
Chapter 10- Ace VS Adleck(1)

"Would you believe me if I said no?" Ace asked with a playful look. " I guess that's my answer. I, Adleck of the Dark Fang and number one spawn hunter of the city will arrest you right here and now" Adleck roared with confidence. " If you tag along quietly, your punishments would be reduced" he added as he stared at Ace. "Adleck, Adleck, Adleck. My old friend. C'mon friends don't do this to each other and you know it. You are in no position to call me a criminal yourself. Don't be a hypocrite here. What would the old man at home say?" Ace added with a smile. " I don't know what you are talking about. Ace Blade also know as Gray Fox, you are under arrest. You won't escape this time. " Wow someone is overestimating himself. Do you think you can stop me. Besides aren't you second strongest in the city. Tora Sovereign is still in the city am I right?" Ace laughed maniacally.

" We would see sooner or later if I can stop you or not" Adleck added in an enraged tone as he took a battle stance. He pulled out his back tier whip.

" I won't tease you again." Ace smiled and took out plan A - Tora's token. I'm sure you recognize this right. This is a token for high ranking figures in the Dark Fang. Tora gave me this to show to any figure who dared to threaten me here. I have been pardoned by the Dark Fang. I'm sorry but you can't do shit to me" Ace spoke with tone full of disdain.

"WHAT!!! HOW!!! It doesn't make sense. How did you get that?" Adleck questioned with his a face full of disbelief. "I told you, she gave it to me." Ace continued in a tone of mockery which further infuriated Adleck.

" I don't believe you. Even if that's the case, It doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to kill you right here and now" Adleck added as his eyes flashed with killing intent." You know too much. It would be foolish to let you go on living. I owe this to father as well."

" Woah what happened to arresting me" Ace spoke with a laugh. " What can I say? There's been a change of plans" Adleck continued and dashed towards Ace.

"It's not that easy or others would have done it a long time ago" Ace stepped back and took out his rifle and pointed at Adleck.


He shot Adleck in the shoulder and sent him flying through the streets and crashing into a packed car disfiguring it immediately.

"WOOOW!! These bullets are incredible." Ace blurted out with excitement. " If I knew they were this good I'd have bargained for more sample bullets." Ace thought shamelessly.

He looked at Adleck who was surprisingly on his feet after a minute or two. Ace thought he would be groaning in pain non stop at this point. Ace had shot him in the shoulder to avoid killing him as he was an important figure in the city. Killing him would bring more harm than good to him. " I guess you have been underestimated " Ace spoke with a smile as he stared at Adleck.

" You didn't think I'll go down that easily did you." Adleck spoke with a faint smile.

"You didn't expect the greatest spawn hunter in the city to lose that easily did you. If so, you were damn wrong" Adleck spoke with a tone full of pride. " I absorbed a friggin defence based spawn essence. You can't hurt me" Adleck added as he showed the spot were the bullet hit, the gear in that area had been destroyed with his skin exposed but it only had slight scratch marks on it.

" Just give up fox. You lose. In less than 10 minutes, spawn hunters would be everywhere around us ultimately you will be trapped. You can't escape." Adleck added with a tone of malice.

" I guess that means I would have to stop playing around then." Ace spoke as he gave a maniacal smile which frightened Adleck at first glance. What good is it when your enemy smiles.

Adleck was alarmed but didn't flinch as he believed he had the upper hand. " Judging by what I have observed from the slight marks and your wealth basis, I believe you have absorbed a silver tier spawn essence. On that note, I have something else to test as well" Ace continued as he took out the Banshee's Screech " Adleck eye's widened from shock.

With that,the chances of him being harmed were high. " Fuck me" he muttered inwardly.