
Aana join art club......

shawn asked to aana" why are you drawing only nature and flowers" normally people draws what is on their mind you should also draw this so that you can be at ease by taking out all your aggression and pain on the papers though your drawing Aana said what will be the benefits of it if I draw the sad and painful event of my life on a the paper then it will hurt me even more when even I saw them again and what will others think about me it is not appropriate to draw my anger and pain on the papers She also said nature is always the best remedy to forgot pain and sadness, bitterness of the life. everyone feel happy and pleased by viewing the nature and flowers wers that is why I draw nature and flowers he said in its good but you should try to draw your feeling then Aana said can you tell me one thing what do yo feel about the drawings when you first saw them don't you feel amazed and happy by seeing them he said yes I was very amazed and happy , Aana said " same as you can I also feel happy every time when I saw them they do not remind me the sad time they give me the happiness and Courage. Shawn said "ohh! Now I understand " he said a you are really amazing and perfect in everything you layo a fue goddess , I become you fan, really, she said stop it now okay and laughs. Maya and Tim also said we too also become your fan, goddess." The said now you two please stop do not start it again, these are just some pencil drawing. They said yes these are just the penal drawings "and they all are started to laugh. Aana said "okay now stop teasing me please". They said okay. on that day Aana was really happy and real herself too for first time said Tim special thanks, Tim asked her " why are you thanking me it is all not done by it's all done by the shawn Aana said it not for my birthday, surprise it for your encouragement to me who gives me courage to stand for myself to be real myself. She Said if it is not you that day in the medical room I may not be able to choose to stand up for myself If It was not you there and not saying all this to me I may not be able accept the truth and I never can have the courage to stand up for myself. Tim asked Her when do you make up your mind and how does any thing happened to you back in vacation" She said there was not any thing special but you are the exact reason for my this step and you also said to think about it, I did as you said me to I do, she also said there were actually a incident occurred with me and that incident shake me up wholely

I was like why did I do all this and why did I totolerate all this all the time what is the benefit of doing this because my behaviour never get me what Iwants from my life and what I expected to be mine it was always impossible and I was trying to get that thing which never belongs to me from the very begining on that day I was cried too much and there was so many things revolve in my mind but what you said was heard by me again and again and when I realised all the things you said was always corect that I should not tolerate all this I should take the stand for myself and for my dreams too. 4 have too be brave and strong for myself and for the people around me and there are lot of peoples there who respect me and wants me to be happy & have too many friends and relatives around me who adores and a like who wants me happy and health. I have the friends and relatives who adores me and love me who just wants me to be happy and healthy. you, Shawn and Maya who will and who were alway there for me who always supports me and protect me, On that day I decided to do what you said the to do? I decide to stand up for myself and for my dreams & have to face the reality and this is the new myself who will never tolerate anything wrong now this is me the new Who will never become discourage or weak not let any one to hurt me. I will become better and better every day. Tim said "Wow! I am really very amazed by your the decision and by your courage to talk freely very good and Keep it up", but it is not the whole truth and yourself there is something more which you should told to us and you know very well what am I trying to say she said give - me some more time I will tell you everything personally but it take me some more time to gather the courage to tell you fromevery thing because it may chang everything from the moment I tell you all that I am worried about if Others and you stop talking to me and start to hate me because every one think that I am very happy and perfect nothing like this will never happened . Tim said please trust us we all are with you and we will always be by your side . She said I hope so Now forgot about all the sad things and enjoy your new version and your day and a very big thank you to be like this and now never change yourself for anyone,she smile and said I will never. they get back and start chit-chatting and enjoy the that was the best day ever for Aana and it is the best birthday for her because on her 17th birthday Aana reborn again as a bold and brave girl who now knows to face the truth and who know to take the stand for herself and for her dreams and its all thanks to the encouragement and support of her friends who will always there for her. It was the all new day for Aanafor today onwards Aana start new journey of her life where she is blessed with many lowing and caring friends who supports her and loved her, and have the blesing to be brave and happy. She was very happy with her this new transformation not only Aana everyone was very happy. They take their classed on the first day of schoolwith excitement and curiosity on very first day teacher asked the students who wants to join the drawing or art club of the school they may get the chance to represent the school at the national or international lever.

There was six students who registered for the art club. Tim asked the Aana to take part in this club but she said it was just my hobby and I do not know anything about art Tim and maya asked her to sign up for the club they said we will also signed up for the club you signed up for the art club She said but I really can not draw ang thing. Here shawn Show her drawing book to the teacher, teacher asked to Shawn " do you draw it" Shawn said it's Aana's drawing book she drew them all teacher is amazing he never knew that you can draw that much good he said very well too and your drawing style and theme is very unique and eye catchy too. you shouldsigned up for the aut club too it will give you opportunity in art and sports too. At last she agreed to join the art club too.