
Fairytale Ending

Disney and Pixar movies have always allowed us to believe in the possibility of a happy ending. But what if things ended in the worst way? "Fairytale Ending" is a collection of one-shots inspired by Disney and Pixar films in which everything that could go wrong goes worse. The language used is explicit and the issues are crude. If you are not comfortable with this type of reading, you should definitely go back. For those who want to go on, welcome! P. S. This is a translation from italian. Forgive me if you notice some mistakes.

TheWeirdGuy · Movies
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4 Chs

Apple of Vengeance

Left alone in the house of the dwarves with Snow White, Grimilde could breathe a sigh of relief. She would have expected anything, except an attack by the animals of the forest. Breathing heavily and pretending to feel ill, she had managed not to arouse suspicion in the young woman, too naive to pick up on the danger signals that those creatures had tried to send her. But she had to be careful: the animals had recognized her and it wouldn't take long for them to find the dwarves and bring them back here. If she had failed to finish her job and hide in time, they would surely have killed her on the spot.

"This is no ordinary apple" Grimilde explained clearly, emphasizing her words as the best of merchants "It's a magic wishing apple!"

Snow White immediately appeared amazed. Grimilde was not surprised: she had been young too and knew the right words to convince her.

Dreams, desires, hope ... love! These were the thoughts which were swirling in disorder in the little girl's mind at the moment. Grimilde knew she had her in her hands the moment she saw her eyes sparkle with fascination as she explained to her how, with a single bite of the apple, her wish would have come true.

Grimilde approached her and handed her the red fruit, perhaps with too much emphasis, since the girl seemed to think about it for a moment, stepping back a little frightened. She had to remember to play her part, that of a weak and friendly old lady.

She chose to use the art of persuasion, continuing along the path initially traced. She remembered that time when she had seen her with a young prince in the palace gardens, feeling a surge of anger and jealousy that she could hardly hold back.

Hearing the words of the old woman, Snow White immediately forgot all the doubts she had previously. Looking up, he whispered dreamily: "Well, there is someone"

"I thought so! I thought so!" Grimilde exclaimed amused, more to herself than to the girl in front of her. Determined not to miss the opportunity, she came over and placed the apple in her hands, once again encouraging her to take a bite.

Prey of her own fantasies, Snow White began to formulate her wish. Looking at her at that moment, lost in her childhood dreams, with a sweet smile on her face, Grimilde realized for the first time how beautiful…and dangerous she was! As long as she didn't bite that apple, she would have always remained unreachable.

Grimilde knew very well that she was admitting her defeat and a shiver ran through her. The fury running inside her was now overwhelming. But there was a terrible fear too: the fear that the spell would not bring her the desired result.

It had to work! This time she couldn't fail. Not again!

Grimilde watched Snow White biting the apple with wide open eyes, feeling immense joy in hearing every sound emitted from the young woman's mouth as she chewed the first piece.

"It's delicious!" The girl exclaimed, after having swallowed it.

"I'm glad you like it, little one" Grimilde replied, trying to smile like the sweetest of grannies "But now I have to get back on my way, I think I've disturbed you too much"

"Of course not! In fact, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me. Wouldn't you like to stay a little longer? "

"Oh, no, honey, don't worry. I have some chores to attend to" She explained, already opening the door. She couldn't stop and check that everything had gone according to plan: if the spell hadn't work, she would have fallen into dwarfs' hands. But she felt a pleasant sensation, like a sixth sense assuring her that she had achieved her goal.

She left the house accompanied by Snow White and walked towards the path. The girl remained at the door to greet her and did not return inside until she saw her disappearing around the first corner.

Once she was sure she wouldn't be noticed, Grimilde stopped walking like an old woman full of pain and began to move among the trees with an incredible agility. Loud noises could be heard in the distance, like those of a rushing crowd. But now it was late: the dwarfs were headed for their home and this would have given her all the time she needed to escape.

Laughing gleefully, she walked away making her lose track in the darkness of the forest. Above her, two vultures, almost sensing the drama that would have soon been consummated, took flight, heading for where the strong call of dark magic was.


The house door opened with a crash: pushed by a mad rush, Dopey had run against it with all his strength, throwing it open without being able to stop and thus ending violently against the wall.

"Princess! Princess, where are you? " The other dwarfs screamed as they entered and put themselves into battle position. Some had pickaxes with them, Grumpy had gotten a stick along the way, while Sneezy was even ready to fight with his bare hands, appearing particularly comical in his attempt to hold back a sneeze.

"Guys, guys!" They heard from upstairs "What is all this noise? It seems a tornado has entered"

Snow White came out of the room she was cleaning and started going down the stairs to make sure what was happening.

Hearing the girl's voice, Dotto spoke up calmly: "The animals ran to us and prompted us to come back here immediately. Now they are looking for something… or someone in the forest. We feared that you were in danger and that you had been rewarded with a gimmick… that is, a threat threatened… oooh! We thought you were in danger! "

"In danger?" Snow White asked amazed, laughing heartily as she reached the lower floor "Absolutely nothing happened, I assure you. There was just a nice old woman who ... "

Before finishing the sentence, Snow White realized that there was something wrong in that room. The dwarfs were motionless, as if they were dazed, and they had knocked the objects they held before to the ground. Their gazes were all aimed at her, but their eyes were completely white.

"Guys, do you feel good?" She asked worried, approaching the seven "Doc, what were you saying? Grumpy, Happy...? "

No reaction, it seemed they had fallen into a trance state. Snow White approached the little dwarf and knelt in front of him, gently running her hand over his arm and trying to call him.

The dwarf seemed to want to try a reaction. He brought her face to Snow White's hand, now on his shoulder, and sniffed it. Then, with a quick and unexpected movement, he grabbed it with his own.

"Dopey, what...? Don't hold me so tight, you're hurting me!" The girl said, trying in vain to free herself.

The dwarf gave no sign of having heard her and tugged at her violently, forcing her to get on her knees. While the girl emitted a moan due to the impact of her legs with the floor, Dopey pulled her hand towards her face, put her index finger in his mouth and started sucking it.

"Dopeyy, no! Stop it immediately! " Snow White exclaimed, this time seriously frightened. It was not his behavior, Dopey would have never done such a thing! He was so small, so naive, so innocent...what was happening to him?

As she tried to get her finger out of the dwarf's mouth, she felt a push on the back of her head. Another hand had grabbed her hair and forced her to bow her head down.

Barely managing to see the five dwarves still slightly at a distance from the corner of her eye, she realized that behind her there was the quiet Sleepy. She tried to call him by his name, but once again they were words in the wind: the dwarf had pulled her hair upwards uncovering her neck and was starting to kiss and lick it, almost savoring it. When the girl tried to push him away, Pisolo reacted by biting it, not too hard, but enough to let her know who was in charge.

In the meantime, Dopey had left Snow White's finger, determined to try that feeling himself. He began to press his hand against Snow White's red mouth and, when he realized that the girl was not going to open it, he slapped her hard on the cheek.

Snow White stiffened in dismay. Never before had the dwarfs dared to lift a finger on her, not even when they found her sleeping on their beds for the first time. Something must have happened, but what?

Taking advantage of the girl's moment of confusion, Dopey forced her mouth again, finally managing to insert two fingers. In that sweet warmth, he began to play with Snow White's tongue, squeezing and pulling it, feeling a sensation never felt before.

The girl tried to say no with her head, begging him with the eyes, but a sound of torn cloth froze her blood: Sleepy had stepped aside and left the jovial Happy the task of tearing off her dress with the pickaxe.

Snow White could no longer resist. While trying to keep the dress that was falling in front of her, leaving her clear back uncovered, Snow White began to cry. Fear was accompanied by confusion, not being able to understand why all this was happening.

Dopey's fingers moved further down her throat causing her to gag. The young woman opened her mouth wide and began to cough, spitting here and there, while the tears flowed unstoppable. Dopey stepped back at the sight of the scene and Snow White took the opportunity to catch hier breath. She tried to check if at least that had hit the youngest of the dwarfs, but neither this time there was any sign of normality. Those white eyes remained fixed on her like dead eyes.

Suddenly, Dopey was pushed violently aside and Doc appeared before Snow White's eyes. The princess looked for a moment into the white eyes behind the thick lenses of his glasses, but soon after she realized that the dwarf's pants were at her feet and that his dick was exposed in front of her.

"Please, Doc, no...at least you..." Snow White whispered with a faint voice, trying to make the wisest of the dwarfs come to his senses.

Without any sign of pity, Doc put both his hands behind the girl's head and began to push her towards him, his fingers sinking into her mass of black hair.

Without caring about the dress, Snow White tried to resist with her arms against the legs of her attacker, repeatedly moving her face to the right and left and carefully avoiding opening her mouth. Doc remained as motionless as a rock, his legs planted firmly on the ground, Snow White's blue dress now on the ground next to his trousers. One of his hands reached the face of the princess and closed her nose in a tight grip, stealing her only source of air.

While trying hard to resist, Snow White realized she couldn't fight that long. When she realized she needed air, she decided to close her eyes, as if to place a last shield in front of the fear and shame that gripped her.

Without wasting time, Dotto slipped his dick into Snow White's mouth at the exact moment he saw it opening. Releasing his grip on her nose and returning his hand to where it previously was, he began to violently move the princess's head back and forth, reaching up to her throat. Snow White could in no way defend herself. She only had a chance that it would be all over soon. Every now and then Doc would let the dick come out of her mouth, allowing her to take a couple of deeper breaths, accompanying the action with slaps or spits on the face.

Shortly after, the dwarf came inside her, giving her no signal so that she could prepare psychologically. A warm splash of semen filled her mouth, giving her a sense of horror and disgust.

Doc left immediately, giving her the chance to spit out that sweet and sickening substance. He did not seem to want to rage with psychological torture, pure physical pleasure was enough for him, if one could speak of pleasure: the absolute lack of reactions made it impossible to understand his actual state of mind or that of the other dwarfs.

Snow White tried to catch her breath and clean herself with the remains of her dress still on the ground, gently wiping her face to cleanse the mixture of saliva, tears and sweat that stung her lips and cheeks. Still kneeling, she didn't have the strength to get up. She felt tired and horrified by what seemed like a terrible nightmare.

Suddenly, a push in the back threw her to the ground. As she tried to rise weakly on her elbows, she turned her head to look over her shoulder and, realizing what was about to happen, let out a cry.

Getting back behind her, Sleepy was lifting her long and bulky yellow skirt with one hand, folding it over her back, while the other vigorously stimulated his dick.

Driven by a new vitality, Snow White tried to run forward, pulling on her arms and trying to kick the dwarf away behind her, but the others, now all without pants, were also willing to take part in the fun.

Dopey and Happy positioned themselves on her sides and, squeezing her arms tightly, lifted her torso off the ground keeping it at a 45 ° bend. Without giving in to her desperate wriggling, they slipped the dicks into her hands, inviting them to a regular forward and backward movement. The little Dopey seemed taken by a passion never known before, like a teenager discovering the pleasures of the body for the first time. Taking advantage of the position, Bashful sat on the ground, passing his legs between the princess's wide knees, and began to ferociously bite her breasts. Snow White's scream of pain was promptly silenced by Sneezy, intending to feel the same warm pleasures Doc had previously experienced.

Completely confused, Snow White had no way of reacting to this terrible violence. When Sleepy finally made up his mind to violate her in her most private area, the girl could only open her eyes wide and emit a muffled sound. Sleepy's dick moved with determination, the dwarf had no care for the sad girl's first time.

For a few minutes, Snow White was forced to sway in pain as the dwarfs used her body as they pleased. The first to reach orgasm was Sleepy himself. He chose to get his member out in time, flooding the back of the princess with semen. As if to imitate him, the others followed him, choosing to dirty the face and the silky hair of Snow White, who had reached her limit.

When they had finished, Sneezy was forcefully pushed away by the last remaining dwarf. Grumpy tried to insert his dick into the girl's mouth, growling with an almost animalistic fury that even ended up frightening and driving his companions away. It didn't take him too long, however, to get it out, annoyed, perhaps disappointed by the performance of the princess, who now seemed to have to fall to the ground at any moment.

Grumpy held her in place by holding her by the hair, looking at her dirty face.

"Grumpy...please..." Snow White whispered, unable to say or do anything else.

The dwarf replied to her with a violent slap, brought with the back of the hand to her mouth. More terrible blows followed, delivered with brute violence. Snow White fell with her back to the ground and Grumpy was immediately on top of her, blocking her arms with his legs and continuing in his personal search for pleasure.

When he was fed up with punches and slaps, he took a sliver of ceramic from his robe that he must have obtained earlier, smashing a plate in the general confusion. Snow White had no way of saying anything before the splinter fell with a blow to her face, at the level of her left eye.

The girl let out a chilling cry and with a sudden movement she freed herself from the dwarf, making him fall sideways. She sat down and backed quickly against the wall, putting her hands to the face. The blood flowed copiously and she immediately realized that she could not see with that eye.

As she screamed desperately and wriggled against the wall, voices began to ring out, first faint and distant, then closer and closer.

"Princess...princess...what happened?" Doc asked frightened, seeing her reduced to that state. He tried to get closer to help her, but Snow White's legs kicked him off.

"Doc...look..." The trembling voice of Bashful interrupted him.

The dwarf with the glasses turned and noticed for the first time that they were all without pants, with the dicks still turgid. With blood on his hands, Grumpy still held the shard of ceramic.

"What have we done…?" Doc asked in a whisper, with a terror growing inside him.


In her rooms, Grimilde stroked the cover of her black magic book. Her informants had told her that the dwarfs hadn't left the house for days, devastated by pain and guilt. They hadn't been able to give themselves an explanation for what had happened, but they knew they would have never forgiven themselves. The girl, on the other hand, was locked in the upstairs room and didn't seem to want to show herself to anyone.

The queen thought back to her spell, that was able to awaken man's most violent dormant instincts. She knew that Snow White, after eating the apple, would have appeared irresistible to the dwarfs, but she never expected such an explosion of violence. She wondered what would have happened if the seven little dwarfs' affection for the girl hadn't got the better of the spell after seeing her with a bloody face and one eye now lost forever. Would have they gone so far as to kill her? She would never knew.

She got up from her chair leaving the book on the table and walked to the magic mirror.

"Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" She asked the spirit who had observed her up to that moment.

"There are so many beauties, my queen, but none as beautiful as you" The spirit replied with the tone of who does not allow replies.

Grimilde smiled amused, enjoying her victory.

"And you'd better remember it".

Firstly published on archiveofourown.

Snow White is more than Disney history: it is cinema history. Although more than eighty years have passed, it retains all its freshness and charm.

The main character clearly does not reflect the image of the warrior women that Disney seems to want to propose to us continuously and not always in the best way, but her kindness is never weakness. On the contrary, she always knows how to be respected by everyone without ever having to use her noble origins.

Starting this series of stories with her was an obligation, but also a great pleasure. Of the three initial princesses, she is definitely my favorite.

Just a bunch of final notes.

1. Fairytale Ending is a collection of one-shots, each chapter is linked to a specific film. It is therefore not necessary to follow a precise order, you can easily search for the chapter corresponding to the characters or films that interest you.

2. The stories told here are set in the universe of the film and begin with events told there. The characters are therefore as old as they were in the film, so don't read if you think the topic might upset you.

3. There will be no stories with animal characters: you will not find chapters on The Lion King, Bambi, Zootopia or films like those.

4. The topics covered and the language adopted are clear and obvious right from the tags, so you are invited to go back if you think that any of these topics could upset you.

5. This is meant to be just a work of fiction. The author condemns and does not in any way tolerate violence and rape in everyday life.

For those who'll stay, enjoy the reading!

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