
Chapter Six: The New Assistant 2

The CEO was apparently amused. It was getting interesting. A mere employee of the company, working under the finance department had the guts to take him out for dinner. He never ate out in random restaurants. His lunch was always ordered from one of the company's restaurants - which was dominated by five star chefs.

Grace preceded the CEO to the car park. Before she could get in, she was confronted by the guards.

"Hey... Who are you?" One of them asked.

"I am acting as the CEO's personal assistant for a day. He wants to go out for lunch hence, I have come to tell his driver to drive out one of his cars." Grace replied.

She was very happy that her judgement turned out to be right. She would have wished for the earth to swallow her up if it had turned out that the secluded car park was not that of the CEO's.

The security men nearly laughed when they heard Grace's 'blabbering'.

"The CEO only has a personal secretary, and he is up there, working. He handles all the assignments of the CEO. And secondly, the CEO doesn't go..." Another security man was saying when he quickly fell silent.

Grace saw that his eyes were fixed somewhere behind her and she looked back just in time to catch the CEO's retreating hand.

They quickly ushered her into the car park and stared at each other. They were both surprised. What was happening? Were the two reciting a script? But they couldn't see their fellow crew members.

Meanwhile, Grace was lost immediately she got into the car park. There were lots of cars in it. She would be dimmed a senseless woman should she start shouting 'Driver! Driver!'. She looked to her left and saw that there was a new Nissan model parked a few metres away from the other cars. She quickly hurried towards it.

When Grace got to the car, she quickly advanced to the driver's door and knocked lightly on the window. Soon, it was rolled down and the face of a middle aged man met her gaze.

"Yes? How may I help you?" The man asked.

"The CEO is waiting outside the garage. He wants to go out for lunch." Grace said.

The driver was amused rather, and to Grace's surprise, he didn't have a good laugh at her, the way the others had done. He simply started the car and reversed out of the parking lot, with Grace following closely.

Immediately the car was outside, Grace hurriedly went over and opened the back door for the CEO. When the CEO had gotten in, she made for the front door of the car, but was shoved away.

"You stay away from the CEO." One of the men said, looking menacingly at her.

The CEO peeped his head out of the window and told the 'erring' security man not to 'harass' Grace.

"Get in. The man should go up." The CEO said again.

Grace was surprised. How could the CEO ask her to seat at the back with him? Would her clothes not make the seat dirty? Why was he so keen on making life hell for her during his one day grace period? Reluctantly, she got into the car and sat as far as she could, away from him. The security man went to the front.

"I wonder where we are going, sir?" That was the driver.

The CEO threw a glance at Grace and she caught it.

"Ugh... Drive to Hilton's restaurant." She said.

The driver let in the clutch and sped out of the company's premises, and into the highway.

Meanwhile, the CEO was so dumbfounded that he could not reason straight. What was the pretty girl up to? Why was she taking him to a local restaurant? Inasmuch as he had never been there, He could tell that it was local because she was poor. A decent meal at a five-star restaurant would cost her not less than her four months' salary.