
Chapter 36

Alesso P.O.V

"Do you see here? How it's a little twisted? That happened the first time she woke up and started trying to move her body."

The doctor was explaining Cam's x-ray to me and here I am trying to absorb all the information I can get to know what I need to do to get her better.

"That little bend there can cause some complications as of now" what he said caught my attention.

"What kind of complications?"

"Walking is the main problem. As of right now, if that little bend cracks it can paralyze her from the waist down. With therapy we can stabilize her spine so it can heal the right way but walking fast is a problem that's going to take at least 4 years to achieve." He carefully explained

"What about running?"

"Running is out of question for the next 7 to 10 years, with therapy that is." He finished