
Fairy Tail: The Oldest Profession

In a world where a woman's opportunity's for economic advancement are marriage or sex work, the sex industry is a booming business where a woman can make a name for herself in a world dominated by men. Lucy Heartfilia is an aspiring prostitute looking to carve a place for herself in one of Fiore's up and coming underdog brothels, Fairy Tail. But when she walks through the doors of her dream job, she finds so much more than just money.

Akira444 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Trial Run

Chapter 1-Trial Run

Lucy Heartfilia tried valiantly to keep her heartbeat leveled as her train got closer to her destination. The train ride so far had been nice and pleasant, save for the constant leering of nearby men in the adjacent booths, though this was to be expected. Lucy was a beautiful young woman, and considering the job she was about to interview for, this shouldn't bother her so much. After all, Lucy heading to Horaegon Town to become a full-fledged prostitute.

The Kingdom of Fiore, as well as other kingdoms in Earthland, had a booming sex industry across the land that was highly profitable in a number of areas, from strip clubs to massage parlors, but the most popular and common aspect of Earthland's sex industry were brothels. The most beautiful and fertile young women all across the land had the option to become licensed prostitutes and work in official brothels.

This was what Lucy had been looking forward to for three years. Having just turned eighteen, Lucy was a bombshell of a woman, with short blonde hair tied into pigtails, baby blue eyes and a cute heart-shaped face with a can-do attitude. Her body was voluptuous and plump, filling her tight white blouse that displayed her ample cleavage and a short blue skirt with black boots that left her soft thighs bare. A lot of people pointed out that she looked just like her mother, Layla, as a teenager and she agreed. You'd think they were twins if it weren't for the age difference.

Having been born to a father who owned a prosperous fortune, Lucy could've just lived the easy life as a wealthy noble to be married off to one of her father's business partners as a submissive wife, but that was not what she wanted. Lucy didn't want to live in some large mansion for years on end like her cousin Michelle as her husband's personal cum dumpster. She wanted to make a proper name for herself, and what better way to do that than work her way up in the entertainment world as a professional sex worker?

In this world, there weren't many job opportunities for women that didn't involve being subservient to men in some way. The sex industry was the perfect field for young women like Lucy to make a living in and advance to a high position. Lucy wanted to become something more than her father's bargaining chip, so she left home to apply to the Vice Control Service as soon as she turned sixteen.

The VCS was the agency that trained girls in the ins and outs of the sex industry. Girls who sought a profession in any aspect of the sex industry needed to get certified by the VCS to show that they were trained and certified to be working as sex workers. Lucy spent three years training at the agency to earn her license just so that she could join a brothel guild. But she didn't want to join just any brothel in Fiore—Lucy had her eyes on Fairy Tail.

Fairy Tail was a relatively young guild in Fiore that was quickly rising in popularity in the kingdom. It was supposedly run by a 50 year old woman who looked like a sixteen year old girl, and employed some really high class women despite being rather unconventional in terms of a standard guild. As it was they were already the second most popular guild in Fiore, right above Succubus Eye and just underneath the royal guild, Mermaid Heel. Their popularity is what caused Magnolia Town to grow and expand from the influx of tourists looking for a good time.

Fairy Tail was a hard guild to join, as they were a bit picky about who they accepted into their ranks,

but Lucy wasn't worried. Her mother said that she knew the madam, Mavis Vermillion, and put in a good word for her. Lucy just hoped that she was good enough to be accepted.

"Now arriving at Hoaregon Station."

"Finally." Lucy breathed and stood up. If she was on that train any longer, she thought that she was going to get raped by the other passengers before nightfall.

The train pulled up to the station at the edge of the port city of Horaegon Town. As soon as the doors opened, Lucy exited the train with the other passengers and took a deep breath of fresh air before stretching her stiff limbs, unconsciously drawing attention to her chest and firm behind. Now that she was here, all she had to do was wait for the Fairy Tail representative to arrive.

"Lucy Heartfilia?" Someone called out.


Lucy looked up at who spoke to her and almost jumped when she found a man's grinning face staring at her. He was very well-dressed, suggesting that he was a noble, though his fancy suit barely fit around his obscenely around body. The man's face was just as round as his body, and his grin a bit too wide for her comfort. His head was also mostly bald save for a single strand of curly black hair.

"Y-Yes, that's me, sir." Lucy said politely, as was befitting a woman of her station. Her mother always taught her to be respectful towards a man so long as they deserve it.

"Wonderful! My name is Duke Hans, and I'm one of Fairy Tail's sponsors. Madam Mavis has sent me here to greet you personally."

"Oh, really?" Lucy blinked. "That's nice! I didn't think the madam did that for new girls."

"She doesn't, but the madame was doing this as a favor for your mother, whom she is friends with." The duke said and escorted her out of the train station. "Come, I'll explain everything on the ride to my manor."

"Huh? We aren't going to Magnolia?" Lucy asked.

"My dear, Magnolia is a least a day's travel from here, and it's almost evening." Duke Hans smoothly replied with that lustful grin of his, his eyes planted firmly on her ample chest. "It'd be safer to spend the night here and leave tomorrow morning that try to reach the town after nightfall. The roads are still a bit unsafe when the sun goes down, after all."

The duke led Lucy over to his carriage, which was both larger and fancier than it needed to be, though Lucy wasn't one to complain. Once inside, the carriage began riding out of town, and along the way, the duke explained what his duties were.

"Now, even though Fairy Tail has seen your records from the VCS, the madam wants to evaluate your skills. That duty falls to me." That same wide grin returned. "In return for a discount on all Fairy Tail girls, the madam has given me the noble duty of testing new girls that pass through this part of town and see if they're proper Fairy Tail material. If your skills at pleasing a man are up to snuff, then you're in the guild. If not, then you'll be sent packing…or you'll find yourself in the arms of a wealthy man looking for a mistress."

Lucy tried not to shiver when his eyes ran over her again. Lucy knew that a woman had no place being on their own in this world, as she was taught from childhood. If a girl could not obtain a job in a brothel, a massage parlor, or any other business in the sex industry, then they would most likely end up as a servant in a rich household, a boring subsidiary position in retail or business, or picked up by a wealthy noble to be his personal slut. The worst case scenario was that she ended up as a street walker.

Street walkers were self-employed prostitutes who sold sex on the street by themselves, without the aid and protection of a brothel. This meant no rules, no regulations, and no one to protect you if something goes wrong. Such practices, though uncommon, were highly frowned upon, and were even considered illegal in most kingdoms. The punishment for such a crime was mandatory conscription into the army as military sex workers, servicing soldiers and officers for a number of years equivalent to the number of months the girl committed the crime.

If Fairy Tail rejected Lucy's application, then she could easily apply for another brothel. But Lucy didn't come this far just to end up in some out of the way, no-name whorehouse. She wanted to be in Fairy Tail and make to the big leagues!

"I'm ready for anything you can give me!" Lucy said determined.

"Wonderful! Good to see that you're in such high spirits." Hans grinned. "Once we reach my manor we can get started right away."

The carriage ride didn't take very long. The duke's manor was located just a little ways off outside of town, and before Lucy knew it, they reached the mansion. It was a large white building settled on a plot of land that belonged to the duke, and was clearly as opulent as a mansion could get. Fancy fountains, large flower gardens, multiple rooms for its residents, Lucy had seen it all.

"Welcome to my manor, Ms. Heartfilia." Hans said, helping her out of the carriage. "Please, make yourself at home. We will be starting shortly, so it's best that you prepare yourself for your evaluation."

"Yes, sir, thank you!" Lucy smiled. She looked up at the fancy white mansion and took a deep breath before following behind the duke.


Once she was settled in for the day, time suddenly flew for Lucy. She spent the rest of the afternoon just reading and exploring the mansion (while trying to ignore the lustful gaze of Hans, who took every opportunity to cop a feel whenever he could) and she spent her evening eating a wonderful dinner with Hans while talking about her future goals once she got into Fairy Tail. Before she knew it, night had fallen, and it was time for her evaluation.

When the time finally came, Lucy was in the bathroom doing some quick touchups before her big

moment. She was still wearing her outfit, as the duke wanted to take it off himself and said she looked good in it. After making sure she looked fresh for her "client" Lucy took a deep breath and made her way to the duke's room, which was the largest in the mansion. She knocked on the door and heard an excited voice come from within.

"Come in!" Hans sang.

Lucy steeled herself and opened the door. When she entered the unsurprisingly lavish bedroom, she saw the duke sitting on the edge of his king sized bed smiling widely at her. He was completely naked, and Lucy could see that his cock was already semi-hard just from the sight of her. Even in its limp state, Lucy had to guess it was about eight inches long and fairly thick. She'd probably have trouble just wrapping a hand around it. Lucy stood in front of the duke and gave a slight curtsey.

"Thank you for choosing me, sir." Lucy said with a smile. "How may I service you?"

"Let's see how good you are at handling cock." Hans suggested, pointing to his dick. "On your knees."

Lucy got between his spread legs and knelt down before him, grasping his dick and began to lightly stroke it with one hand while the other went to cup his balls. Which, like his cock, were in incredibly large. Signs that the good noble probably had a lot of fertility pills in his prime years.

Hans grinned down at her and leaned back on his hands to watch her work. Lucy's fondling of his package was causing his dick to harden rapidly. She continued to caress his rapidly expanding cock to finally reaching its full size, and Lucy couldn't help but get excited at the sheer size of it. It stood proudly at an impressive eleven inches and was so thick that she couldn't be able to fully get her hand around it.

'That's going to be inside me soon.' Lucy thought blushing. The thought of that monster spreading her open made her wet on the spot and she felt her heart rate increase. She got back to work in jerking his dick off, now using both hands to service his engorged dick. Her slow pace and slight pressure made Hans lean his head back with his eyes closed in bliss.

"You're doing wonderful, my dear." Hans groaned. Lucy smiled and stopped her pumping, causing him to groan in protest. A groan which quickly turned to one of pleasure and surprise when something warm and wet encased the bulbous head of his cock.

Looking down, his eyes widened when he saw Lucy lean forward and take his dick into her widely stretched mouth. When she started taking him deeper, he actually went a little cross-eyed from pleasure. Lucy took him in deeper until she felt the huge head hit the back of her throat before pulling back, sucking deeply the entire way until only the head was left. Keeping the head in her mouth, Lucy started swirling her tongue around the tip before going back in for more.

When Hans' cock hit the back of her throat again, Lucy didn't retreat, but instead started to deepthroat him, which in hindsight, wasn't a good idea. The duke rarely had a girl willing to deepthroat him, and Lucy's overindulgence was too much for him to handle. He wasn't ready for her to go straight to a blowjob, and he definitely wasn't ready for the surprise deepthroat. He was about to blow!

Hans grabbed her hair and held her head in place, his cock partially down her throat, before he let loose. Her eyes flew wide open as the already thick shaft stretching her throat expanded further, causing her to gag as Hans started hosing her throat down with his thick cum. Being unprepared, some of the jizz shot out of her nose and poured back out her mouth, coating the duke's dick before dripping down onto her breasts, sliding into her impressive cleavage before she got her bearings and started swallowing the near cup-sized blasts of jizz.

For nearly two minutes she was forced to gulp down the thick, creamy liquid before Hans let go of her hair. Now free, she slowly slid his erection out of her mouth, gently sucking the entire way until she released him from her mouth with a loud pop. Not done cumming yet, Hans shot the last few streams onto her face, the size of the shots still large enough to coat Lucy's features in a gooey mask.

"I hope that was satisfactory." Lucy said after swallowing the cum still in her mouth and throat. "Did I do well, sir?"

"You were great, girl! Better than I imagined!" Hans exclaimed lewdly. "You're going to make tons of money, I'm sure of that!"

Lucy smiled and stood up to pull off her blue and white blouse, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra, and letting her large tits bounce free to the duke's hungry eyes. They were soft and perky, capped with hard pink nipples that stood out against her fair skin. She pulled the duke off the bed and calmly got in front of him, bending over and lifting her short skirt, showing that she had no panties on and thrusting her glorious ass towards him.

"Please use me as you see fit, sir."

"I intend to." Hans said eagerly and got behind Lucy. He grabbed a hold of her wide hips with one hand and used the other to press his cockhead against the moist pink folds of her twat. Once he was in position, he grabbed her hips with both hands and jerked his own hips forward, spearing seven inches into her.

Lucy screamed with pleasure and a little pain, this being her first time taking such a large cock. Hans pulled out three inches before shooting his hips forward, burying what he just pulled out plus another two inches. He continued pulling out a couple of inches and then burying a couple more into Lucy's tight twat with each thrust, until her bubble butt was pressed tightly to his hips. As Hans pumped the last inch into her, he pierced her cervix, getting instant results, dragging Lucy into the biggest orgasm she had so far. Coating Hans' dick in juices, she started jerking and shaking, her pussy trying to milk Hans' cock of all his thick ball cream, forcing him to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from dumping his load right then and there.

Holding still while Lucy came around his dick, Hans couldn't help but feel proud for getting her to cum quickly. He still had it at his old age! When she finally stopped convulsing, Hans slowly withdrew seven inches and drove balls deep into her again. Moving his hands from her hips, he reached around her and grasped the girl's ample tits, all while slowly sawing seven inches out and then all the way back in again. He kept this up for several minutes until her pussy adjusted a little better to his size before picking up the pace. Using Lucy's tits for handholds, Hans eventually started fucking his cock into her at a rapid tempo.

"Ugh, you're so damn tight! I could screw this pussy all night long!" Hans grunted as her pussy clenched around him at random intervals. Lucy's face was red and sweaty as she was fucked like the whore she was.

Burying himself completely into Lucy, Hans quit thrusting, but before she could protest, she was pulled straight up against his chest. He then lifted Lucy off her feet and hooked his arms under her knees to spread her legs apart before thrusting up into her. Lucy gasped and moaned as she was used as a living cocksleeve for this perverted noble, her tits jiggle violently as she bounced up and down, her womb bulging slightly from the thick cock repeatedly impaling it.

She looked down past her bouncing tits to see his cock spreading her stretching folds with wet squelches that resounded in her ears. The sight and sounds of his cock pounding into her sent her crashing into another huge orgasm, which was quickly followed by another as Hans kept pounding up into her, forcing her through one mind bowing orgasm after another until they all just blended into one long, mind melting experience. Eventually Lucy's eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue hung out of her open mouth.

Duke Hans was so focused on the delicious sensation that Lucy's constantly convulsing pussy was giving him that he completely lost track of time. For almost an hour he kept Lucy in that position, screwing his massive erection up into her. Eventually his self-control gave out and, feeling his balls tighten, Hans buried himself as deeply as he could into Lucy and grunted as he felt his dick swell. This caused Lucy to regain some semblance of thought just as Hans grunted and his dick seemed to expand even further.

"Shit, here it comes, girl, take it! Take my load!" He grunted out as he shot what felt like several pints of cum up into Lucy. She froze and screamed as she felt her womb swell from the thick globs of cum the duke pumped into her, coating her pussy in load after load of thick cream that she had the pleasure of tasting just moment before. Lucy couldn't hold it all, however, and it started pouring back out of her stretched twat over Hans' balls, and formed a large puddle underneath the two fuck drunk partners.

Soon their orgasms tapered off and Hans lowered both of them onto the bed, his cock still buried deep within Lucy. He pulled her close to him, his hands still gripping her tits, both of them on the verge of sleep.

"You were born to be a whore, Lucy." Hans whispered into her ear while weakly sawing in and out of her cum-filled cunt. "Yes, you're a natural whore, but I think you'll do even better as my personal

servant. Can't let that uppity brat at Fairy Tail get all the good pieces of ass, can I?"

Lucy was still too out of it to hear the duke's shameless taunting as he groped her. She had already fallen asleep, dreaming of her long journey to Fairy Tail.


The next morning, Lucy woke up to the sound of shouting right outside the door. She groaned, rubbing her eyes as she pushed herself upright. Her pussy was sore from last night, her thighs still stained white with cum, and the sheets covered in sweat and other fluids. Lucy peeked under her sheets and saw that she had a fresh load of cum leaking from her cunt, showing that the duke had his way with her when she was still asleep.

"Where is he?" She asked herself, looking around.

"You have some balls trying to poach one of our girls!"

"D-Don't talk to me like that, girl! I'm a noble of the highest order and I will-"

"Shut it, fatty! No one cares if you're the fucking king of Fiore himself, you don't just up and snatch

a potential candidate like that from us without consequences!"

"What's going on out there?" Lucy wondered, pulling the sheet over her bare chest. She was about to get up to see what was going on, but then the shouting grew louder.

"Consequences? Girl, I have more money in my coffers than your ratty brothel could ever make in a lifetime! It'll take more than one girl to intimidate me. Say, you're a pretty one. Maybe if you get on your knees and service my cock, I'll—"

There was a loud bang that made Lucy jump and suddenly the door was thrown open and a large body went flying over the bed to slam into the wall near the window. It was Duke Hans! The fat man slid to the ground, completely unconscious with a bleeding nose.

"Hey, you Lucy Heartfilia?"

Lucy's head swerved around to face the person addressing her. It was a girl, probably a year or two younger than her. She had dark brown hair tied into twin tails with red ribbons and olive green eyes.

She wore a short orange dress with a halter top and black leggings. On her arms were detached

sleeves that flared up near her forearms. Lucy couldn't help but notice the slight cleavage behind the collar of the girl's dress, hinting at a budding chest that was sure to get larger in her later years.

"Well, are you her or not?" The girl asked impatiently. Lucy gulped and nodded.

"Y-Yes, I'm Lucy!" She said. "W-Who are you?"

"Zera, Madam Mavis's personal assistant and manager." The girl introduced herself, walking over to the still naked Lucy.

"Um, w-what happened?" Lucy asked. "Did the duke do something wrong?"

"You have no idea, sister. Our fat friend here was planning to trick you into signing a contract that would make you into his personal servant and whore. This guy's already poached several potential prostitutes from several other brothels and e nearly did the same with you. I'm the person you were supposed to meet yesterday, but my carriage was a day late."

"Oh." Lucy muttered. So all that sex last night was for nothing?

"You should probably know that brothels only do evaluations on the premises." Zera informed

her. "The duke's been preying on innocent young aspiring whores like you using that trick to get inside your skirt. No need to be ashamed or anything."

"Ah, thanks." Lucy nodded sadly. She really hoped that she didn't just ruin her chances at joining Fairy Tail. "If you're here now, does this mean I'm still in the running?"

"Oh you've already passed, Lucy." Zera smirked. "I've heard from the other servants that you spent all night servicing Duke Hans over here and completely wiped him out. I hear he even went for seconds before I got here this morning."

Zera gripped the sheet and ripped it away from Lucy's chest, exposing her glistening tits and

voluptuous curves. She grinned and ran her hand down the blonde's body before going between her legs and sinking her fingers into Lucy's pussy. Lucy gasped, startled, and moaned when she felt those fingers scoop out a copious amount of cum from her slightly sore folds.

"Very nice." Zera praised, looking at the thick clump of jizz on her hand before shoving them into her mouth and licking the cum from her fingers. Lucy felt her loins heat up from how sensually Zera licked and swallowed down the cum. "You're a hard worker and Fairy Tail needs hard workers for the coming season ahead. We're getting popular now, and that means more clients and longer shifts. You think you're up to it, sweetheart?"

"Y-Yes, I'm totally up to it!" Lucy exclaimed happily. "I'm up for anything you have for me!"

Zera smiled. "That's just what I wanted to hear." She said before reaching down to scoop out more cum from Lucy's pussy to feast on. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy. You deserved it."