
Fairy Tail: The Grinder

After dying, I met ROB. Who offered to reincarnate me in a random world with a special wish, to compensate for "accidentally" killing me. Though, for some reason, he didn't seem very pleased with the situation. Why do I say so? Because as soon as I told him that I wanted a System, he disposed of me. Not even letting me explain properly what kind of System I wanted. As a result, when I woke up in my new body, I received the beautiful surprise that the system that he gave me was the most basic shit that could exist. I wanted a Multiversal System! What the heck do I do with this excuse of a system?! Where's my OP shop?! Where is my super OP cheat?! Where is my long list of stats?! Why can't I even level up?! -Sigh...- Well, whatever. I guess I will have to settle with it. Huh? What do you mean I have to work out? *** A/N: Just gonna update this whenever I want. So don't expect any consistency or schedule. I can't bother with having any of those.

Anonyrius · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Trash System



I don't know how much time passed after I lost consciousness.

However, after I woke up, I found myself in the arms of a woman that I had never seen in my life.

She was a beautiful woman with long black hair and amber-colored eyes that seemed to shine beautifully once the sunrays reflected in them.

However, she was huge.

And I didn't mean it in "that" way.

She was literally twice or thrice my size.

Something that surprised me quite a bit when I saw it. I even went agape once I noticed the difference between us.

After all, who wouldn't be surprised after seeing such a giant person?

Though, in this case, I guess it was wrong to call her a giant.


It took me a little to understand what was happening and how I ended up in this situation.

My memories were rather blurry. And as such, I felt a bit lost for a few seconds.

However, after calling on my memory, I remembered everything that happened in the afterlife, and how that rude ROB had promised to reincarnate me with a wish of my choosing.

So, rapidly connecting the dots, I understood why the woman holding me was so huge, and why I felt a bit lost at the moment.

Fortunately, the woman seemed to be asleep right now, so she didn't notice my odd behavior from before.

'So this is the famous reincarnation, huh?'

Looking around me with interest, I massaged my chin as I appreciated what was most likely another world.

Before I died, I had read a lot of stories that involved reincarnation, or similar plots like transmigration. So of course, I was already accustomed to this whole scenario.

Reincarnation never sent back the main characters to their original worlds... Or at least, that was what usually happened in the stories that I read.

So, seeing that I had been reincarnated, it was normal for me to think that maybe this place was a completely different world altogether, and not just Earth.

Of course, I have never reincarnated before, so I have no actual way of knowing if that is true or not.

But, on the very plausible possibility that this place is indeed another world, I wondered... Was this some kind of medieval world? A world that had a futuristic/intergalactic setting, or was it a world from one of those works of fiction that I saw in my past life?

When you read all kinds of works related to reincarnation, ranging from novels to fanfictions, you tend to consider quite a lot of options in the actually real situation.

And, with an afterlife, and with gods on the line, nothing was really impossible in my mind anymore.

So, it was normal for me to feel curious.

'Though, it doesn't seem likely that an answer will arrive soon...'

Raising an eyebrow as I noticed that in the room nothing seemed to give a clue about the nature of this world, I let out a sigh, before I turned to look at the woman that was holding me, and squinted my eyes a bit.

After all, now that I had reincarnated, it was normal for me to wonder about the identity of the first person that I got to see.

'... But, judging from the way she is holding me, and the fact that I'm a baby... I guess it isn't all much of a mystery'

Rapidly connecting the dots, I arrived at the conclusion that she was my mother.


After all, you never know.

But anyway, for the time being, that was the most likely answer.

And, if that was indeed the case...

'Phew, at least I have good genes' I thought while a small smile blossomed on my face seeing that I at least wouldn't grow up to be ugly.

It wasn't that I was ugly in my previous life. However, since I did not swing the other way, I never really was able to tell if I was above average, below average, or simply average.

The fact that women considered as handsome some guys that I thought were ugly also didn't help.

Sometimes I would say, "Damn man, that guy must have it rough", and then hear some chicks call him hot.

That really ruined my perception of beauty.

Thus, even if I would say "Damn, who is this Adonis?" whenever I saw myself in my bathroom mirror, I never really knew if it was just my perception that made me think like that.

So, knowing that in this life my genes would be good made me feel relieved.

At least in this new life, I wouldn't have to face such confusion.



'Now... Should I check?'

After leaving the matter of my appearance aside, I turned to look at the air and grinned in excitement.

After all, now that I had checked the less significant details, it was time to check the most important thing right now.

The thing that I hadn't checked out first because of nervousness... And maybe because I had forgotten a bit.

'Now... let's see what kind of system that asshole gave me...'

My beautiful system.

I remember that I tried asking that asshole for a multiversal system. However, that ROB didn't even let me finish my wish before he sent me away.

So, right now, I would only hope that he had read my mind, and knew exactly what kind of system I wanted. Even without hearing it all.


So, mustering my courage to see the plot device and story-ruiner that I had read and imagined countless times in my previous life, now in live action and with me in the protagonist's seat, I cleared my imaginary throat and said the magic word in my mind.


Once I muttered those words in my mind, a translucent screen appeared in my vision. Making me smile widely as my eyes shone with enthusiasm.

'This is... Huh?'

That... However, lasted very little.


『Welcome to the system thing or whatever』



The first thing that made me frown was the presentation message.

In all the system stories that I had read, usually a polite and welcoming message like "Welcome to the system, host!" popped up when opening the system for the first time.

So, what was this shit?

System thing or whatever?


Seeing that, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling all of a sudden. Making me gulp in nervousness while I waited for my status window to open up.

However, soon, I shook my head and calmed myself down.

'Nah, I'm probably just being paranoid... There's no way a ROB would be so petty as to ruin a simple wish like a system... Heck, even if he did not give me a multiversal one, a standard one would do the job... He is omnipotent, how bad would his system be?'

Shaking my doubts away, I smiled confidently, before I glanced at the screen again and waited for the status window to open up.

And, fortunately, it soon did.

『Opening the status thingy』

'Yeah, I was just worrying for nothi— Huh?!'

Unfortunately, my confidence was rapidly shattered once the contents of my so-called "Status thingy" opened.

Vitaliti: 10

MAagic power: 10

[Stattus points: 0]



What the fuck is this?

Are those fucking typos in a system?!



『... You saw nothing』


Vitalyti: 10

Magic power: 10

[Status points: 0]



Hey, idiot. There's still one there.



Vitality: 10

Magic power: 10

[Status points: 0]



Ignoring the fixes that were occurring right in front of my face, I stared at my status window with disbelief and let out a dry laugh.

One not to cry.

Though, eventually, I ended up bursting out.

'That's it?!'

Angry and indignant, I tried to grab the screen to shake it. However, my baby hands just passed through it.

So, instead, I began complaining to the ROB.

He had just fixed the system. So he was probably still there. And, seeing the piece of shit that he had given me, I was gonna give him a piece of my mind!

'Hey, you little piece of— '

『Alright, it seems that there's no problem with your reincarnation. I'm out』

However, he left before I was even able to finish my sentence.






I tried calling out to him a few more times with my thoughts, thinking that he was just dodging my question. However, after a while of not getting responses, I gave up and let out a frustrated sigh.

Then, glancing at the system screen, I frowned a little, before I groaned in a low voice and began complaining inside my mind.

'I just wanted a multiversal system that allowed me to travel between dimensions, and that had a shop included, and that granted me the ability to level up infinitely, and that allowed me to steal skills from others, and that gave me the gamer body and gamer mind abilities, and that strengthened in exchange of getting a harem... I wasn't even asking for much...'

Scoffing, I glanced at the ceiling and imagined the face of that fucking ROB looking at me from above. Soon gritting my teeth and cursing inside my mind as a result.

'ROB? More like... Uh... ROBStingy motherfucker'

Unfortunately, my imagination was pretty limited. So I wasn't able to come up with a better nickname.

My rant continued for a while after that. However, eventually, I was able to calm down by taking long and deep breaths.

Once I collected myself, I turned to look at my "system" with resignation, before I then narrowed my eyes slightly as I glanced at its simple interface.


'Well, whatever... At least I got something...' I thought as I looked at the bright side of all this.

I was angry that I had been scammed. However, a system was a system. Even if it was not as OP as I would have desired, it was better than nothing.

He would have just dropped me in this new life without anything besides my memories. Or even worse, he would have just outright taken my memories away and simply reincarnate me without them.

So, my situation wasn't all that bad.

Though, I will make sure to remember this. One day, I will get back to him.

He also killed me in my previous life, so that's another thing to note for my vengeance one day.

Either way, leaving my plans for revenge for another moment, I glanced at the status window and glanced at the two stats that I had.

"Vitality", and "Magic power".

They were a little bit self-explanatory already, but it wouldn't hurt anyone if I checked on them just in case they meant something entirely different from what I had in mind.

Who knew what Vitality or Magic power meant for that guy, after all?

So, ignoring the feelings of disappointment that I was experiencing while seeing how few stats I had, I moved my finger toward the screen and tried touching the names of the stats to see if something like a description would pop up from them.

And, fortunately, it did.

Though, my mood didn't improve much when I saw what popped up.

「Vitality: Provides a comprehensive snapshot of your physical condition, showcasing your body's capability to perform a wide range of physical tasks. Enhancing your vitality can lead to improved physical performance and better survival chances in physically demanding situations. Whether it's facing formidable opponents, enduring grueling challenges, or performing acts of physical prowess, your vitality will play a central role in determining your success.

This was written with the help of GodGPT

「Magic Power: This stat represents the amount of magical energy a mage possesses and their ability to harness it for spellcasting. It serves as the fuel for magical actions, determining the potency and finesse of a mage's spells. Additionally, Magic Power slightly enhances the mage's physical attributes, but the degree of enhancement depends on the type of magic they specialize in and the amount of magical power that they possess.

This was written with the help of GodGPT


That guy...


'I'm not even gonna say anything about it'

Ignoring a certain detail in the description of both stats, I read everything in there and massaged my chin in interest.

'Magic, huh? Well at least it doesn't seem to be a boring world' I thought while grinning excitedly.

Seeing that magic was present there, I guess it was safe to assume that magic existed in this world.

That, or I had the cheat of being the only one with magic...

However, recalling how that asshole has been behaving until now, I don't think he would have done something so considerate.

So, it was more likely that it was this world that had magic in it, and as such, there was an even bigger probability that this world was like from those novels where magic exists and there's a demon king, blah blah blah.

That, or I was in Harry Potter... Or any anime that had magic in it actually.

That, or I was in my previous world, but magic actually existed in it already, and I'm only aware of it now thanks to my system telling me that it existed.

'Alright, I'm going crazy with my theories over here...'

Shaking my head after realizing that I was getting sidetracked, I let out a sigh and decided to calm down.

But well, you never know.

'Anyway... This is..'

Diverting my attention from the magic stat, I then turned to look at what seemed to be the source of my power now that I had this system.

'Status points'

In most stories, one obtained them after getting enough exp and leveling up, or by completing quests. However, seeing how simple my system was, it didn't look like I was gonna be able to level up. So I wondered how I would obtain them.

Thus, looking for answers I tried touching the words in the screen to see if a description would pop up like with both stats.


However, this time nothing happened.


Seeing that, I became speechless for a second. Not knowing how to react to that.

'This guy...!'

However, eventually, I began trying to press different parts of the screen with a desperate look in my eyes. All while wondering "That guy couldn't have possibly forgotten about adding a way of gaining status points... Right?".

Seeing how careless that bastard had been until now, I couldn't help but think that he had actually forgotten.

And those thoughts only strengthened once I noticed that, no matter where I pressed, no explanation as to how to get them appeared.

'You have to be kidding me...'

Eventually, I began getting desperate.

However, fortunately for my heart, while I was busy checking every single pixel of the screen, another window popped out of nowhere and answered my question.

However, like many times this day, I was not happy when I saw it.

『Daily Mission: Jog around for 30 minutes

[Description: Dunno, Jog around or something. I don't have time to bother about this shit.]

Progress: 0/30 minutes.

Reward upon completion: +1 Status Point.

Punishment: Whatever.



Seeing the mission, I couldn't help but feel something inside me break.

'What the fuck do you mean jog?! I'm a fucking baby. I can barely even lift my head right now!'



It seemed like my life in this world wasn't going to be any easy, huh?


〖To be continued...〗