
Chapter 14- Gate spawn horde(2)

"What the heck!" Ace blurted out as he saw the chaos around him. Gate spawns of the black tier were rampaging everywhere and destroying everything and everyone in their parts. They were apes of at least two meters tall. " Well this is my lucky day. So far there are fourteen of them and the gate hasn't even closed yet. More dark metal for me" Ace laughed maniacally and charged towards the gate spawns chasing down people. He took out the rifle and loaded it quickly. As he approached a gate spawn who was just about to bite the head off an old man, he put the rifle in its mouth at that split second and blew its head into oblivion. "That's one down. Old man your bullets are truly unrivalled." Ace smiled as he stared at the others who now had their attention on him.

" Thank you for saving my life Sir. Thank you" The old man spoke with watery eyes. He saw his life flash before his eyes in that moment.

" Don't worry old chap. Just get the hell away from here" Ace spoke without looking at the old man. The old man stood up and still with a beaming smile, he rushed away. In that moment, he had perceived Ace as a savior sent from the heavens.

" Let's continue this shall we?" Ace quickly loaded the rifle and pointed it at the gate spawns rushing towards him.

He targeted the one closest to him. The gate spawn threw it's arm with great strength as it aimed at his head. He ducked quickly and from below, he shot it from its chin blowing it's brains out and throwing it's corpse towards the others which disrupted their movements. As he was about to shoot another one, a wind slash came out of nowhere and beheaded the gate spawn.

" WHAT!!Who dares steals my kill" He roared angrily as he stared at the direction the wind slash came from.

" Oh it's you" Ace spoke with a sigh. " Who else would it be?? How did you even get here before me??" Tora asked with an annoyed expression. Ace seemed to be always ahead of her and it pissed her off a lot as she held herself in high esteem.

" I took a shortcut" Ace sneered.

" Just don't get in my way" Tora added as she sent another wind slash which cut a gate spawn in two.

" I was about to tell you the same thing" Ace added as he shot a gate spawn killing it on the spot.

"My bullets are running low. At this rate she'll kill more than me. I'll have to step up my game then" Ace thought as he stashed the rifle on his back and took out the Banshee's Screech.

"It's show time" Ace smiled as he rushed for a melee fight. He appeared infront of a gate spawn and with a Screech sound, it was decapitated with a smooth strike. Without even pausing he rushed towards the other gate spawns whom at this point we're wary of him. One tried to grab him, he swiftly dodged his arm and rather grabbed it's arm and cut it off all in a second. Before the gate spawn could shriek in agony, he used it's arms with claws at his finger tips to attack its brethren and simultaneously split the one armed gate spawn in two with the dagger. The gate pawn with the clawed face staggered backwards and Ace took advantage of it's momentarily weakness and also beheaded it.

In less than four seconds, he had killed three gate spawns. At this point Tora was flabbergasted by his skills and experience.

Anyone can absorb spawn essence and use dark metal but it takes experience and skills to make a real difference and she had to admit, Ace was definitely no push over.

" I will not be out done by him" She thought to herself and also began to engage in melee combat. With every wind slash she makes, at least three gate spawns are instantly killed. At this point more gate spawns had arrived with the total count including the dead ones being twenty two.

" C'mon that's fucking cheating" Ace roared inwardly as he saw Tora destroying multiple gate spawns with a single slash from her dark silver sword. "If I had spawn essence fused with my dagger, even I could do that and far better than her at that" he stared at her with envy." Rich bastards"

As if she could read his thoughts, Tora turned to look at him from her side of the battlefield with a grin on her face which pissed Ace off beyond measure.

" If that's how you want to play it then fine. No one steals my dark metal" Ace roared and with a sudden dash of speed he had instantly killed about ten gate spawns. Tora's mouth dropped. She had only seen a blur and before she knew it, they were dead in and he wasn't stoping. Wherever he went on the battlefield, with a Screech sound produced a gate spawn fell. His speed along with that was nerve racking.

" Has he absorbed speed based gold tier spawn essence or something?? Even still, he's way faster than Captain Gordon. Heck he's as fast as Grandpa or I'm imagining things." She thought as she stared at Ace in awe. He was like the god of the battlefield as he single handedly killed everything in his way. The gate spawns even tried to avoid him but he relentlessly struck them down.

Tora felt like her presence in the battlefield was being outshined by him.

" I can't let him out do me" She broke out of her daze and was also ready to go all out. She couldn't lose to scum like Ace. To her this was a competition of some sort.

Suddenly eight gate spawns emerged from the gate but they were of the bright silver tier. They were about three meters tall. Their bodies were huge and robust with a dangerous feel emitting from them. As they emerged, a dark silver ape five meters tall emerged from the gate with a loud domineering roar. The other eight silver tier surrounded it like it was some kind of king and they were his generals.

The gate immediately closed after the Ape king emerged. It stared at the battlefield for a second and with another roar, the other silver apes charged towards Ace with fury as if the king had demanded for his execution.