
Fairy Tail The True Twin Dragon Slayers

Bella_Bandy · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Crystal

Mik and Maya had decided to take the group to the guild after being scared by Natsu.

When they entered, the guild members had stopped what they were doing to look at them and wait to see what they were going to do.

"Uh, hi," Wendy said nervously, waving.

"You guys said you wanted the crystal."

"You can have her."

"Her?" Erza asked.

The twins pointed to a corner where someone in a black cloak was sitting. The good was up so that they couldn't see her face.

"None of us know what she looks like or what kind of magic she uses."

"All we know is that she's dangerous."

Erza held tightly onto her sword and cautiously approached the lone girl. The hooded girl stood up and walked towards her but passed her and went directly to Natsu. She held up her hand in front of her and pushed Natsu as she walked, and gently used her hand to hold him against a wall.

"Hey, back off! He already has a Lucy!" Happy said as he flew to stop her.

"Stay there!" Nats said aggressively.

"Natsu?" Wendy said as she picked up Happy.

"I know this move."

The girl lifted her head enough to where Natu could see her face.

"No," he said as he fell to the ground in shock.

"I don't understand I-I-I I watched you die."

"Natsu, what's going on? Who is it?"

"You're dead. You're supposed to be dead YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" Nats grabbed his head and started screaming.

"He's going crazy!" Wendy told Erza.

Erza pulled the girl away and tied her hands behind her back.

"Thank you for your help," she said to the twins.

Erza pushed the girl forward out of the guild while Happy and Wendy helped Natsu walk.

They got back to Fairy Tail, and when they did, they locked up the girl in the basement while the master brought Natsu and the S class wizards to his office.

"I'm sorry, Natsu," Makarov said.


"Master, who is this person?" Erza asked.

"I was going to tell only you along with the council, but the whole guild should know."

Makarov stood on the stairs with the hooded girl next to him; they had put her in magic canceling handcuffs in case she had any thoughts of trying anything. Natsu walked up the stairs slowly while his arms shook. He reached up to touch her, but Makarov stopped him.

"I assume you all have noticed Natsu acting strangely, and this girl is the reason," Makarov said everyone.

"Is she like an ex?" Lisanna wondered.

"The last time Natsu saw this girl is when he was forced to watch hunters take her life when Natsu was 4, and she was 3. This girl is Natsu's younger sister."