
Oh brother... No! Oh Eliza

"Back for me again, huh?" Wade commented as Alice arrived at his sixth-period class to lead him to his seventh; lunch had passed hours ago.

"Of course; who else would take you to class if not for me?" Alice replied happily as she looped her arm into Wade's, and while the man usually didn't let others touch him, he allowed it this time; her touch was pleasant and innocent.

"Hm, I wonder; there were a few ladies in the class who offered to help me out," Wade replied with a grin before he felt a sharp stare fall onto his face; it was a new sensation for him.

"You don't need them; Eliza and I will help," Alice declared, her tone still happy, but Wade could sense the seriousness in it, and he couldn't say it wasn't cute.

"Eliza?" Wade questioned.

"Mhm." Alice hummed before continuing. "She had to leave during lunch for a few reasons, but you'll meet her in this class."

"Oh, guess I'll be friends with another Cullen," Wade commented.

"Friends?" Alice replied as she chuckled.

"What? Should I not befriend her like I did you?" Wade asked. He was enjoying the mental clarity he had; it wasn't often he was this lucid.

"You befriended the rest of my family; you didn't make me your friend or Eliza," Alice stated that she was putting her foot down so as not to enter the friend zone.

"Aw man... and here I thought we'd be best friends," Wade replied, seemingly hurt by Alice's words.

"Don't pout," Alice said before continuing. "Not everyone can be friends, you know?"

"I'm not pouting, just expressing my sadness," Wade replied, holding in his grin; he never planned to friend zone her, but since she went out of her way to establish she didn't want to be there, he was happy, delighted even.

"That's pouting, silly boy," Alice said with a tone that oozed sweetness. Wade wanted to just snatch her up and run away; if not for his mental clarity, he might have done so.

Not waiting for Wade to continue, Alice spoke again. "Anyway, what's that in your pocket? It is clearly too big to be in there."

"Maybe I'm just happy to see you," He replied with a big smile, causing Alice to gasp lightly before laughing alongside Wade, who was inwardly pleased the conversation ended there.

'I need to find a better place for my gun...' Wade said inwardly.

It's always been an intrinsic habit of Wade's to keep weapons on him; he refused to be weaponless when something went down, and he was sure something would one of these days.

"Well, I'd like to keep talking with you, but we've arrived at your class," Alice said, her tone a bit sad at the prospect of separating from Wade; the two hadn't known each other for long at all, but both of them enjoyed each other presence very much.

"Thanks for the ride, lady," Wade replied to the small woman who had led him this far whilst ignoring the looks and whispers the student body sent them.

"Mhm, goodbye," Alice said in response as she left Wade in the classroom where he felt many eyes fall upon him, but it wasn't even ten seconds later that the teacher came toward him.

"I take it you're Wade?" She asked, her tone friendly as Wade arched an eyebrow; he could feel the woman examining his body in a teacher-unfriendly way.

"Yeah," Wade replied, not at all bothered by the woman's lecherous eyes; this wasn't the first time he'd received such gazes.

"Good, my name is Miss Kingsley; I'll be your national history teacher for the remainder of the year." She stated, earning an uncaring nod from Wade, who was more focused on the scent of Eliza; he'd never been one to care for someone's smell, but she and Alice were the exceptions.

"Now... where will we have you sit?" Miss Kingsley said aloud, but it was obvious she was speaking to herself, so Wade didn't offer a reply and instead waited for her to finish.

"Nobody sits next to Miss Cullen, so that will do." The teacher stated before turning back to Wade and continuing. "May I?"

"Sure," Wade replied, knowing she was asking if she could touch him so as to lead him to the new spot. Inwardly, Wade was happy about the seating arrangement. Unfortunately, he didn't have any classes with Alice, but at least he had one with Eliza, and he was lucky enough to be seated next to her.

"Ugh..." A soft groan of annoyance and frustration sounded from the back of the classroom; almost instinctively, Wade could feel that it was directed at him.

Not hearing Eliza's groan, Miss Kingsley took Wade's hand and placed it on her shoulder before aiding him to the back, where he sat down next to the vampire who wouldn't even acknowledge his existence without him first putting in some form of effort.

"Just raise your hand if you need me, Wade." Miss Kingsley said as Wade sat down before walking away, completely missing the intense glare sent at her by a Vampire who could end her in a split moment.

Not minding the teacher, for the first time in years, Wade sat silently while wondering what he could say to start a conversation with the woman beside him. It wasn't often that Wade was stumped like this, but nonetheless, he continued on in thought until he found something to say.

"Do you need something?" Eliza said, her tone cold and distant, but luckily for Wade, this meant he didn't need to start the conversation.

"What makes you ask that?" he replied curiously.

"You're facing me," Eliza said, releasing an unnecessary sigh; after all, Vampires didn't need to breathe.

"Am I?" Wade replied, feigning ignorance.

"Yeah, so turn straight," Eliza remarked, not knowing she was only digging herself into a deeper hole with Wade.

"Which way is straight?"


"Forward where?"

"Turn to your right."

"Which way is right?

"...You're incredibly annoying."

"How can you blame a blind man for not knowing directions?" Wade commented, knowing he was just joking around.

"Plenty of blind people know directions; you shouldn't be an exception." Eliza shot back.

Chuckling, Wade moved on. "I hope you didn't mind that I sat here."

Eliza was silent for a moment, then responded in her usual cool voice. "I don't mind."

Wade smiled, his head tilting slightly as he continued. "What are you working on?"

"History reading," she replied, her voice calm, with no trace of anything.

"History, huh?" Wade mused, tapping his fingers lightly on his notebook as he concentrated on being as normal as possible before continuing. "Not my best subject, but I can appreciate a good story. What's the read about?"

Eliza hesitated briefly before answering. "It's about the French Revolution. Lots of politics, power struggles, that sort of thing."

"Sounds intense," Wade said as he nodded before continuing. I always thought history was kind of like a giant soap opera, just, you know, without the TV cameras."

A small, amused sound escaped Eliza, though it was barely noticeable. "That's one way to look at it."

Wade grinned as he heard the sound of amusement from Eliza; he felt encouraged by the tiny crack in her cold demeanor; it meant his efforts to be normal and keep her attention were fruitful.

"So, when you're not reading about revolutions, what else do you do for fun?" He asked, genuinely curious about Eliza.

"I read... other things too," Eliza replied, her voice light. "Mostly novels."

"Oh yeah? Any favorites?" Wade asked, leaning in slightly as if trying to catch the scent of whatever book she might be holding, but it wasn't that which he was focused on, but instead the outline of Eliza's body; she was just a bit taller than Alice was standing around 5'1".

"I've read Pride and Prejudice more times than I can count," she admitted, a hint of something interesting in her tone; perhaps she was a romantic woman under her cold and distant surface.

"Ah, a classic," Wade said before continuing. "I've heard Mr. Darcy's quite the character; people seem to love him."

"He has his moments," Eliza replied.

"Well, I've never read it myself; everything I know is from what I've been told," Wade confessed before continuing. "But maybe you could give me a summary sometime; save me from stumbling through it."

Eliza's voice softened by just a fraction as she replied. "You might enjoy it. It's all about witty conversations and misunderstandings; you seem like the type who could appreciate that."

"Perhaps." Wade retorted, happy that their conversation had flown from him being an annoyance to this; it was natural that the two of them got on well.

For the remainder of the class, Eliza and Wade happily continued their small conversations about random things, opting to avoid heavy topics and instead focusing on getting to know each other until, finally, the class ended, and they went their separate ways.

'What a fantastical day.' Wade said to himself, incredibly happy; he could already tell Forks was going to be very fun for him.


Author Note: If you want to see an image of Eliza Cullen, look up Jenna Ortega on Google or go to the auxiliary chapter and check the images I posted for her.

To be continued...