
Chapter 37

Third Person P.O.V

"Get the doctor Alesso"

Well shit.

This was Alesso's first thought when his wife went into labor. There was a big splash as her water broke, wetting the hospital floor. She wasn't due for another week, which was why the C-section was scheduled for this week.

Alesso immediately grabbed Camilla and led her to the bed before pressing the emergency button at the side.

"We still have a week left. He's early!" Camilla was panicking as she thought of the possibility why he was early.

"It's normal if he's early by a week. Give us some space to prepare her for the C-section." The doctor had walked in as Camilla was panicking.

"Alesso" Cam started crying and panicking the minute she heard the word C-Section.

"Shh, it's okay baby. They're going to numb you before they start the procedure and I promise you won't feel a thing. You know what? I'll be right there, all I need to do is change my clothes and I'll be right back here. Okay?"