
The Dream

(Jason's POV)

I had that dream again.

It was later that night after meeting with Minerva. I had gone back to the Hotel and decided to get some sleep instead of having sex with the girls.

I had a dream I never thought I'll have again, but here I am, in the damn dream.

I was in a house, it looked very familiar. I think it was mine from when I was around 9 years old, can't exactly be sure.

I was standing in front of a couch when I heard a loud noise, like a glass falling and shattering on the floor.

My body moved on its own, I walked towards the kitchen to see what caused the noise. I believe this was more than just a dream. I think this was a memory of some sort. I was in the body of my child self. I was aware of what was happening, but had no control over it.

As I reached the kitchen, I heard a voice boom. It was unnaturally loud, like it was coming from a loud speaker.

"WHERE IS HE?!" The voice boomed, "BRING HIM HERE!!!!"

I walked into the kitchen and saw a glass pitcher on the ground, completely shattered.

Next to it, I saw two women standing as they looked over to me.

For some reason, I couldn't make out their facial features completely. I can only see two glowing dots replacing their eyes. They glowed brightly and for whatever reason, I could feel that they were angry, or at least one of them was.

"You!" one of them growled with a loud and distorted voice

I had an overwhelming feeling of dread as the voice reached my ears. Panic and anxiety filled my body as the woman walked over to me and grabbed me by the shirt.

She began dragging me as she walked out through the door, leading to the backyard.

The woman flung me to the ground. As I hit the ground, I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out.

I merely looked up to see the woman tower over me as the bright dots glowed even more. I could feel the pure anger emanating from her.

The other woman walked over behind her, "D-Don't hurt him..." she said with a high pitched distorted voice, "I-It isn't his fault..."

"LIKE HELL." The angry one said as she reached down and grabbed me by the hair, "IF IT WASN'T FOR HIS STUPIDITY, WE WON'T HAVE TO MOVE AGAIN!!!"

She pulled me up and punched me in the stomach. I screamed but no sound came out again.

I fell to the ground as I clutched my stomach while my entire body shook in fear.

"S-stop..." I heard the other woman say as she walked over and held me, "That's enough...."

I looked up to see the woman holding me, I saw that she had short black hair. Her facial features were still hard to make out. But I felt something as she held me.

It was an odd sense of warmth.



I woke up.

I was sweating, despite it being a cool night.

I sat up on the bed. I saw that Kyoka and Seilah were next to me, similar to the other night. They were sound asleep.

"Fuck." I said as I panted, "What was that?"

I got off the bed and slowly walked over to the window and looked outside. I felt my hands shaking in anxiety.

I looked at them, my palms were sweaty.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I said to myself, "What was that dream?"

"Jason?" I heard Kyoka call out for me

I turned to see her getting up from the bed, she was wearing nothing but panties and a tank top. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Yea.." I said

"Are you okay?" She said walking up to me, "You're sweating....and your body is shaking..."

"Is it?" I said as I held my arm, "I'm okay..."

Kyoka placed her hand on my chest.

"Your hearbeat is faster than usual.." She said, "Jason, are you having a panic attack?"

"N-No.." I said holding her hand, "I'm okay."

I walked past her.

She grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Jason." She said, "Don't lie to me. What is wrong?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked down at the floor.

I then felt her arms wrap around my waist, "Do you need a distraction?" she asked

I shook my head, "Not tonight." I said, "Go back to bed."

"I'm going for a walk."