

Chapter 6.5

In Letaland empire the battle with the vampire has gone on for 400 year when the last true vampire king was defeated and this king of the country then was part of the conquest, some of his loyal subjects thought they should not go back, to the capital and should create a settlement here, and so the man became the king of this small region.

On the top of a mountain a majestic palace, it stood their as if watching over it subject, in front of the palace was the statue of man, given the a majestic aura even with the passage of time it still stood proud.

In the palace one could see the painting off many people on the wall as if showing the faces of past heroes till it stopped at few meters to a door , through the door a man could be seen siting on the throne and a man was kneeling in front of him with a woman tied up beside of him, if one looked closely one would notice that she is Hasba mother.

"What do you mean you killed Bargy and you couldn't recover the elixir?" The man said frowning, because he didn't understand how questioning could result to killing.

"Your highness before we got their, the bottle was already empty and when I tried to bring Bargy In he resisted arrest and even attacked us" the man kneeling in front of him said with the utmost respect, it was the commander who had gone to Bargy house.

"Hmmp, you disappoint Veron and I expected more from you, you also know the procedure to get the elixir" the man said with a disappointed tone.

"I am sorry to disappoint you my king" he said with even his head lowered.

"So why did you bring this woman back?" The king asked, as if trying to understand something.

As if the word reignited his hopes he hurriedly said "This is Bargy wife he and Bargy both gave birth to a child but while trying to escape she sacrificed her baby in other to perform a spell while trying to escape" when the woman on the floor heard this her eyes flashed then she regained her cool again. The king noticed this but before he could say anything Veron continued "And also she is a noble blood vampire" the king feel elated that he even stood up from his throne to check on her.

The king smiled as if all his problems had been solved "Wow Veron you have done good really good now we don't have to worry about the elixir with her, if we trade her with the emperor do you know we can even get, even the emperor will treat me differently, the elixir is just going to be bonus" he patted the shoulder of the commander in a happy mood.

Then walked up to her "since your husband has used the vail I have, you would be the one too pay for it" he looked at her she felt like their was no resistance in her.

Then he said with a smile "Go clean her up we will send her too the capital tomorrow" the commander stood up and gave a bow before turning away.


In a shabby house just outside of town one could hear noises coming from the house "we have been in town since morning and you wouldn't buy me anything am hungry" a girl said in a half crying and angry tone.

"It not like I don't want to get you anything but I have spent all we have in preparation of tomorrow, we are leaving and we need to save much for the travel" the woman said with a low tone "Eva but if you just want to eat something just go to the square I know you can get something can't you?"

The girls eyes were wide open pointing at the woman "You bad mother!!!" She yelled at the woman "you want your one and only daughter to go steal what if they me and cut my hands hmmm and you dare say it in a honorable tone?" the woman only just smiled and said "well it seems you are not hungry" and just kept quiet suddenly the girl stomped out of the house, as if nothing happened the woman went back on the bed. Through their actions one would know it is not the first time happening.

In the town market even though it is late at night the market is still lively one could see lamps lit the whole place it gave a pleasant feeling to the passerby, so dogs could be seen wagging their tail at the front of the store.

Eva could be seen walking through the market place she was hugging her stomach tightly, looking through everything as if she wanted to buy something the stall was full of customers wanting to buy fruit, then she picked one out of it then ran.

The stall owner started shouting "thief thief thief" till the guards in the area came running the he pointed at the back of a little girl running away then the guards started chasing her.

She ran out othe market the made a left turn into the bush running straight ahead the she hid herself their, she humps angry and said in a low breath "just because of one apple" the she bite down and started eating feeling a little bit alright she just sat their wanting all the guards to have gone away then suddenly she heard the sound of baby cries.