
Fallen Crimson

kamisama395 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

It is what it is

It's been 3 days since the core strength test and it's clear that I have not a bit of mana.

Tho I have come to know many stuffs from that academy mage about mana and magic spell.

3/5 of the humans have mana but only 1/5 can control it properly and perform spells. The proficiency of mana control is somewhat hereditary and can be refined by practice.

Mana is something like light that has both partical and wave nature. Unlike light mana consist of only one wave and it's frequency and axis of oscillation determines its type.

Usually people can control only one element but one in every hundredth can control 2-3 elements. But being multi-elemental reduces the proficiency.

There are no more than 100 humans who can perform 5+ elements. The first fallen could only control fire and water element, rest all were multi- elemental.

The main five elements are : Fire , Aqua , Wind , Geo (idk how the fallen translation translated it as earth ig it a ground type element) and the most auspicious element 'essense' it can perform many stuffs like healing, hypnosis etc. One can combine elements to form new elements as there wave frequency and axis of oscillation adds up to form new mana wave.

To perform a spell the surrounding must have the suitable mana particle. If we perform aqua spell inside a volcano that has no aqua mana particle then there will be no result.

But it's not only mana that governs this world. There is IT too.


After the test, the mage and the priest doubted that I might not have mana ,but I'm not probably dry. After the crystal I was given the mage's wind element wand and I was able to control wind element through it.

Seeing that the mage was astonished.

'never in my life have I ever even heard about something like this'

Yes it was the sign of it

The humans called that mysterious element "IT" ....the elf call it "chaos" and the demons, they called it darkness .

I asked the priest what 'it' is and he just said

"It is what it is !" (Idk wtf happened to my language translation there )

'It' is also something like mana but has very huge differences. Unlike mana 'it' consist a cluster of wave oscillating on different-different axis and frequencies.

The mana core measuring crystal could only detect mana wave oscillating on a particular direction so was not able to detect 'it'.

According to the mage there is no human who has ever used 'it' and the only people who have It are elf and demon who also reffer it as defect. As generally the people who have IT's trait can only produce it in low frequency and also IT neutralizes any healing magic and magic buff done on them by destructive interference.

But seems like I'm emitting it in very high frequency that the magic amplification wand of the mage was able to extract the wind element form the cluster of chaos.

So now I'm here in this mage academy trying

out different type of elements amplification stone and weapons.

'what why do I wanted weapons? Whom I gonna hurt?'

Well this world is all about surviving as the fittest and I need to get on the expectations as of fallen.

But I, who has not even killed a rat in his life.

Will I be able to hurt a person and even kill him??

Well I can't say I will.

But circumstances will decide it .


I have stored my high school uniform that I was wearing when I fall here, at my room in the palace. And now living in the mage academy dorm. It was arranged by the priest and It's very comfortable here. I'm trying to learn their language to read books about magic and stuff. And at noon I attend the sword session. I wonder why the mages are learning sword art ig they want to develop as many skills as possible to live a good living as they grow to adult.

My body has shown some remarkable growth in just one week. My muscles mass and my cardiac endurance has drastically improved even though I haven't trained much. Ig that's what you get being a fallen.

As expected my body doesn't responds to healing magic but the ability of fallen has give me quite a high regeneration and self healing rate although I can't grow back a cut off limb or stuff like that.

I have attended many theory classes and came to know a lot about this world , history and magic spells.

The most fascinating one was how healing magic works-

The essence-element resonates and temporarily converts cells to act like stem cell and divide rapidly, making the wound heal.

I'm wearing a white scholar uniform which gets dirty every now and then. The white uniform are the symbol of noble students so Ig that's why most of the students here are not approaching me.

Actually I'm to learn as much chants as possible and improve my control on IT.

The chants helps the user to flow the mana in suited pattern to perform spell. If one learn to pattern and could control the flow of mana on it he/she will not need to chant for the spell. And also the chants are in some ancient language so it is not translated to me.

Each element has sub form which are generally - Cleavage, Specter and Reversal.

Tho the sub forms may vary from element to elements.

"It's quite sunny today"

Well yes it is sunny and we are standing in the field since half an hour waiting for the teacher to come.


"Students, hear it clearly I won't repeat it again"

The chant class has started. Well this is a new face. Ig he has been called as our old teacher caught flu.

"To perform spell who must stabilize your mind and focus on the flow of mana in and out your body."

"We humans are not like elf and demons who have a vast mana pool so we must learn to embed the mana outside our body in the spell we are casting to enhance its effect "

"I will now perform a High class Aqua magic , watch closely "

[ O! Spirits of Heaven , hear my call !! I the mage of Cloe. Summons your intrusion!!]


I was amazed. The sunny sky of few moments ago was now filled with black clouds of lights.

"So this is the scale of High class spell'

It was surely something like a fairy tale but was happening right before my eyes.

Is he trying to bring rain? We can change even the weather with magic??

"It will rain I suppose"

"I think so"



I could feel it

[Ann - apour -- specto-

"Wait what that transparent bed sheet like thing "

"It's stoping the rain"

Gallons of water was being blocked by the sheet.

- Reversal]

A small hole was created on the sheet. The hole was not big that a metre or so. But the pressure it was falling from could have destroyed any wall of a fortress .



The water, like a laser fall on a tree and broke all its branches and also cut the tree trunk but it didn't not stoped that that.

The water male a crater on the ground of about 10 meter wide as it splashed on the earth.

This was the might of a high class mage.
