
Visit to art club.....

As Aana joined both the art and sports club of school because art is the hobby of Aana and being an international Sports person Is the dream of Aana. She was very good in gun shooting and she won so many medals and prizes in gun shooting. As the threethem promise her to join the art club they also join the art club .Tim joined the sports club for basketball he was also a very good at basketball and he is also very tall and have a good knowledge about the basketball. Maya and Shawn join only art club. Aana have the great potential in the gun shooting game . She is like the international professional players She had already broken the records at school level and at the district level now she was preparing for the national level compition where her teachers and friende support her as first day of school ended they all go to their home as always. They all go to their home happily and with excitment. After reaching the home everyoneparents asked them about their day in the school they are told their patents about the birthday celebration of Aana and about the art club joining their parents admire them and encourage them to do their best and admire them to learn Some thing new where Aana's parent don't even wish her birthday to herand do not ask her about her day in the school. Aana feel very bad about that and go to her room. She said to herself there is nothing if they do not wish you or do not ask you about the first day of your school like other children parents do she said there is nothing to worry about just focus on your aims and dream there is nothing to feel sad or unhappy about that just do not affect this thing to yourself you do not have anything to do with this type of behavior of them.just be calm down and focus..... breath in breath out very good you are very brave and very courageous girl, yes very good be brave and go for it You can do it, you will definately do it to herself and try no to disturb by them and not to be sad about her parents behaviour but in actual she was very sad deep down and very lonely but tries to be normal and happy in front of them. she was really sad because not even her brother Jon wishes her for once where she loved him very much but he never cares about her but she can do anything for him but he never talk to her properly he only talk to her when he created any mess or stuck in something wrong to protect him and she always help him in every situation she always find the Ways helps him to hide his mess and also clear his mess so that he can be happy and her parents do not punish him but they never say anything to him They never say anything even if they know about the wrong doings and mess created by Jon. They just ignore his all mistakes and wrong doings that is why jon grown up a very mischievous and bad mannered guy where Aana growup as a very good and potential child who have dreams and passion, who is very well mannered, caring, loving and likable among the people despite all the hatred and ill environment around her. She is very mentally strong person who do not let herself turn into the bad person, , because of hate and bad environment around her. She was a very good and lucky Kid from the very begining to Others as the priest said. but she never get what she wants forherself. Whole day is passed and no one wishes her and its the time of dinner, they have dinner together and go back to

their rooms Aana's mother asked her to clean all the kitchen and lelt from there, she become verysad and run into the kitchen, and hides under the cabinate and start crying silently. it actually caused too much pain when you even did did not get and support and love from your parents they not remember the birthday of their daughter' which is very painful and the worst feeling her mother even asked her to do the house chores and cleaning the kitchen how can be a mother this much stone hearted ... after crying for one hour now she cleaned the kitchen and wash all the dishes and go to bed and sleep. She got up next day and go to aschool as other days she starts to smile by seeing the three of them like anything had beed happened yesterday she just forget about everything bad and sad after meeting them in school. They all go to Aana and asked her " How are you she said a I am good as always " they said very good now.cometo class quickly. School is going to start very soon today we will going to the art club for seeing the artwork and art of seniors who passed out from the school already and we will also saw the prize winning artworks in the art club by which we will learn many new things and get to know the more deeply about the art. Maya and shawn said "Yes we are very excited to go there". Aana said "it will be very interesting resting and I will enjoy it very much". Tim said now go to the class otherwise we will get the punishment for being late for the school and the class. they all rushed to the classroom an Sit on their seats before the teacher came to class. They have the first class of english their english teacher give them the introduction about the curriculam they have the follow whole year she also said them to make their vocabulary and speaking skills good if they wants to take the admission in the top and good ranking universities, she also tell the ways to make their vocabulary good and how to improve Speaking and listening Skills: She said when you learn the vocabulary and improve your listening skill then your reading and speaking skills automatically because when we start to understand the language then we can automatically be able to write and speak the language and as we all know that the vocabulary is the main part of to learn any language carefully and better so students can make a routine to learn at least 30 words every day and learn different words to make your English language skills better for future

All students said we will do as you said to do and period is over they all said thank you to the teacher and she leaves the class. They have the next period of math and have next period of history after that they having the political science period where they learn about the political parties, and their work, responsibility then have the lunch break after the political science class they all have the lunch Then they will go to the art club and to their respective clubs. Now the lunch is over and the time finally come to go to the art club for which they all are waiting for whole day. Their art teacher came and bring them to the art club to make them understand about the famous types of art, colours and patterns. He take them there to know more deeply about the art they all are very excited to go to the art club . Now he said it is very important to know more deeply about the art and its importance how I can we express ourself with the help of art and best way to express one's feeling, ambition , passion and what is on their mind. He show them different types of painting and explain about them one by one like the feeling expressed by the painting colours used in it, which type of painting and patterns used in it, and explain about the painter and from where he/she belong and why that painting is there. They all are heared their teacher carefully and observe every thing carefully. They saw the award winning painting of previous years. All painting are made of different types of patterns, colours and types of patterns but there was not a single pencil shaded painting and not the teacher tell them about pencil Shading then he said I will show a rare, different and beautiful type af painting. Shawn said to their teacher that is pencil shading paintings are not the type of art then their teacher smile and show all the painting drawn by Aana he said it a very rare and unique type of art and explain about it.