called an expert. His moves were unfathomable." the ladies who had been with Ace before giggled with excitement as one of them remarked.

" That'll be impossible though. He's the most wanted man in the region by the Dark Fang. I doubt they'll let him go that easily. I wonder why he's walking around calmly like no one's business." one lady continued. "We would never know" one added and they headed away.

Ace was still dodging spawn hunters as he entered an alley. He spotted a figure in front of him who had his hands at his back as he stared at him.

" I heard a man with a rifle has been giving spawn hunters a lot of trouble finding him. Would that be you?" the figure asked sternly.