

Chapter 3

In game play, one couldn't shed tears but his real body felt the pain of losing a friend, that made him cry.

"I'll kill you!!!" He yelled, "she stayed because I am her family, and I promise to protect her, now you took it all away, I promise I will kill you all!!!" He roared to the sky; it felt like he had gone crazy.

[Magic affinity God blessing wrinkles time: The rip of time and the dawn of day. ]

The ground shook, a black hole started forming, the space split open as it grew, electricity could be seen flowing out of it. He stretched out his hand in order to control the flow of the electric that looks like a chain.

The two guild leaders "jumboo" and "See_no_evil" froze because even through their years of gameplay they have never met anyone with such power. they backed away, and tried to run but there was nowhere to go, so they cast their protection spells in order to protect themselves. The shield was strong but even he told them, "this is a God level magic so petty magic like yours can't stand in it way, so please die."

He stretched out his hand, the chain of Azuka tore through the red shield pulling their legs until both of them were drawn in completely.

On the left side of the screen it shows Killer_Frost has executed jumboo and See_no_evil.

When the chain reached for Ceaser, he sliced the chain up with the blade of Susano.

He laughed "This is also a God level weapon, so don't take me so lightly."

The 2 minutes of cast time was over so the portal closed, but the best part is that anyone trapped in the portal, when it closes, he can harness their power and make it his or summon them as slaves. That's how he got the name Killer_Frost, because even those killed are still frozen only to be reborn as slaves, and automatically their account becomes crippled.

He went to the place kitty was killed and tried to resurrect her, as he was chanting the spell.

Ceaser laughed "haha haha do you think you can bring her back? I used the God level sword to kill her, so do you think she isn't my slave too? Now it's just you and me, the winner rules the game forever."

He moved at a lightning fast speed and swung his sword,. Killer_Frost conjured his hell flame to block it. "Yes I knew it, necromancy is your style. You can't fight in the front line. I'll kill you and take all the powers you have." He scoffed saying " I am the king of this game. I have ten rings of unlimited magic affinity in my hands so do you think you can defeat me?"

He felt dumbfounded he looked at Ceaser and couldn't not help but mock him "Stop the talking and fight more"

[Magic affinity : hell flame]

The black flame formed on his hand but didn't fire, then he activated the negative ring on his left hand. [Artist of hell].

The hell flame started taking the shape of a sword. "I can also use sword art with my flame, always know, everything has a loophole." He rushed Killer_Frost with the sword. They clashed but the hell flame didn't break, he was shocked, so Ceaser kicked him with his leg sending him rolling, he cast his flight magic, and he pushed forward swinging down. When the blades hit one another the floor started to break due to the force. Killer_Frost yelled

[Magic affinity : negative burst]

It sent Ceaser flying. He struggled to get up because he was running low on HP.Angered he shouted.

"You have vexed me for the last time."

[Magic affinity God blessing : breaker of all bonds on the blade of Susano ]

"In game your characters are nothing but fakes, who are going to be eradicated when I become king. Now see with your own eyes the real power of the blade of Susano." Ceasar continued. Light radiated from the sword, then the blade split, giving birth to two people, an adult male and female. "This is the real identity of the blade of Susano. Now die!" The NPCs rushed him; the hits were becoming too much and his HP was starting to run low.

When he was attacked by the male from the air he tried to block, but the female came from under and sliced off his hand. Ceaser laughed as he watched the show.

He knew he was not good at close combat then he casted another spell [Magic affinity : Negative Burst]

All the babies of Susano were sent flying; he couldn't use healing potion because he knew they wouldn't come back..

"This is your last day of power in this game, I will steal your powers!" Ceaser beamed.

Killer_Frost sat down with his legs crossed. Ceaser teased "Are you praying to God?" Killer_Frost smiled then the colour of his eyes changed from black to red, "I will show you why they call me the king of the Game, why the admin still let me go up-to level 200 without being banned from the game, why when you get killed you get zeroed and loss your items when you passed the threshold of LVL 100. It's because I found the lost treasure that the game was built on because. If I'm banned it can't be brought back unless I'm killed. That's why you can't have it, but I have never told anyone apart from the overpowered admin players I killed. You will be the second person I've told, and when I kill you with this your character will bealso deleted from the game."

[Magic affinity God blessing End of day: the horn of judgement, the apocalypse, even when the moon blocks the sun you can still see the light, just like you can't be hidden forever ]

The ground split and the sky darkened, everything was dyed red.

"Feast your eyes upon those I have killed, and the Cracken of judgement."

Ceasar trembled from what he saw; the guild leaders that were just killed, and faces he had never seen before. They attacked the Blade of Susano's transformation, the Cracken rose from the larva below with the Scale of Justice in it's left hand and it's blade on the other.

He was frozen in fear, when he tried to call the blade to attack, it had already returned back to it's sword form, that means they've already been defeated, he took a gulp and yelled.

"H-h-how are you so overpowered, with this you can rule the game instead of being a petty guild leader." Ceaser exclaimed in anger and despair. Killer_Frost then smiled and said "What's power when you don't have friends to share it with at the top."

"Who cares when they fear you! That's all that matters."

"You can never understand, Goodbye Ceaser."

"No no no wait!!!"

[Activate. ]

The Cracken then spoke "you have been found guilty"

He swung his sword down slicing Ceasars body. After that everything vanished from sight as if it never happened. Ceaser laughed "haha haha I'm still here, nothing happe—" before he could finish he collapsed on the floor.

"I'm sorry that you don't understand, but I have to be the one who kills you. The Cracken just leaves you at 1 HP and renders you immobile so that I can kill you. You'll become my slave and I'll take your powers. You killed kitty with this blade right, it would only be fitting to do the same to you." He said as he walked towards Ceasar.

He picked up the Blade of Susano,"Goodbye Ceaser, I will remember you as the players who took my left hand."

"You! This is not the last you will see of me, I will find you! I swear, I swear I will—" He swung down and on the left side of the screen it showed: Killer_Frost has executed Ceaser.