
Aana's dream and priority.....

He explain that we all are very familiar with the pencil shading in it is also a type of art which is very rare to see now a days because every one in the art circle obssesed with the colours of different type whoever make the painting they use either poster colour or water colours mainly other wise they use pencil colours, wax colour ,plastic colours, oil colours etc but no one try to make the painting with pencil shading or with the cross hatching pattern. in school pencil shading is the first step of learning the art. but every one forgot the first step..... colours make the painting beautiful but pencil Shading painting are attractive and pleasing. He said everyone feel very pleased after seeing these paintings then he show them the pencil shading paintingsstudents said " Yes sir: these ore very good and attractive and clarity it shown it make with the nature's beauty we never imagine that it could be like this pencil shading's paintings can be that much attractive and very • good one of the students said "these paintings are definately won the first prize, b who make these paintings and when was it drawn Their teacher laughs and said these drawing are made my Aana - these paintings are not winning yet but I can say that if Aana participate this year compition with the pencil Shading talent she will win definitely. She said thank you very much sir for praising me that much but my priority is to Participate in the national gun shooting competition but i will participate in the art compition too if the both compitition do not collided But as every one know my priority is my sport that is why but I will work very hard for both compitition . her teacher said very good Aana you know very well what you wants and what is your is your priorities I am really proud of you Aana then she said Thank you very much sir. He said I will always support you to persuade your dreams and do not worry about the art competition if you do not want to participate or do not like the art competition I will never y force you because there are many students so do whatever you want to do and not only Aana everyone can do or persuade whatever they want but you all should know about the your dreams and future and be considerate about your career path you all should know and how to do. you all should learn from the Aana . Aana said "No Sir I am not that great may they should have learn from me they allare very better them me. then everyone saidno you are our role model, a perfect and happy girl.