
Fallen Crimson

kamisama395 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Purest Purple (Part 1)

It's has been 2 weeks since I entered the academy. But I'm unable to learn any medium class or high class spell. By default I was able to perform low class spell since I came to this world but now I don't even have to chant for it.

Apparently all the previous fallens were able to midium or high class spell by the 2nd week of there arival.( Seems like I'm actually a defect)

As I'm not progressing in spells count, I'm trying to gather as much knowledge as possible about this world and sword art.

Some swordmans enchant there sword and weapons with mana coating that enhances the sword properties and also it done correctly can engulf the weapon with suited element.

I aslo tried to enchant weapons with IT but for god sake, instead of enhancing, it fucking broke the weapon. Now many what weapon I try , sword, bow and arrow, dagger, scythe everything corrodes down to pieces when I try to engulf them in IT.

Man I just have no luck in this world too.

I could see leafs of trees falling down slowly and freely, i was autumn I suppose (tho I had fallen during January). Well surely the seasons here will not be in sync from the place I came.

Oh..! My sister's birthday was in January. I hoped I could give her a last gift...

....but I just realised

'never in my life have I even gifted her anything in her birthday'

If only I could go back in time.

I could feel the breeze in my cheeks, the academy garden really had tall trees. My mother used to say tall trees attracts strong Breezes.

---- 'but why will they attract strong Breezes, won't the strong wind be bad news for them themselves '

--------- 'you will come to know it one day'

I feel I have understood it now

`the trees have grown so tall far high that it fears that it will forgets its roots '

"I guess"


"Ah.....y-you there!! , don't stand out during dinner hours!! Also a storm might be coming so getting inside would be a better option."

A white uniform , A noble scholar? Ig so

As I got close her , I could see her face,

Green beautiful eyes which was avoiding direct contact 'is she scared?' I doubt not.

That's when I saw it, her ears , I wishpered to myself

'An elf?'

What a elf doing here , A transfer student? Is Hans Kingdom mage academy so popular to receive transfer students for other regions and species.

Man I'm impressed.

She was someone whom I would have never even dared to speak in my previous life. But now it's different.

I gathered all my guts , eq and social skills.

"Are you free for now?"... Man kill me.

"Y-- yes "

"You said it's the dining hour" - "shouldn't you too be present in the dining hall at this moment "


"If you don't mind, wanna have lunch together?"


Aaaaaaa fuck I knew it , I have no skills to talk to girl , how I got asked by a girl was also something I was unable to believe for weeks. Now this elf girl might be thinking me as creep. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa killl meee...

Wait wait wait..

Something's different, she is not creeped I suppose. She looked puzzled and shocked.

" Ar- r.." ---- "are you saying who want to have lunch together with me??"

" Emm.. yeah, can I?"....

"Sure... B-but I'm a half you see."..."you will be judged by the other nobles"

Half?? LGBT???? Has the development here already reached for the concept of LGBT ??? Impressive.

" I- I mean half elf"

Oh I see , somewhere deep within inside my heart was disappointed. I was exited to get to know a elf. But Half so what??? Better than having nothing.

"I know .. and I don't fear their judgments"

"Let them do what they want"


The dinning hall was about to get full, even tho it was a seperate section for nobles. We grabbed our plates and served ourselves with the personal specific taste. I was amazed at first when I came here , that the food here is so similar to of our, like the meat , vegetables, milk and even rice! Yes rice , they have rice too. Although rice are not grown in Hans Kingdom and there are not many varieties but this world do has rice.

While doing so I tried to take a peek in her plate and she was having Milk , curd and ..... I can't believe this

'milk and meat?'

What a deadly combination was that. Tho anyways.

We sat at a table on the corner of the hall. Not asking, I could hear the murmurs of others around there .

"hey..see see " ..."isn't she the infamous half elf"

"The half discarded by the elf" "she is a disgrace on Hans kingdoms nobles"

"How dared she came and sat on the nobles dinning shed"

They people were not even cautious that there voice is clearly heard by her.

"I.. I think I should really-"

" No I don't mind"

"You said you had something to talk about, P-please go ahead"

"Oh right , well let's start with introduction"

"My name is Crimson, I belong to a nobility who is close to Hans Lineage"

"Wooohh.." her eyes was glowing "you are close to royalty "

"I'm Rumisovry Grande, my father was an elf but as there family didn't wanted a mix blood so I'm living with in my uncle grande mainson. My uncle is the only guardian I have left and I have Essence-affinity."

"A mage should never tell anyone their affinity"..."it's like exposing your weakness "

"Ah..S-sorry I will keep that in mind"

"Well can I call you just Rumi, .... As you see I may miss pronounce your name "




We really did talked for long and she was slowly opening up and her shyness was fading. She told me that she has joined this academy not only for refining her magic skills but also for learning about history and artifacts.

As Hans Kingdom is the nearest to dwarfean territory, the quality of artefacts found here are really good.

She also did had a keen interest on fallen.

Fallen that- fallen this past , present, fights , love story--- she doesn't stop when she starts talking about them. (She is also a huge simp of the first fallen)

Talk about delulu .

She somewhats reminds me of my girlfriend..

Is this why I'm trying to know her?

I can't answer....

What I can answer now is that I went on and said

"Let's have lunch together tomorrow too"

And today is that tomorrow and here now I'm in the palace.

As I have gotten myself sick .....


"I have fucking told you!!!"

"It's just a small flu"

"But lord how can we " *sob*sob

"Just get off of me and don't cling"


Man this old priest really cries loud.

I have somehow got cold and being dragged to the palace for proper care and treatment.


"Stop crying you old greezz!!"

I was supposed have lunch with Rumi.

"Aah fuck!"

The carriage stoped

"We have reached "

The main gate was before me. The number of guards were somewhat increased.

"Has someone important came?"

"Some higher officers of capital knights have came".... "Well I'm not informed about their reason of this sudden visit "

The capital knights huh...