
Chapter 5: The new Assistant 1

What was wrong with the CEO? Did he not say that he was going for an inspection on the ground floor? Why was he just staring at her? Her body was smeared with excreta or what?

"Yeah... Let's go. I was was trying to figure out if you have forgotten something. Seems like you have not." The CEO lied and with his hands pocketed, walked out of the office.

Grace followed from behind, even running at intervals inorder to catch up with him. She could not believe that she had managed to save her job.

When she looked around, she nearly started blushing, thinking that people were looking at her. It was only when she followed their gazes closely that she came to realise that they were in fact, looking at the cold hearted CEO of KAD incorporated! The CEO was extremely hot. She even felt embarrassed walking in his spotlight. She was the very opposite of him in every aspect.

Worst still, her ears couldn't help but pick the words of the employees and many customers freely gossiping as they walked towards the wall which was opposite the receptionists' counter.

Grace swallowed hard and briskly walked towards the very first glass door she could see.

"You have gotten it wrong. I have my personal elevator. You better get your CV ready when you get home." The CEO's cold voice came to her.

Grace swallowed hard. As far as she could keep her job at KAD, she was willing to do anything, and the CEO could not just fire her like that. She looked round and instinctively, she hurried towards another glass door which was some metres away. If that was not the CEO's elevator, then she could as well, prepare her VC immediately she got home so that she could start the hunt for a new job the next day.

She opened the door and to her relief, it was the CEO's. A writing in black ink was on the right side of the door; EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE CEO'S USE. She didn't even dare to smile. She politely ushered the CEO into the elevator and closed the door behind her. Instinctively, she reached for the keypad and pressed the first digit - one.

The CEO's face remained emotionless. Grace was confused. How would she know if she was improving or doing bad? Did he have to pay for the words that came out of his mouth? How could such an intelligent, rich youngman be so heartless and cold to the brim?

She turned and stared at the CEO. How could he be so flawless? Didn't he find her relatable?

"Why are you staring at me?" The CEO asked, his face still straight.

Grace was surprised. Was he also a demon? He didn't even glance at her side. What would he do to her if she told him the truth; that she loved him, but that he was too mean and devilish?

"Nothing, sir. Absolutely nothing." She said quickly, swallowing a spite.

The CEO adjusted his tie and remained silent. Grace could not help but stare at him again. She would never fall in love with such a man.

After sometime, the elevator got to their destination and Grace hurriedly opened the door for the CEO. Strangely enough, he smiled slightly and walked out. If Grace had not looked up at him in time, she would not have caught a glimpse of his smile.

The receptionists who had mocked Grace earlier were as still as wood immediately they saw their CEO. They were even more dumbfounded when Grace also walked out of the elevator. What was really going on? Why was the good for nothing fresher coming out of the CEO's private elevator? Was she not supposed to be fired for lacking in punctuality?

Presently, the CEO and Grace walked towards the receptionists and stood just in front of their counter.

"How many visitors visited KAD incorporated yesterday?" He asked.

The ten receptionists quickly scrambled for their records books.

"You mean to tell me that you don't have a comprehensive statistics for the daily inflow and outflow of visitors?" The CEO thundered in his usual cold voice.

Grace could not help but shiver. She could feel the coldness of the CEO inasmuch as she was not the one who was being addressed. She wondered what he did to those who crossed his path.

The receptionists furiously wrote away in their big books. They had not expected that the CEO would drop by that day. In fact, they could not remember the last time they saw him on the ground floor of the company. He always made use of the other elevator which took him directly to his car park. Could it be that the newbie heard their gossips and went to him for intervention?

"Sir, ten thousand people visited the company yesterday. Roughly six thousand males and four thousand females. Seventy eight percent were adults while while twenty-two were below the age of eighteen." One of the receptionists quickly said, reading it out from her big book.

The CEO stared hard at the receptionists. Grace felt that she had to say something, but because she didn't know what by to say, she remained silent.

"The ten of you should not leave for home for the next ten days.... You are grounded. I want to see this month's statistics for the inflow and outflow of KAD's visitors.." The CEO said with a poker face.

Grace nearly shouted. The receptionists were grounded for the next ten days? Why was he so inhuman? Why did he find it so difficult to be cool and forgiving?