
Fairy Tail: Timeless Realm

Having being reborn into the world where magic, wizards, dragons, and countless fantasies exist. Every single one of these things shouldn't exist, except they existed. This world she was reborn in was now her reality. In the Kingdom of Fiore where there exists a legendary guild where countless friendships are made, a guild where the strongest wizards are produced, and most of all, the number one guild. What will she do? Become stronger, was a question even needed? Building friendships, exploring new places, gaining new knowledge, and lastly, being useful. And that was what she was going to do, after all, nothing was impossible with her abilities and her Timeless Realm. ---- "Natsu, you should eat before you fight, that way you can fight at full energy." “Gray, it’ll be a million years until you can land a single hit on me.” "Erza, do you want to try out this strawberry cake I made? It suits your tastes perfectly." "Oh, hey Happy, glad you're doing well." "Mira, it's been a while, hasn't it? Let's catch up later." "Master Makarov, I'm home."

LoseADream · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

2.8 Inhumane

When Kali and the princess arrived at the palace, the king was waiting for them with a frown on his face. He was clearly unhappy with Kali and anxious too.

"We're back." Kali said not minding the king's mood. "I brought someone with me too.:

When Kali dropped Quinn's unconscious body on the ground, the king was visibly shaking. He glanced at Kali and Hisui before focusing back on the body. Confusion started to stir in his eyes.

"W-what is this?" the king asked. "Just what happened when the two of you went out?"

Kali instantly realized the change of the king's mood. She could tell that the king prioritized his daughter over anything, that's how it should be. Kali mentally laughed to herself.

"May I do the honors?" Hisui asked Kali who replied with a nod. "Quinn, our former bodyguard, has betrayed us. He tried to assassinate me, but thankfully she was there to save me."

The king leaned back into his throne and had a stressed expression. He regretted letting his daughter go out when the sun would set earlier, he was thankful she was there though.

"I see." the king said as he focused on Kali. "Thank you for saving my daughter, if it weren't for you, I don't know what would happen. Would you like an award?"

Kali shook her head and said, "No thanks. There isn't anything in this city that is worth anything to me."

"Don't be like that, I'm sure the city has something to offer." the king said. "Name it, I'll do my best to get it."

Kali sighed. "Well then, I want power. Power over the entire city, power over the entire capital, power that is even higher than the king. Are you sure you can give me that?"


Kali sighed once again and said, "As I said before, you shouldn't speak of the impossible. There truly is nothing in this city that would be useful to me."

"I see, then I can only express my gratitude. But if you need help in the future, I'll try to lend you my help." the king said.

"Also, we still don't know your name yet." Hisui added. "Would you mind telling us?"

"Ah, I forgot about that." Kali said as she thought of a random name in her head. "My name is Kiya, just Kiya."

"Nice to meet you Kiya." Hisui and Toma said together.

When the atmosphere was finally lifted, it was brought back down when there were sounds of someone groaning. Quinn who was unconscious the entire time was finally waking up.

"H-huh? Where am I?" Quinn groggily asked as he looked around. When he saw the cloaked figure in front of him, his eyes widened. "You!!"

"Good morning, you've been asleep for a while. And to answer your question, we're in the palace. Turn around." Kali said.

When Quinn turned around, he stumbled back in shock.


Toma waved him off and said, "I heard everything that you did. I have a question, why did you do it?"

"Ha! As if I'd tell you that!" Quinn said with a laugh. His entire demeanor changed.

"Speak, there's nothing else for you. Tell us why you did it and who gave you the order to do it." Kali said from behind.

"You underestimate my abilities, I'll never speak a word of it. Everything that I know…I'll take it to my grave!!"

"Is that so? Then let me test out your abilities then. Let's see how long you can last."


Suddenly, there was a crack in the air. Hisui and Toma turned their attention to where the sound came from and couldn't help but feel horrified.


Quinn screamed out in pain as Kali stepped deeper onto his leg. She had only cracked a part of his bone, but if more force was added, his entire leg would become paralyzed forever.

"You know, it'd be a shame if you're still unwilling to speak. If I applied more force, the entire bone would shatter, and you'll be unable to use two legs forever." Kali said.

Just when Kali was about to apply more force, there were loud shouts from under her.

"Khh! I give in! I give in!"

"Then speak, tell us everything you know. If you don't, I can guarantee I'll do worse things to you. Things that no human would dare do."

When Kali said that, the three felt a shiver down their spine. Although they didn't want to believe it, Kali's words sounded like nothing but the truth.

"Alright, I'll tell you." Quinn said as he exhaled several times. "I was ordered to gain the king's trust by the guild that I belonged to. This was several years ago, we wanted to take over the city, but we didn't have the resources. That's when I was appointed to spy on the king and the princess. I've been constantly sending information to the guild."

"And what is the guild that you belong to?" Kali asked.

"The dark guild, Phantom Lord." Quinn said. Kali had no knowledge of them. "But that's not all. Currently, they're attacking the guild Fairy Tail. This was because the SS-Rank wizard was rumored to be banned from the guild. We didn't waste this chance."

Kali widened her eyes when she heard the news, but she quickly regained her composure. She was sure Fairy Tail would be fine, even if they were destroyed. They would grow from this situation, she had nothing to worry about.

"Is that everything you know?" Kali asked.

"Yes, I've told you everything that I have knowledge about. Can I be free please?" Quinn asked.

"Of course you can be free…" Kali said. "Free from this world that is."


"Wait! Kiya!" Hisui exclaimed.

However, Hisui was too late. Quinn was engulfed in flames, not even ashes remained, he was simply burned into nothingness.

"Why did you do that?!" Hisui asked.

"What? He wasn't useful anymore, we've gained the information we needed. If he was kept alive, even more harm would be directed to you."


Hisui couldn't say anything, everything that came out of Kali's mouth was correct.

"Even if you say that, I think your method is wrong." Toma said.


Kali didn't bother to glance at the king. She said, "I do not care about your opinion. Remember, in my eyes, your status is nothing. If that's it, then I'll be going."

"W-wait! Your room!"

"Gildarts already told me where it is, then, I'll see the two of you in the morning."

Just like that, Kali disappeared from their eyesight which rendered the two of them speechless.

"Father, just who did you request the help from?" Hisui asked in disbelief.

"I only put the job up, but I didn't expect Gildarts from Fairy Tail to show up. He even brought such a cruel wizard…no, a monster with him."

"You shouldn't speak ill of her! She helped us!"

"You're right, but my words are true. That person, Kiya, is someone who has principles that a human can't understand."

Meanwhile, Kali was walking into her room when she was suddenly dragged somewhere.

"Who are you?"

"Fufufu, I am your lover that you didn't know existed."

love love...lover?!?!

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